Chapter 34: Izuku vs Shinsou

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

When we arrived back a the stadium, I saw the other girls in cheerleader outfits, Kaminari and Mineta being their normal selves. "ALL RIGHT, EVERYONE, COMPETE YOUR HEARTS OUT RECREATION! AND AFTER THAT, IT'S THE FINAL EVENT! FROM 4 TEAMS, 16 INDIVIDUALS HAVE MADE IT THROUGH!" President Mic called over the speakers, "WE'RE PITTING THEM AGAINST EACH OTHER IN ONE-ON-ONE COMBAT!!" Many of the finalist seemed excited, "A tournament, eh? Finally I'm gonna have the opportunity to appear on the stage that I see on the TV every year!" Kirashima called out happily. "There was a tournament last year too?" Ashido asked. "Some details end up changing, but each year is always one vs one." Sero answered.

"Now we're going to do a drawing to determine the pairings. So, contestants, we're going to continue with recreational events before beginning the tournament. The sixteen participants from the tournament can choose to abstain from the recreational events if those so choose. There's no problem if you'd like to rest and save your energy." Midnight spoke, "So, we begin with the team that got first place." Before Midnight could continue, Ojiro interrupted, "Please, excuse me!" We all turned to him, a little surprised, "I...I don't want to participate. Many people were shocked and started asking questions. "My participation in the cavalry battle... I was in the top ranks in the last few seconds I can't agree at all with that. Probably because of the quirk of that one guy."  

I looked over at a boy with mess indigo hair. Ojiro continued, "I know this is a rare opportunity... and to walk away would be stupid." I looked at him with sad eyes, "However! Everyone here gave their best to get so far... I'll never be able... To do the same." Hagakure spoke up, "You don't need to think that! There's no problem if you give your best until the end!" Ashido was next, "On the other hand if you say it that way, I'm not the same as you." Ojiro looked down, putting his hand over his the lower half of his face, "No, it's not like that! It's a question of dignity... I didn't want it to be that way... Besides, why are you wearing a cheerleader outfit?" He mumbled the last part. A kid from class B spoke up as well, "I don't agree either... I want to resign too! It doesn't matter the situation... to let someone win without doing anything... That doesn't go against the spirit of the sport festival?!"

"IT SEEMS LIKE THERE'S A WEIRD REVOLT... BUT THE FINAL DECISION STILL IS AT MIDNIGHT..." President Mic called over the speakers. "What innocent words." Midnight pulled out her whip, "I... Like them!!! I accept Shouda and Ojiro's resignation!" After some more talk and some of the class B students took their place. Then the order of the battles. It appeared I'd be fighting was Yaoyorozu and Haikari would vs Ashido. I looked over the names of my friends, Midoriya vs a guy named Shinsou, Shoto vs Sero, Iida vs Hatsume, Kirashima vs someone named Tetsutetsu and finally Ochaco vs Katsuki. I was a little concerned about them, mostly Ochaco because Katsuki won't hold back. Everyone did there own thing  until the first fight was called, "FIRST FIGHT! HIS GRADES AREN'T BAD, BUT WHAT THE HELL IS THAT EXPRESSION? FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF HEROES, MIDORIYA IZUKU!!!" I smiled a little as I sat with the rest of my class, "AGAINST... WE'RE SORRY BUT, HE'S ONLY A NORMAL STUDENT WITHOUT ANYTHING SPECIAL. FROM THE COMMON DEPARTMENT, SHINSOU HITOSHI!!" The boy with indigo hair walked out on to the arena. "THE RULES ARE SIMPLE! IF YOUR OPPONENT LEAVES THE RING, CAN'T MOVE ANY MORE OR SAYS 'I GIVE UP'. THEN THE VICTORY IS YOURS! DON'T WORRY ABOUT OVERDOING YOURSELF!! A RECOVERY GIRL IS WAITING PREPARED AT THE EDGE OF THE STADIUM!! SO, LEAVE YOUR MORALE TO THE SIDE AND GIVE IT YOUR ALL!! OF COURSE, TO PUT THE LIFE OF AN OPPONENT AT RISK FOR REASON IS NOT PERMITTED, IF YOU DO THAT YOU WILL BE DISQUALIFIED IMMEDIATELY! HEROES SHOULD ONLY ATTACK WITHOUT MERCY WHEN ATTACKING VILLAINS!"

We couldn't hear what was being said, but we all watched. Izuku went to ran at Shinsou, but suddenly froze. "AAAAH! Shit!!! Midoriya, What did I tell you?!" I looked at Ojiro before I turned back to the battle. "LISTEN, WHAT'S GOING ON? THIS IS THE FIRST FIGHT, YOU GUYS CAN'T BE ANY MORE EMOTIONAL?! AT THE BEGINNING MIDORIYA... HE COMPLETELY STOPPED MOVING?!" Shinsou looked like he said something to Izuku, who just turned around and began to walk towards the edge of the arena. "What the heck is he doing?" Haikari mumbled beside me, I shrugged, "Might be some kind of mind control type quirk." We all just watched as Izuku made his way closer to his defeat, but just before he stepped out of bounds, Izuku activated One for All, knocking himself out of his trance with a huge gust of wind. "WHAT THE... MIDORIYA!! HE CAME TO A HALT?!!" Izuku ran at his opponent, who punched him in the face before Izuku flipped him over the boundary. "Shinsou's out!" Midnight began, "Midoriya! You advance to round 2!!" I smiled a little, I was happy for Izuku, but I also felt a little bad for Shinsou. His quirk could be seen as villainous by most people, I know how that feels...

"Yo Bakugou, that's the same overhead throw he used on you, isn't it?" I looked over at Kaminari and Katsuki, "Shut it, drooly... That little bastard...!!" Katsuki did not look pleased. "YAH-HAH! BIT OF A NO-FRILLS BATTLE TO THE TOURNAMENT OFF, BUT CLAP YOUR HANDS AND GIVE THESE TWO A ROUND OF APPLAUSE! YOU FOUGHT WELL BOYS!" Everyone clapping, Shinsou looked a bit disappointed, but he looked up when other people started to cheer him on and talk about his quirk, even some of the pros in the audience were talking about it. I couldn't help but smile, his quirk was one fit for a hero. After that Izuku and Shinsou walked off, Izuku headed to Recovery girl to get his hand looked at. Shoto went off to prepare himself for his match.

This is going to be interesting.

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