Chapter 55: Fighting our brother

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

Everyone headed off to where their tests were being held. Haikari and I followed Hiyori to forest area. The two of us prepared ourselves knowing that this test was not going to be easy. I sighed, "We just had to get Yori didn't we?" My brother looked down and nodded, "Let's just get it over with." We both stood there as we heard a very loud 'GO!' fill the air. Haikari and I looked at each other and nodded. "Let's get moving. We should try and find the-" I was cut off by the sound of twig snapping behind us. I let instinct take over.

I jumped at Haikari pushing him to the side as shadows shot out from the trees. Quickly I jump to my feet helping Haikari up as well. "We've got to stop his attack! Kari." I smirked at my brother as the shadows came closer once again, "Light 'em up!" My brother smiled and stood in front of me hand in front of him, "With pleasure." I covered my eyes as bright light filled the area, completely destroying Hiyori's attack.

I stared at my brother in shock, "Dude! When the hell did your light get so damn strong?!" Haikari laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. He went to speak but was cut of by Hiyori appearing in front of us and kicking Haikari back into me. The two of us fell on our backs, groaning as we sat up. I looked up to see Hiyori in a new costume, smirking down at us. "You two should remember where you are. Praise each other later."

~Author's POV~

The two U.A. students cursed slightly at the mistake. (Y/N) got to her feet first and stood in a fighting stance. She looked around taking in their surroundings. Where they were right was almost pitch black, meaning Hiyori's shadows would be ten times stronger then normal. Haikari also noticed this, he grabbed his sister's hand. (Y/N) seemed to understand the message. The young girl smiled at her older brother, "Well, thanks for the advice Yori, We'll be going now." She saluted before transporting her and Haikari away from Hiyori. 

The two stood under a tree, panting a little. "Okay... We need a plan..." Haikari stated. (Y/N) nodded and tried to think of what they could do. "We may have to run. We have to find the exit." Haikari nodded and stretched his back, "Alright, let's go." The two siblings run off in the direction they believe the gate to be. Neither of them realizing that Hiyori had been watching them, listening in on their plan. The older boy laughed silently, "You'll need a better plan them that..."

Time passed and an announcement was heard saying that Todoroki and Momo had been the first to complete the test. Haikari and (Y/N) eventually found their way to the exit of the test. The young girl sighed, "There! I'm surprised that Yori isn't here." Haikari glared at his sister, his mouth opening as he went to speak, but a laugh cut through the air. Hiyori jumped down in front of the gate, an almost sadistic smirk on his face, his eyes held a dangerous fire in them, "Did you two really think it was going to be that easy? Just because your my siblings doesn't mean you get special treatment." The twins stood still, fear holding them to their place.

Hiyori pouted, "Aw. Come on! Don't just stand there, you want to pass right?" (Y/N) and Haikari snapped out of it and got ready to fight. Hiyori smirked, "Good. Now then...Don't hold back." With that the oldest (L/N) launched at his siblings. The twins jumped apart as Hiyori's attack hit the ground, cracking the earth below. (Y/N)'s arms lit up in a yellow flame as a smile crossed her lips. Haikari raised his hands as the wind began to move. The two siblings sent out their attacks together coursing the flame to spin and swirl around their older brother trapping him in a cyclone of flames.  

Hiyori laughed, "Nice try, but," He used his shadows to appear behind Haikari, kicking his brother into a near by tree, "It's not enough to trap me." Haikari groaned, as his body slid to the ground, coughing up small amounts of blood. (Y/N) glared at her older brother, "Ai..." The young red haired soul appears by (Y/N)'s side, "Hoshi!" The familiar feeling of the bow in her hand made her feel more comfortable. She aimed at Hiyori and let the arrows fly. Two pined Hiyori's sleeves to a near by tree. (Y/N) ran over to Haikari and through his arm over her shoulder before slowly making her way to the gate.

"I'm not letting you get away that easily!" (Y/N) only hand time to push Haikari to the side before a fist collide with stomach. The young girl flew back crashing to the ground, gasping for air. Hiyori step closer, looking down at his sister, "Come on (N/N), I know you can do better then that." The young hero in training let out a strained laugh as she looked up, "Yeah... Your right. Haikari!!" Hiyori was confused until the earth encased him, (Y/N) surrounding it in ice for good measure. 

Getting to her feet, (Y/N) placed the handcuff they had been given on her brother's hands. Sighing the twins both fell back on to the ground exhausted from all the running around. "The second team to pass is (Y/N) and Haikari." 

~(Y/N)'s POV~

I couldn't help but smile, my eyes closed as I laid there on the ground. "Good job guys, but...uh....Could you, I don't know, let me go...?" I opened one of my eyes and looked up at Hiyori and slowly stood up once again, groaning slightly. "Fine..." Using my fire I melted the ice I had used, Haikari dropping the rock as well. Soon our older brother was free. 

"Thanks. Now lets go, I'll treat you both tonight." Hiyori smiled as he helped both of us up and out of the area. I laughed a little. Haikari raised a hand, "Sounds good to me, but I think I'll sleep first." The three of us laughed a little harder as we went to where Hiyori was leading us. 

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