Chapter 66: New Villain emergs

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I steadied my aim, Haikari following my lead. The strange villain attack once again, forcing Haikari and I to jump back. I looked over my shoulder, smiling at Shoto and Katsuki. "Looks like you two have been having fun."

"(N/N)!" Hearing my brothers voice I turned back to the villain just in time to help Haikari raise the earth in front of us. "Pay attention to the fight at hand!"

"Yeah, yeah. I hear you." I smirked a little, "Give me a boost." I let Ai fade from my hand. 

Haikari nodded, using the air to toss me high above the rock wall that we had made. "Ake!" A familiar scythe appeared in my hand. Darkness crept up it's blade as I spun myself in there, slashing the villain before me. As I land, the scythe faded. "Kage! Akarui!" Soon replaced by two katana. Quickly block the on coming attack from the villain before me. "Haikari!"

"Ame!" My brother leaped over the wall, short sword in hand. Only to just miss the villain as he landed beside me. The rock wall behind us dropped, Allowing Shoto and Katsuki to see what was going on. 

Shoto and Katsuki both began to join the fight. Ice soon filled the area along with scorched trees and slash marks. Then we heard familiar voices from the trees catching everyone attention. "There! I see ice. They must be Fighting!"

Trees were knock down as Shoji can running into view, a heavily injured Izuku on his back. "Bakugo! Todoroki! (Y/N)! One of you, please... Give us some light!"

I managed to glance at the villain preparing to attack our classmates, only to see a large creature made out of shadows crash him. "What the hell...?"

"Shoji, Midoriya and Tokoyami?!" Shoto exclaimed.

"Give us some light, Quick!! Tokoyami's on a Rampage!!" Shoji informed.

My shock soon subsided, "That much we can see. You boys might wanna take care of the light. Before he turns on us." I let the shadows wrap around me, dropping me right above Shoji. I used both of my blades to block dark shadow's attack as I grabbed the boys below me, taking them back to the others.

I saw my brother preparing to use his light when Katsuki grabbed his wrist. "Wait."

All of us watched as the villain got back up, attacking dark shadow. A dangerous smirk spread across Katsuki's face. "Just watch."

And we did. We watched as dark shadow sent the villain flying. I looked at the three boys in front of me each of us giving a nod. Haikari ran out in front of Tokoyami well Shoto and Katsuki went to the sides. I stayed with Shoji and Midoriya. Shoto and Katsuki used their quirks to weaken dark shadow well Haikari smirked. "Cover your eyes!"

Shoto and Katsuki did as they were told, while I lifted to Shadows around Shoji, Izuku and myself just as a bright flash went off. After a moment, I let them drop. The three off us walking over to the other boys. I took  deep breath before turning to look at Izuku. Frowning once I saw the injuries that marked his body.

"Holy Shit Izuku! What the hell happen?!" 

Izuku sent me a painful looking smile. "I'll tell you about it later. Right now we should focus on the villains."

I sighed, "Fine, but I'm going to hold you to that."

Izuku tried to nod, but winced. I sighed as we aproached Tokoyami. "We were struggling just to survive against that guy, but in an instant you.." Shoto's voice drifted off as a thud rang out around us. I glance around noticing my brother face down in the dirt. 

"Ow..." I rushed over to Hikari's side and examined his face. Haikari's eyes were faded i colour and unfocused. 

"Idiot! We are surround by villains and you uses that strong of a burst?!" I slap my brother across the back of the head. He winced and smiled sheepishly while I helped him stand up and move over to the there boys. 

"Alright, so Kari is blind for a while. But how are you doing Tokoyami? You hurt?" I sat Haikari down on the log of a fallen tree.

"I... I'm fine...Shoji... I'm sorry..." Tokoyami started, "You too Midoriya...My spirit is still lacking. The moment your spare arm wnt flying... I gave in to rage and inleashed Dark shadow. It was the deep Darkness of the night... along with my own anger. They combined to spur him into a frenzy... but the he grew eyound my control and wound up inuring you Shoji."

"Save that for later. I know that's what you would say..." Shoji responed.

"Right...!" Izuku tried to lift his head only to then rest it on Shoji's back, "We know that two of the villain's main targets are Kacchan and (N/N)."

"Bakugo and (L/N)...? They are after them? But why...?" Tokoyami slowly got to his feet. 

I gritted my teeth. "Of course..." All of my classmates turned to me as I laughed. "He has to be involved. Bastard."

I felt a shaky hand reach up and grab my wrist. I looked down at Haikari as he sat there shaking. His eyes turning glossy. I sighed, sitting down beside him and pulling him into my side. I looked up at everyone. Shoto quickly turning away as our eyes met. Shoji steped forward.

"You know why their after you?"

I nodded and took a deep breath. "Dark mist has to be involved. I am after all one of is most prizes weapons that managed to get away." 

"Congragulations! You got it right~" A shiver ran down my spin as all seven of us went on high alert. A figure emerged from the treeline. Long pink hair, tanned skin and black eyes. My breath hitched. A young girl hadn't seen for so long. She smirked seeing the shock on my face. "So you remember me do you? Good. Then you'll know that Sakkaku Megumi was that one that took you back to that hell."

I know I should be angry or scared, even purely shocked, but instead all I felt was a deep sadness and regret. I never though that she would be the ne sent after me, though I shouldn't be surprised. After all... I did kill her brother.


Finally! A new update!

I am honestly sorry for the lack of updates to this one guys. Partially it's because I've been working on other proects - such as a visual novel idea with a friend, D&D (both planing my own campaign as well as playing in another) as well as a comic I'm gonna metion after - but also because I was at a writters block with this story. However, after seeing clips of the most recent season of BNHA and looking at this stories rank (22 of 1.45K stories in the myheroacadamia tag), as well as it being my first story that people read, I wanted to continue it.

Also lost my old computer along with most of the stuff I was originally working on, but what can you do?

Anyway, I'm going to keep oing with this story. Updates will still be a bit, unpredictable as I'm starting my last year of high school in a week. But hang in there.

As for my comic... Anyone who has seen my 'The Phantom' book will propably know the basic premise. But for those who haven't. It's a story set in a city known for it's science that has recently been under attack from two mask figures. There are three main characters each with very different lives, outlooks and morals and together they work through the story and mystery of who the true villain of the city is. If any of you are interested, I'm working to put it on webtoon as soon as I can.

 If any of you are interested, I'm working to put it on webtoon as soon as I can

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Anyway, see you guys next update.


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