Chapter 45: Seeing old friends

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

Eventually we arrived at where we'd be meeting Endeavor. I looked down at Shoto, who was still asleep and smiled a little. Gently I shock him awake, "Shoto. We're here you need to get up." The duel haired boy shifted a little and slowly opened his eyes. "Sleep well?" He nodded and rubbed his eyes. "We should go. It would be best not to keep my father waiting." I nodded and followed my friend into the building.

Shoto walked up to one of the other pros and told them why we were here. She was a beautiful woman with long white hair and caramel skin. Her eyes were blue, with little pink marks under them. She seemed familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it as she walked away. I walked up to Shoto, absentmindedly grabbing his sleeve, "What do we do now?" There were a number of other heroes around, a few who use to work with my mother.

Shoto shrugged and lead me to the waiting areas. We sat down, it's was quiet. Shoto and I were just waiting to get called in by Endeavor when I heard a familiar voice call out my name. "(Y/N)?" I looked up. My eyes met golden orbs framed by curly cinnamon brown hair. I couldn't help but lunch myself at the older girl, a grin on my face, "Hazel! It's been so long since I've seen you!" The darker skinned girl laughed and embraced me. "I'm glad to see you too (N/N)." Hazel pulled back and cupped my cheeks, "I hopped my brother and his boyfriend are looking after you and the others."

I laughed, but nodded, "Will skips his job on occasion and leaves me in-charge of patient every so often and Nico is Nico, he helps out when we need it." Hazel smiled that's good to know. She then seemed to notice Shoto and held out her hand to him, "My name is Hazel Levesque, but most know me as Pluto, one of the heroes who work with Endeavor." Shoto shock Hazel's hand, "Todoroki Shoto, Endeavor's son. (Y/N) and I are interning here for a few days." 

The golden eyed girl seemed a little shocked by Shoto's name. I just grined, "Shoto's been helping me out and is a really good friend." Hazel looked over the boy and smirked, after overcoming her initial shock, "Well then. You be good to her, got it. You do anything to hurt her  and there are going to be a lot of people you'll have to be scared of." Shoto swallowed and nodded, I lightly hit Hazel's shoulder, "Don't scare him!" The golden eyed girl laughed, "Fine, anyway I've got to get back to work. We'll have to catch up soon."

I nodded and hugged Hazel again, "Yeah, the others would love to see you again I'm sure. Also say hi to Frank and the others for me, okay?" Hazel pulled back and nodded, waving as she walked away. I sat back down. Shoto seemed to still be trying to figure out what had just happened. "That was Hazel." He looked at me. "She's Nico's half sister and worked with my mum for awhile too."

Shoto nodded and we both went back to our comfortable silence. At least until the same white-haired woman from earlier entered the room, "Endeavor is ready to see you both now." Her voice had a slight British accent. I looked her over, trying to remember where I had seen her in the past. My eyes went wide as I realized who she was, "Oh Gods.....Allura...." She looked at me for a moment before figuring out who I was. Her eyes narrowed into a glare as she looked into my soul. "So we meet again, (L/N)?" She spat out my name.

"Look Allura.... I'm sorry." She raised her hand to cut me off, "I don't want to hear it. I don't know how someone like you manged to get into U.A. but you did. Now we shouldn't keep Endeavor waiting." I hid a little behind Shoto, who seemed to stand a little protectively in front of me. "Lead the way." Shoto's voice was cold like it normally was. Allura huffed and started to lead us to where Endeavor wished to meet us. 

Allura and I use to be friend. We weren't very close, but still close enough. Her father was part of the police department and had tried to catch my father once. That day Allura and I had been playing not to far from the scene. We heard shouting and screaming, Allura being a slightly implosive kid ran towards the sounds and I followed. I remember Allura screaming for her father and holding her tiny frame down trying to keep her quiet. After that my father had left and I called for help. Allura's father didn't make it and she blamed me. She knew how strong my quirk was and when she found out it was my own father who had killed her's.... well you can guess where that friendship went.

Shoto and I followed Allura into another room. It looked like an office, quite a fancy one, defiantly owned by someone who liked to show off his wealth. "Endeavor will be here in a moment..." Allura turn her back to us, "Be careful around her boy, she is no hero." Shoto scoffed and went to say something but I spoke first. "If I could go back.... If I had another chance Allura.... I wouldn't have changed what I did."

The white haired woman turned to me anger evident in her eyes. She open her mouth, but I continued, "Had I done something different... Like run into the fight or let you join the fight then both of us would have ended up just like your father and I know Alfor wouldn't have wanted that." My fist clentched as I continued to speak, "I can't bring your father back, I can't ask you to let go back to how it use to be, I can't ask you to see me as anymore than the daughter of the man who killed your father, but I needed you to hear this." I looked into her eyes and smiled a little, "I wouldn't change anything. It may have cost me a friend, but at least it didn't cost your life."

Allura's eyes were wide for a moment, before returning to a glare as she walked out of the room. Shoto and I stood there for a moment watching the door before we heard another open. I looked back around at the sound and there stood Endeavor. A smirk across his face. 

"Welcome to your internship."

Broken Past: Todoroki Shoto x  Fem!ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora