Chapter 38: The fight between siblings

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~Haikari's POV~

(Y/N) went to go find Todoroki, while I went to see Izuku. When I got there a few of our classmates were being told to leave and Toshinori was waiting outside. I waved as my friends passed then stood with Toshinori. "How is he?" I asked. The blond hero looked to me and sighed, "Recovery girl is taking care of him. His arm is in pretty bad shape, but he should be fine." I gave him a nod and lent on the world, "What he did for Shoto... It just shows how much he cares about others. (N/N) wanted to thank him for that once he was better."

I talked with for a little while longer, until I had to go. "Looks like I'm up and against my sister. Hopefully this doesn't end like last time." I laughed a little and waved to Toshinori. Time to face (Y/N), no holding back...

~Third person's POV~

The crowd cheered as (Y/N) and Haikari walked out into the arena, both showing no clear emotion on their faces. "NOW FOR A BATTLE OF SIBLINGS! (L/N) (Y/N) VS (L/N) HAIKARI! START!!" Both siblings activated their quirks. Bright Grey with flickers of red flame collided with strong winds. Haikari was a little concerned, the colour of his sisters flames depended on her emotions, grey often showed things like confusion, tiredness, fear, anger, sadness, boredom and loneliness, sometimes it would show something more positive like calmness or power. Red was usually, determination, anger, excitement or danger.

(Y/N) was angry, but not as much as she could be. Her conversation with Endeavor hadn't left her in the best mood, but she was trying not to let it show. She was also a little scared, she hadn't been in a tournament style battle since she escaped her father. Memories of those matches popped up in her mind, quickly she shock her head. "Ai!" She called out, Ai appeared in front of her mistress. "Shinko!" Haikari summoned his own soul, a girl around 14 with purple to pink hair and bright green eyes appeared in front of her master. "Hoshi/Ikari!!" The twins yelled out at the same time. A bow appeared in (Y/N)'s hands, while a whip appeared in Haikari's.

The audience all watched as the fight started. Class 1A watched their peers in awe at their strength. (Y/N) had no plans to get close to Haikari, fearing that they would reach the same outcome as they had during their class with All Might. In stead the (H/C) haired girl fired off arrow after arrow, trying to force Haikari out of bounds. Haikari dodged and used his whip to deflect any that got to close. (Y/N) could see she wasn't getting anywhere, with a sigh she set the next arrow on fire, before shooting it just in front of Haikari's feet. The boys eyes looked down just as the arrow explode sending him flying back toward to boundary, however he landed just inside.

Haikari stood, raising his arms above his head, he raised the earth under their feet. The sudden movement caused (Y/N) to stubble a little closer to edge herself. "How about we stop holding back?" Haikari smirked a little and sent large rock flying towards his sister. (Y/N) smirked as well, "Fine by me!" The (H/C) girl shot fire and spikes of ice towards each rock her brother through. Both siblings sent large attacks towards the other, (Y/N) sending a large wave of fire and Haikari using a mix of light and air. Much like Todoroki and Izuku's fight the pros had to intervene a little. Once the dust settled (Y/N) was left standing, while Haikari was on his back just outside the boundary. "(L/N) (Y/N) IS THE WINNER!!!" The crowd cheered.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

I took a deep breath and walked over to my brother. I held out my hand with a smile, "Looks like I win." Haikari laughed a little a grabbed my hand. I throw his arm over my shoulders and helped him walk, "Yeah you did, I'll get there eventually though." I smiled a little more as we made our way to recovery girl. When we entered the room Chiyo was just finishing with Izuku's treatment. "Search for a different method the boy can do!" She scolded a little. I cleared my throat, The three of them turned their attention to us, "Could we get a little help? Please?" Izuku's eyes went wide as I sat Haikari on one of the beds, "What happened?" I laughed and walked over to my injured friend.

"Nothing, we just finished our match. I won and they have to fix the stadium before Katsuki and Kirishima can have theirs." I placed a hand on Izuku's shoulder and smiled, "Izuku... Thank you for doing that for Shoto. You are going to be an amazing hero. Though I hope you have control over One for All before you go pro." I gave him a kind smiled and messed with his hair, "But no matter what happens we'll always have your back."  

Broken Past: Todoroki Shoto x  Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now