Chapter 42: Hanging with the gang!

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

I dropped off the paperwork at Will's office and headed back towards the room where the boys and Hana were, Shoto following me. Once we reached the room I turned to Shoto, "A few things I should tell you first... Kemuri is like my other brother, Hana is shy and can be quiet emotional and Yasei is excitable, he'll probably ask a lot of question. They watched the sports festival so they will probably recognize you and if you upset any of them, which I'm sure you won't, you will be dealing with me." Shoto looked a little shocked at the dark tone in my voice, "These guys are a second family to me... without them I probably wouldn't be here. They've each already been through a lot and I make it my job to make sure they don't feel the way they use to"

Shoto seemed to understand and gave me a nod. I smiled, "Good. Now let's go inside!" I opened up the door with a large grin, "I'm back kids!" I called out, "And I brought a friend!" All eyes looked at me curiously, Hana hiding a little behind Kemuri and Yasei. I looked at Shoto and gestured for him to enter as well. I gestured at him, "Ta-da!" They were defiantly all surprised, "Shoto?! What are you doing here?!" Haikari asked. Shoto looked toward my brother, "I was visiting my mum..." Haikari's eyes went a little wider before turning to me, I gave him a nod, "She was Will's patient. That's how I ran into Shoto here." 

The other three finally came out of their shock, Yasei grinned like a maniac. "Your Todoroki Shoto! The boy who came in second at U.A's sport festival and the one (Y/N) told us about!" I felt my face heat up just slightly, "Yasei, come here." I smiled, though anyone who has know me long enough could tell I wasn't amused. Yasei ear dropped a little as he sweat dropped, "U-Uh...I-I think I-I'm good staying over here with Kemuri." I looked the young boy and sighed, "Whatever, anyway. We are all going out!" I smiled. The three teen looked surprised, Haikari's face brightened up, "You finally got approved?!" I smiled and nodded, "Yep! So we're all going out for the day. Shoto you wanna come to?"

The duel haired boy looked at my friends for a moment, then gave a nod, "Sure... Though I still don't know their names." I felt my face flush a little bit and rubbed the back of my neck, "R-right... That would probably help. Shoto I'd like you to meet my friends. The eldest with the white hair is Hinotenshi Kemuri." Said boy waved with a smile, "The boy with wolf ears is Yasei and Hana's the little lady over there." Yasei ears perked up and grinned, while Hana shyly waved. "And though I'm pretty sure you all know by now, the duel haired boy standing beside me Todoroki Shoto, my classmate and close friend. Now that introductions are out of the way... Let's go!"

I grabbed Kemuri and Todoroki's wrists and dragged them out the door. The others following closely behind. When we reached the front desk I signed them all out, Linda smiling telling me to bring them all back safely. Once out side I turned to my companions, "So what do you all want to do?" They all seemed to think for a moment, Yasei, Hana and Kemuri haven't really left the hospital since they were brought in. "How about we just walk around until we see something to do?" Kemuri suggested.

I smiled. "Sounds like a plan then. So come on." We all began to walk down the path. Haikari and Kemuri up front, Hana and Yasei in middle looking around in awe and Shoto and I walking behind. "I doubt this is how you were expecting  your day to go huh? Walking around with a group you don't really know." I looked up at Shoto through the corner of my eye. "I don't mind... They all seem to be enjoying themselves, when was the last time they were all out here?" I smiled a little sadly, "They haven't been out since arriving at the hospital. Their mental states were too much of a mess... They've all been there at lest two years now and have improved a lot, so I thought I could surprise them with this."

Shoto looked like he was hesitant, but spoke up anyway, "Were their situations like yours?" I laughed a little and shock my head, "No, but I was the one who took them all to the hospital. I'm glad I found them all when I did... They may not have made it otherwise." Shoto looks at me curiously and I sigh, "When I meet Kemuri, he was preparing to jump off of a building after his parents kicked him out for being gay. Yasei was chained down like an animal by a gang of weak villains who were going to try and sell him and Hana..." My voice cracked a little as I remember the states they were all in when I found them, "Hana is quirkless. Her mother saw her as a disappointment, her father was never around and she was bullied at school. One day some kids went to far and I found her beaten in an ally." 

Shoto looked shock and glanced back at the three patients in front of us. Kemuri and Haikari were smiling and a little red, their hands only centimeters apart, but not getting any closer. Hana and Yasei were holding hands, laughing little jokes they made and The older boys red faces. I smiled as I looked at them myself, "They've gotten better now though. One of the thing that seemed to help them was music. Speaking of which!" My voice got a little louder at the end Causing the others to turn to Shoto and I, "Give me a sec, I want to see if I can do something! You guys head keep going, I'll catch up!" They all gave me a curious look before continuing to walk. Once they were out of range to hear me I pulled out my phone.

When the ring stop and a voice calls out hello from the other side I grin, "Hey Will! I have a question, Do you still have our guitar and keyboard?" I heard a laugh, "Yeah, We've still got them. Why?" I explain to him that I manged to get permission to take the others out and I wanted to put on a bit of a performance. "That sounds great! You could do it here? It would be easier then trying to transport your stuff to multiple place." I couldn't stop myself from grinning, "That's perfectly fine! Thank you!" Will let out another laugh, "I'll see you soon (Y/N). Nico and I  will set everything up."

I ended the call and caught up to the others, "Guys follow me! We're going to Will's!" They all seemed a little confused, but followed me anyway. When we arrived at the small house I knock on the door. "Hey guys come on in!" Will greeted with a smile. When we entered Will looked at Shoto. "And who might you be?" Shoto held out his hand, "Todoroki Shoto. I'm (Y/N) and Haikari's classmate." Will took his hand and shock it, "Will Solace. My boyfriend Nico's in the back setting everything up. So follow me!" Will lead us to another room with instruments set up ready for a performance. I the middle of the room stood a young man around Will's age with black hair, dark eyes and ghostly pale skin. "Hey Nico."

Nico looked up us and smiled a little, "Hey guys." He looked at Shoto, "Who's he?" Will shot him a look, "Play nice Nico. He's (Y/N) and Haikari's friend." Shoto held out his hand again, "Todoroki Shoto." Nico shock it, "Nico Di Angelo." My brother looked at me, "You could have told me you were planing this (Y/N)." I just shrugged and stepped towards the mic grabbing a guitar, "Too late now. Will, Nico care to join?" The older two nodded, each picking up their instruments. I whispered to each of them the song I wanted to do and we started.

Once we finished, the others applauded. Shoto looked amazed and smiled a little. "That was great." I smiled, my cheeks a little pink. "Thank you, Now any requested?" We spent the afternoon playing music and hanging out. By the end Shoto had opened up to everyone and looked like he was enjoying himself. Soon we had to leave, Shoto headed home and Haikari and I took the others back to the hospital and headed home.

Broken Past: Todoroki Shoto x  Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now