Chapter 21: Broken

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

When Haikari returned he was with one of the doctors. The man looked about twenty-six, his hair resembled the sun and his eyes reflected the colour of the sky. his skin was tanned and was covered in freckles. "Good morning (Y/N), How are you feeling?" I smiled at him, "I'm fine. Thank you for your concern Will." He gave me a nodded, Hana and Yasei jumped off my bed and headed over to Kemuri and Haikari. "Okay, well I have to do a final check up and then you, if everything checks out you can go home." I nodded as he picks up a checklist. "Okay, let's do this then."

After about ten minutes, Will had finished with checking everything. "Okay! Looks like your good to go! Just be careful for the next few days and don't over do, Even if your teacher tries to push you." I nodded and stood up, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I know, I'll be careful. Thank you again Will." He gave me a smile, "It's no problem. It is my job." We all laughed a little, then he turned to the others, "Come on, Kemuri, Yasei, Hana. Let's let them go, I'm sure you two have stuff you need to do, plus you need your rest. You do have school tomorrow."

Haikari placed hand on my shoulder, "We will. I'll make sure (N/N) does actually take it easy and I'll inform our teachers of everything." I let out a sigh, "I'll be fine bro... Anyway we'll get going now bye everyone." I smiled and waved as we exit the room and proceed out of the building and towards home. "We need to be extra careful now, I don't want the others to get involved. It's going to get ten times more dangerous for us now." I let out a groan, "And everything was going so well too..." My brother laughed a little, "It can't be helped now. All we can do is stay alert and be careful." I nodded and sighed, "So what are we going to do now?" I questioned looking up at my brother.

"Well... I think we go see a few of our friend, try and ease their worries a little." I smiled and looked at the sky, "Okay, So who have you invited then? cause I'm guessing that was why you took so long getting a doctor." Haikari smiled and rubbed the back of his neck, "Observant as ever (N/N). Well I invited Izuku, Ochaco, Iida and Todoroki. They are our closest friends in class after all and they seemed to be the most worried." I nodded and stopped in front of a store, "How 'bout we pick up some food then, cause I don't think we have enough at home." My brother and I walked into the store and got what we needed.

The rest of the walk was peaceful, Haikari insisted to take all of the bag because of my injures, I tried to argue but it got us no where. When we arrived home, we were met by four familiar faces. Ochaco wasted no time in tackling me in a hug, though not enough to knock me over I did stumble back a little. I could feel small drops of liquid soaking into my shirt. In wrapped my own arms around the short girl and held her tightly, ignoring the sting of my injures. "I-I'm glad your o-okay!" I laughed a little, "It takes more then that to keep me down. I'm sorry I worried you." She shook her head and pulled back. Next was Izuku, his eyes were teary as well. I gave him a small smile as I walked over to him and enveloped him in a hug. "Don't look so worried, Izuku, you know better then the other that I can take a hit."

He laughed a little as I pulled back, "Y-yeah I know, but when T-Todoroki walked over with you on his b-back... You were unconscious, bleeding, had strange back marks on the side of your face and You looked l-like you were in pain." I sighed and gave them all an apologetic smile, "I really am sorry to have made you all worry so much..." Then I walked towards the door and opened it, "How about we go inside? You guys can tell me what happened and I can answer a few of your questions." They all nodded and we enter. My four friends took a seat in our small living room as I helped Haikari pack away the groceries. "I'll start getting some snacks. You go talk with the others." I nodded and walked out to the others.

"So, how are you guys? Did any of you get hurt?" I sat down of the small coffee-table and looked at each one of them, Izuku had a few bandages and the others seemed completely untouched. "We are all fine. The rest of our classmates suffer no real injury. You and Mr Aizawa were the worst out of all of us." Iida replied, I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank the gods. I was worried you all would have gotten caught up in the fights. I glad that my attack did harm any of you guys either." Izuku shifted a little nervously, "What was that about, (N/N)? Y-you seemed to know about those villains a-and you just rushed strait in even when Mr Aizawa told us to stay... Why?" I sighed and looked a the roof, "Me and Haikari... have been through a lot, got caught up with villains when we were younger and all that. It wasn't a great time for us... but then an old friend of our mothers saved us. He gave us hope that we could live a normal life, that we could be free from our past, but as you can see past shadows have a way of following you."

I took a deep breath, "The girl I was fighting, she was an... old friend I guess, but she chose the path of a villain, so it didn't work out. We chose to fight because we didn't have a choice, hiding wasn't working anymore, fighting was the only option. However I didn't account for just how strong they could have gotten in the past few years so we went in unprepared and got injured." They all just looked at me, their emotion were all mixed. This wasn't news for Shoto, but the others... I did know how they'd react and I can only imagine that the same will happen at school.

"I have snacks!" Haikari broke the tense silents placing the food on the table beside me. "I heard what (N/N) said. Please know that we only kept this information in order to try and protect those around us... but I have a feeling... tomorrow in class we'll have to revival everything." I looked up at my brother, sadness and small traces of fear in my eyes, "K-Kari... are you sure? Who knows what could happen! How the others will react! I don't care if they turn on me... but you... you don't deserve that you haven't done anything-" Before I could continue Haikari wrapped his arms around me and held me close. "I know very well what could happen. That we could lose everyone... but (N/N) I'm willing to take that chance and your not the only one to blame for everything that happened back then, I was part of it too."

"You weren't the reason they died, the reason he killed them. You weren't the reason Hiyori and Miko are stuck. You weren't the reason she f***ing jumped out of a window!" I pulled away from him forgetting about the others in the room, "All of that is on me! I'm the reason! Every. Single. Time. I got close to anyone he would make sure they suffered! So please... don't give me that 'I was there too' crap. You didn't have anything to do with it." I looked at my shaky hands, "Your not the one whose hands were stained red, Haikari..." Tears ran down my face, but I quickly wiped them away.

I turned around a headed to my room and collapsed on my bed. I let the tears flow and the memories flood my mind. It hurt... Worst then anything else I had ever felt.

~Haikari's POV~

"I-I'm sorry you guys had to see that. The past is a very... touchy subject." I sighed and sat down again. "W-What happened to you two back then?" Izuku asked. I ran a hand through my hair and let out a forced laugh, "A lot, Izuku, a lot. I-I'll explain tomorrow, we both will, but right now... I don't want to share it with out (Y/N), so can you all please hold off until tomorrow?" I looked at their face. They were all filled with concern. "I-is it really that bad? (N/N) seemed to think that everyone would abandon you guys if we all found out." Ochaco looked down the hall where my sister had disappeared.

"Yes. (L/N) seemed... what's the right word...?" Iida had his hand under his chin. "Broken... she seemed broken..." Todoroki added. I let out another forced laugh.

"My sister is more broken then you would ever imagine."

Broken Past: Todoroki Shoto x  Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now