Chapter 33: Close call

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

After the second event ended we all took a lunch break before the finals started. I saw Shoto walk off with Izuku, but payed them no mind, there was other things on my mind. Haikari asked me if I was okay, I just brushed him off saying I was okay and just needed to rest a little. My mind was clouded by memories and thoughts, somehow, Dark mist, one of the most wanted villains, manged to just enter a high school event. The security must be fantastic. 

As I walked around the halls trying to clear my head I ran into someone. I sighed and continued to look down, "Sorry, wasn't paying attention..." I heard them grunt, "Maybe you should." I would recognize that voice anywhere, "Wait I take that back, I couldn't careless if I ran in to you, Endeavor." I glared up at the flaming hero, "Learn some respect girl." I laughed and gave him a smirk, "I refuse to respect someone like you. The public may see you as a hero, but anyone who targets a thirteen year old, regardless if they're a villain and seriously injures them will never have my respect." I began to walk away, "Now if you excuse me, I have an event to prepare for." Endeavor laughed, causing me to stop in my tracks, "You have no chance! Shoto will win and he will surpass All Might! He will be number one!" I clenched my fists and punched the closest wall, leaving a crack behind.

"Shoto isn't you. He has his own dreams and feelings. He is his own person, not some tool you can use and throw away when he is no longer of use." I turned around, my eyes were set in a cold glare, "You have no say in the direction of his life! That is something he alone can choose! As his father you should support his choice." I began to walk away again, "And what would you know?!" Endeavor called after me, I looked over my shoulder and smiled, "You and Dark Mist have a lot more in common then most would think." After that I left the 2nd top hero behind and continued on my way. "Beautiful speech..." My whole body tensed, my eyes went wide as I quickly shot round to face the voice.

There he stood, in all his villainous glory, His brown hair was a mess, his suit was clean and his eyes... those cold, crimson eyes that I will never forget. "Do look so shocked my dear, is it so surprising for a father to want to see his children's sports festival?" I took a few steps back before my expression went from fear to hatred, "Leave before I call the pros, I... We don't want anything to do with you." My father just smirk and slowly walked towards me, causing me to back into a wall, I went to scream, but he placed his hand over my mouth, "Now, now (Y/N)...We don't want to draw ant attention to us now do we?" He held up a small knife and placed it against my throat, I could feel a small amount of blood trickle down my skin. "You cost me two of my best fighters and put poor Yuri into a terrible state..." He leaned in close to my ear, "You will have to pay me back for all the damage you coursed."

My heart was pounding in my ears, I couldn't breath properly. "(Y/N)!!" I heard four voices calling out my name, My father laughed a little, "Until next time~" He disappeared into the shadows as a certain blond shot past. I fell to my knees holding my throat coughing and gasping for air. The first person to my side was my brother, "(Y-Y/N) are you okay?! What the hell was that?!" I took a few deep breaths, I looked at the people who had just save my life. Haikari knelt down beside me, Izuku was on my other side checking on the cut on my neck, Katsuki was looking around the hall with anger in his eyes and small explosions in his hands. Finally, behind Haikari stood Shoto, his expression was emotionless and cold, but his eyes held concern. I forced a weak smile, "I'm fine guys." 

My brother's eye went from worried to irritated, "Don't tell us your fine. We just found you pined to a wall with a knife at your throat! And to top it off It was our father who was attacking you!! Did you know he was here?! Is that why you seem distract since the last event?!" I sighed and looked down, Katsuki had come over and stood behind Izuku. "Yeah, during the Cavalry Battle I saw him in the audience not to far from Endeavor, so yeah I went on a little walk, had a lovely chat with the flaming jerk himself and then ran into dad." I looked up all of them, "Then you guys showed up, thanks for the save." Haikari wrapped his arms around me, I could feel small tears falling on to my skin as he buried his head into my neck, "N-next time... P-please tell me when somethings up..." i rubbed his back, "It's honestly fine Kari, Everything is okay..." He shook his head, "W-we could have l-lost you (N/N)... so please..."

I sighed, "Fine, next time I tell someone about this stuff okay?" My brother nodded, but still didn't move, "I'm glad your okay (N/N)!" Izuku smiled at me and I returned the gesture. Katsuki let out a huff, as he crossed his arms, "You had your brother worried idiot, He was on the verge of a f***ing panic attack." I laughed a little and turned to Shoto and gave him a small smile. "Thank you all again, but we should go. The next event should start soon." The boys all agreed, Haikari finally released me and helped me stand and the five of us headed off to get ready for the final event of the sports festival. 

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