Chapter 5: First day at U.A

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The week went by quickly, now the new school year was beginning. Haikari and I were running on time for once... at least until Haikari left the me unattended and fell asleep. He had to shake me to wake me from my small nap. "(N/N)! Now really isn't the time to sleep!" Slowly I opened my eyes to see my brother standing above me. I groaned, slowly realization dawned on me.

"AHHHHHH! We're so going to be late!" I jumped up grabbing my stuff, Haikari close behind. Neither of us stopped running until we reach our class just us the bell went. "Well...w-we should...go in." I was panting, my brother only managed a nod. sliding open the door we were met with stares. "Sorry we're late..." I laughed nervously while rubbing the back of my neck.

I scanned the room and saw two familiar faces, Izuku and Katsuki. "Late on the first day..." I looked towards the source of the tired sounding voice. There at the front of the class stood a tired looking man. "Sorry again..." He sighed, "Go take a seat."

Haikari and I bowed, take two seats next to each other. "Like I was saying... today were going to be doing a quirk test. So get in your P.E uniform and move to the field." I waved to my brother as we went to where we'd be changing.

~Haikari's POV~

I waved goodbye to my sister following the rest of the guys to where we'd be changing. "Kari is that actually you." I heard a familiar voice call out to me, "Of course it is Izuku." I smiled at him.

"I didn't know you and (N/N) were coming to U.A and I didn't see you at the entrance exam..." I laughed. "That's cause we only found out a week ago. We got in through an anonymous recommendation." I explained to Izuku about the morning we received the letters while we were getting changed.

"So why were you guys late?" I sighed as we walk out to the field. "(N/N) fell asleep and didn't get up till late." Once we reached the field Izuku and I walked over to stand by (Y/N). "You guys took sooo long." She whined. I let out a small laugh at my sisters childish behavior. She throw her arms around mine and Izuku's shoulders. "Let's enjoy this okay?" She smiled, I saw Izuku blush a little.

I know he doesn't like (N/N) in that way, he just gets embarrassed and flustered easily.

~(Y/N)'s POV~ *time skip to after the test*

I wanted so bad to walk up and punch Mr. Aizawa after the way he treated Izuku and Katsuki didn't help either. Haikari kept me calm though so I didn't do anything stupid on the first day. When we got the results back me and Haikari tied for 4th, considering our quirks were basically the same.

Everyone's eyes looked at who the poor soul who got last was, as Mr. Aizawa had said the person in last place would be expelled. As soon as I saw Izuku's name my eyes feel on my shaking friend, I felt bad, though I guessed it was probably a ruse to get us to use our full power.

All eyes turned to our teacher as he spoke, "Oh yeah, that whole expulsion thing was a lie." Everyone went silent as he continued, "It was a logical ruse to pull out your best performances." I smiled as Izuku and a few others began to freak out, i think there were some tears too. "c'mon guys, use your brains. Of course it was just a ruse." Yaoyorozu, I believe, spoke up. "Hey don't be so harsh on them," I place a hand on her shoulder.

"right, yep, with that it's over. Your curriculum sheets are back on the classroom so give them a once over." Mr Aizawa turned to Izuku and handed him a piece of paper, "And Midoriya, go to recovery girl and patched up.Since your eyeballs will doubtless pop out of their sockets at tomorrow's absurd ordeal." After that Mr Aizawa left, as did some of the students. Haikari and I walked over to Izuku. "What a relief. It would have sucked if you got kick out."

I smiled at him and he smiled back. "Alright!" Kari got attention, "Let's get through the rest of today and walk home together." We all nodded and headed off to get ready for the rest of the day. Izuku, Haikari and I met up at the front gates after school. "Izuku, You look exhausted are you okay?" He nodded. "Okay then-" Someone placed a hand on Izuku's shoulder causing the poor exhausted boy to jump. "Is your finger healed?"

I turned to the source of the voice. It was a boy I remember from class. He had dark blue hair and glasses. "Oh, hey Iida. Recovery girl saw to that..." Haikari and I turned to face the two boys behind us. I was about to say something when a second person came into view, "Hey guys!" A girl with short brown hair came towards us, she was cute.

I zoned out a bit during there conversation, that is until said conversation was pointed towards Haikari and myself. "You two were the two that came late this morning, right?" the girl was now standing in front of me. I nodded, "Yeah... I kinda slept in..." I rubbed the back of my neck. She held out her hand, "I'm Uraraka Ochaco." I shock her hand and smiled at her. The other boy was next, "And my name is Iida Tenya, It's a pleasure to meet you." I shock his hand as well.

"I'm (L/N) (Y/N), you can call me (Y/N) or (N/N) and this is my twin brother Haikari." I throw my arm around my brother. "Older twin brother, please call me Haikari or Kari for short, It's a pleasure to meet you both." Uraraka smiled, "okay then you can call me Ochaco. Now come on (N/N), Kari, Deku!"

I looked over at Izuku like 'Your letting her call you that', He blushed a little and nodded. I smiled, Izuku you can be adorable sometimes, "Okay let's go!"

And with that my first day at U.A came to an end. Things were only going to get more interesting as the year went on.

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