Chapter 48: Surprise visit.

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

The next morning I woke up with my head pounding. Slowly I sat up to see Shoto, Izuku and Iida talking. "Morning guys." I mumble a little. The three boys looked at me and smiled. I looked over each of them taking in their injuries. The four of us continued our conversation. "Now that I can reflect more calmly... That was pretty impressive." Izuku said. Shoto nodded, "Yeah..."  

"After being shown an end like that I've come to think It's a miracle we're still alive." Izuku looked towards the ground. I looked over my own injuries and sighed. My brother's are going to kill me. "Looking at my leg I think if he'd wanted to kill me... He probably could have." My green haired friend continued. "Dude, you faced with such intense bloodlust and yet you still stood right back up to face him. Pretty kickass." Shoto praised, "Shit, I was supposed to come to your rescued myself. My  bed." I smiled and rubbed the back of my neck, "Same here. I wish I could of helped more."

"No..." Iida said, "I'm... I'm not..." Our class rep was interupted by the door opening. "Oohh, so the hurt locker's already awake!" I jumped a little looking over at the door as Gran Torino's voice rang out. There at the entrance stood Gran Torino, Manual, a man with the face of a dog and someone I was shocked to see. "Hiyori..." I smiled sheepishly at the sight of my older brother.

My brother glared at me slightly and approached my bed, "Give me your arm." He mumbled. I did as I was told as I listen to the conversation in the room. "Before that you have a visitor. The chief of the Hosu Police Precinct. Mr.Tsuragamae Kenji." I tensed a little. I felt Hiyori use his light to remove the effects of my dark quirk as Izuku called out in surprise. "'Tsuragamae'?!!... Chief Tsuragamae?!"

"Don't worry, you can remain seated. I know you had it quite ruff!" The police chief stated, however Shoto and Iida were all ready standing, "So you're the ones who put a stop to the hero killer! You're U.A. kids all right!" I hissed a little as Hiyori gripped my wrist a little tighter. "Actually, regarding the hero killer... He sustained several burns, bone fractures, and other serious injuries, and is presently undergoing treatment for them." I looked down a little not realizing we had caused so much damage.

   "Since the dawning of the phenomenon... The police have emphasized leadership and protocol and made it a point not to wield the quirks of individuals as weapons. So then heroes rose up to fill that gap, becoming a profession of equal validity." The Police chief continued, "Of course, such individual weaponization... is a force that can cause injury very easily. So the reason that the public can fully recognize such a prospect that, normally, would face due censure is because their forebears adhered strictly to rule and morals and the like."

"On the other paw those who aren't qualified yet might harm others through the use of their quirks without the direction of their guardians or supervisors. Even if their opponent were, say, the hero killer himself this is nevertheless a top caliber violation of the rules." My breath hitched a little, but Chief Tsuragamae wasn't done, "You four pups, and all the pro heroes which is to say, Endeavor, Manual, Gran Torino-- You seven must all be handed down an adequately impartial punishment."

I looked down, gripping the bed I was sitting on with my left hand. "Wait, hold on, sir." Shoto's voice filled the room. I looked at my friend. "If Iida hadn't moved in on him, then Mr. 'Native' would've gotten killed. And if Midoriya hadn't arrived, then the both of them would've died! At that time nobody had noticed the hero killer's appearance yet, sir." I smiled a little as Shoto stood up for us. "So are you saying we should have followed the rules and let everyone die?!"

"So if the end results turn out all right you think we should just fudge the rules, is that it?" The chief retorted. "Saving... Saving people is what heroes do! It's their job!" Shoto's voice was filled with determination. "Good grief... This is why they call you 'eggs'... Your education at U.A.- and from Endeavor- is hatching well." We were all a little shocked at Chief Tsuragamae words. "You damn mutt..." Shoto growled.

"Stop, he has a point!!" Iida tried to calm the situation down. "Shoto, calm down." I spoke up. The duel haired boy look at me for a moment and took a deep breath. "Listen to the rest of what he has to say." Gran Torino stood between Shoto and the police chief. "Well, that was my opinion as police. As for the rest of what I have to say... Well at the end of the day, punishment or what have you is only meted upon official disclosure." We all looked up at Chief Tsuragamae.

"A public announcement would invite the praise and admiration of the people for you... but it would also necessitate punishment." He explained, "If, however, I were to fail to go public with the true dirt of the affair then it could be concluded from the hero killer's burns that Endeavor was the man of merit who took him down, and back up that version of events. Fortunately the number of witnesses was extremely limited. What I'm saying is that we can bury your violation like a bone in the yard."

"However, this means no one will ever know that we were the ones who truly took down Stain." I finished, The police chief nodded, "So which will it be?! Personally... I really don't want anybody barking at you for such a glorious 'misstep' especially since you youngsters still have a promising road ahead of you!!" Manual took a step further into the room, "At any rate, we need to take responsibility for our negligence as supervisors." Iida bowed, "I'm so sorry, sir..." Manual hit the back of Iida's head lightly, "All right! You caused other people a heap of trouble! So if you understand, then never do it again!!"  I bowed my head along with boys. "Thank you." 

"Though the cheats of grown-ups, the calls of praise you should have received are no more...But at the very least,"Chief Tsuragamae bowed to us, "I, as a fellow human who keeps the peace... Give you my thanks!" After that Chief Tsuragamae   and the two pros left, leaving the boys, Hiyori and I in the room. I looked over at my brother, "Hiyori-" He gripped my making me hiss a little, "Do you have any idea how worried I was?!" I flinched a little at my brothers tone, "I get a call saying that my little sister got caught up in a fight with Stain!!"

I looked down and sighed, "Hiyori... Listen." My brother just continued to speak, "Do you even think before you act?! What if something had happened?! What-" I cut him off, having enough of his panicked tone, "Hiyori! Just stop! I'm fine." My brother looked up at me tears in his eyes, "But you might not have been... I wouldn't have been there to protect you." I watched as my older brother broke down and I hated it. I pulled Hiyori into my arms, "Listen. I wasn't alone, Iida, Izuku and Shoto had my back. You won't be there to protect me time Yori, you know that."

He wrapped his arms around me, "I know and that's what scares me."

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