Chapter 63: Her Anchor

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The world was white. It was calm and peaceful. Their was no pain, no troubling thoughts, nothing. Just a young girl, standing in the middle of a snow coloured void, confused on why she was there... she couldn't remember. She couldn't recall the events of why she was there, hell even her own name lay just beyond the reach of her mind. "I had hoped I would not see you here so soon." She turned. The figure of an older woman appearing out of the nothing that surrounded them. Her black hair slung over her shoulder contrasted her pale skin. Her lips were curled into a smile, yet her eyes screamed nothing but sorrow. "Do you remember your name?"

The girl shook her head. Her mind trying to reach for why this woman was so familiar. "Where.... where am I?" The woman sighed, sitting on a bench that had seem to take form. She patted the place beside her, "You may want to sit down." Hesitantly, the girl sat and she waited, listening as the woman again spoke. "This," she gestured to their surroundings, "is a place between the living and the dead. Not many come here, most move on." The girls jaw went a little slack, Her mind holding on to the women's first sentence, 'Between the living and the dead.' The girl once again looked around. "So... I died?"

The women nodded grimly, "I'm afraid so..." The girl felt her heart stop beating, though she thought of the irony behind that. There was something, distant in her mind, but it felt important. "Your name... should be there. Still in your mind. Just think. Focus on it, on remembering." The woman encouraged. The girl closed her eyes, trying to focus on the thing nagging at the back of her mind. Slowly, she felt whatever was holding it back release. A flood of memories, of feelings flooded her system. "(Y/N)... M....My name is (L/N) (Y/N)."

The woman smiled as the young girl looked back up, tears gleaming in her eyes. "I know." She spoke, her voice soft and full of sympathy, "I remember the day I gave it to you all to well." (Y/N), now with memories intact, knew very well who the woman before her was. She lunged into her arms, "Mum..." she whispered, "I missed you...." Ayano Embraced her daughter. Yes, she was happy to see her again, glad to finally talk to her child again... but that came at a price. Her daughter's life.

"I missed you too. I only wish this was under better circumstance." (Y/N) pulled back, eyes wide remembering her death, "Haikari... Shoto... everyone. I... I need to get back." Ayano shook her head, "I'm afraid that isn't possible. You let go of your anchor  (N/N). Your soul has already departed from the living realm." The raven haired teen stared at her mother in disbelief, " I promised Kari it would be okay....I can't leave him...."

Ayano sighed. Taking her daughter's hands, "My dear... I'm sorry but... that isn't how this works. Without something binding you, you can't go back." (Y/N) let the information sunk in. Then let the tears fall. She had been prepared to die... but she had never wanted to... not like this. Not now, at a time where her friends, her family seemed to constantly be in danger. "I.... I...." She wanted to beg, to plead with her mother for a way back. For a way to return to those she had left back in that room. To her brothers, to her teachers, to her friends... To... to Shoto.

Her mother looked down and smiled a little, "You're in love... i can see it in your eyes. Tell me about him, we have some time." (Y/N) nodded slowly, taking a deep breath, "His... His name is Todoroki Shoto. He's the youngest son of Endeavor and one of my closest friends. He's kind, a little awkward and often quiet. When I'm with him, I feel safe. I know that things will be okay, that we'll look out for each other..." her voice broke slightly, "but none of that matters now... i messed up."

Ayano frowned, resting a hand on (Y/N)'s cheek, "Listen to me. You did not mess up, your choice will prevent your father from finding your friends... your family at that camp. You did not mess up a thing." Ayano gently brushed her finger against the scar across (Y/N), "I made so many mistakes, (Y/N). I hurt you and your brothers. I left you with your monster of a father and I will never get the chance to make up for that. There are not words for how sorry I am for the pain I caused you all. That is why I am so proud of you and of your brothers. You are all far stronger then I was, and you would never abandon each other." (Y/N) looked up, she could see the pride in her mother's blue eyes and the grin on her face, "And it makes me so glad to know... that even when I couldn't be there for you all. You were there to pick each other up."

A bell chimed. It sounded distant, yet also close. Ayano stood reaching out her hand. "Now come, It's time." (Y/N) swallowed hard. Taking her mother's hand. She let the older woman guide her towards what appeared to be lathe white gates. She took a breath, finally coming to terms with the fact that she was dead, happy in the knowledge that Haikari would still have Kemuri, the class, their brothers and Shoto. Her mother stopped stepping to the side, "Whenever your ready. I'll be right behind you." One last deep breath as (Y/N) start to move forward, only to stop in her tracks at the sound of a voice, From somewhere beyond the void of white.

"Come on (N/N)..." A broken voice spoke, "You have to open your eyes..." (Y/N) didn't move. Her eyes were wide and focus on the ground just in front of the gate. Ayano watch the sky, equally surprised to hear a voice. After a moment, the voice continued, following what sounded like a forced laugh, "I finally understand what my mum was saying... and she was right. There are thing I haven't told you yet, things I need to tell you so please (Y/N), please just come back. I can't lose you..." (Y/N) felt her eyes tear up again, she knew whose voice this was and couldn't stop the smile forming on her lips, 'Damn you Todoroki,' She cursed, 'The moment I choose to move on is the moment you speak up....'

(Y/N) felt a warm spread though her body, originating from a spot on her forehead. Then, she heard the words she never expected to hear, especially from Shoto, "I love you..." (Y/N) spun around, her resolve to move on crumbling with three simple words. A crackling sound replaced Shoto's voice as a doorway seemingly made of Ice and fire had opened. (Y/N) grinning, knowing what it meant. She turn to her mother, Ayano smile, simply gesturing to the door, "Go.... and tell your brothers I'm sorry."

With a single nod, The young girl run. Straight throw the doorway. Regaining her grasp on her ties to life and pulling herself back through the void.


Look at that, Three month hiatus and comes back with two updates.

As entertaining in a sense as it would be for me to let you goat least 24 hours or probably longer thinking  (Y/N) was dead and that's potentially how it was going to end. I felt that I'd be a little nice and give you all this chapter to maybe lift a few spirit. A little death never stopped anyone. (I've been watching a LOT of Supernatural recently.)

Also, please do let me know what you think about the whole 'QnA story thing with a class of BNHA ocs' that I mentioned earlier.

Have a good life.


Broken Past: Todoroki Shoto x  Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now