Chapter 26: Shoto meets the brothers

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

We made our way home.A huge grin never leaving my face, I was just to happy to finally have my brothers home and know they're safe. When we made it back to the house I let Miko down and turned to the two boys, place a finger on my lips. They nodded and just out of sight of the door way.

I rang the doorbell, "COMING!!" next thing I know I'm on the floor with Haikari hugging me, "Okay, okay. Kari you can let go now." I laughed a little as I saw Shoto appear in the door way. "WHAT THE F*** TOOK YOU SO DAMN LONG?! DO YOU KNOW HOW F***ING WORRIED I WAS?!" Haikari had tears running down his face, before I could say anything Hiyori spoke up, "Langue Kari, their are children here. Geez your gone for a couple years and you two think it's fine to swear." Haikari tensed and turned around quickly.

His eyes went wide and more tears fell, "N-No way... H-Hiyori, Miko... I-Is that really...?" Miko ran up to Haikari and tackled him to the ground, "We're back big brother." Kari immediately held on to our little brother tight, scare it was all just a dream. Shoto walked over to me and helped me off the ground, "Thanks Shoto." He looked at Miko and Haikari on the ground then at Hiyori who was standing behind him, "I remember you... So this is your friend (N/N)?" i nodded my head at my elder brother. "Before introductions let's go inside, oh and I'm going to make something for us to eat. You and Miko look like you haven't eaten in awhile." I quickly run inside and straight to the kitchen. 

~Todoroki's POV~

We all entered the house and went into the living room. I sat down in one of the chair a little bit away from the two strangers. Haikari look shocked, happy and relived. He smiled at all of us. "Okay how about introduction?" The eldest boy stood up and walked over to me, the younger following him cautiously, I remember he was the (Y/N) and I ran into before the USJ incident. I stood up and held out my hand, "Todoroki Shoto, I'm in (Y/N) and Haikari's class at U.A." The older boy took my hand and shook it, "(L/N) Hiyori, (Y/N) and Haikari's older brother and we've met before." The little boy looked at me suspiciously, "Are you (Y/N)'s boyfriend?" 

I felt my face heat up a little, "N-no. We're just friends and what would your name be?" The boy gave me a smile, "Oh! I'm (L/N) Miko, the youngest in the family... and if you try anything with my sister, I swear-" Hiyori laughed and placed a hand on Miko's shoulder, "That's enough Miko. You can trust Todoroki. Right, Haikari?" Haikari nodded, "Yeah. He's a really good person and has been helping keep an eye on (N/N), so you've got nothing to worry about Mi!" He ruffled Miko's hair.

Before the topic could continue, (Y/N) entered the room with food. "Sorry I took so long! I had to go grab something!" She smile, It was a genuine, bright smile, I couldn't help but smile a little as well. "It's no problem (N/N) Miko and I were just getting to know Todoroki here." Hiyori placed a hand on my shoulder. "Well don't scare him off, Shoto's been there for me and was the first one we told about our past. Also his dad is Endeavor, so be on your best behavior you two. Also Haikari! We're going to have to talk to the pros and tell them the Shade and Spirit are no longer threats, as well as figure out what our next move is going to be." Hiyori looked at me with sympathy, "Have Enji for a father isn't easy is it? I feel bad for you."

I look at him curiously, "What do you mean?" He gave me a smile, Miko spoke up, "Endeavor is terrifying, we've had to fight him before. All he cared about and talked about was beating All Might and on occasion he'd bring up... Mum to throw us off." (Y/N) stop what she was doing and walked over to her little brother, "Did he do anything to you two? And what did he say about mum?" I could hear the rage behind her voice, Hiyori sighed, "We got burned a couple times during fights, a couple broken bones. He'd talk about how weak mind mum was and how foolish she was to fall in love with a villain." She took a deep breath, "Which one of you did he target more during a fight?" Miko looked down, "Me..." His voice was quiet, he sounded almost ashamed.

(Y/N) got up and punched a wall, It crack and small drops of blood fell to the floor. "I swear. I'm going to have a word with the next time I see him." Hiyori tried to approach her, "(N/N), it's okay. Enji was just doing his job." (Y/N) turned around and glared a little at her brother, "I. Don't. Care, If it's his job. He targeted a thirteen year old, not only that but he knew you two were being force to do it. He was one of the few who knew the story. Not only that but he is a bastard to begin with." I was shock to say the least. No talks about my father like that, I mean he's the second top hero, people look up to him. "(Y/N) calm down!" Hiyori  raised his voice a little, "Your steaming, we don't need you bursting into flames right now."

She took a deep breath and calmed down, "Sorry... I got a little out of hand..." She looked down, Miko hugged her, (Y/N) smiled and patted his head, "I'm not going to let anyone hurt you again okay? Your safe now." Her brother nodded. She sighed "Okay, now that we've finished introduction how about I show you around Shoto? Hiyori and Miko, you guys can have your old rooms, we'll fix them up later, after all the weekend is coming up." Her brothers nodded and I began to follow her.



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here's the living room...

Broken Past: Todoroki Shoto x  Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now