Chapter 41: Meeting his mother

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

The next few days after the sports festival we got off. Haikari and I were going to volunteer at the hospital again. Hiyori and Miko were staying home preparing for their new jobs at U.A. "Come on (Y/N)!" My brother began to drag me out the door and down the street. I couldn't help but laugh a little, "Someone you want to see, Kari?" I teased. My brother froze for a moment, his face creating a new shade of red, "N-No, n-not really." I raised an eyebrow, "Really? Then why is your face so red? You sick or something? Maybe we should go home, I'll call up and tell them you're sic-"

"No!" Haikari's voice interrupted, "I'm fine. Now come on! Hana and Yasei aren't gonna wait forever." I smirked a little, "And what about Kemuri?" My brother seemed to get a little more red. I laughed and messed up his hair, "I'm just teasing. Now come on, you're right about them not wanting to be kept waiting." Haikari mumbled something I didn't quite catch and we started to continue to the hospital. Once we arrived, Haikari and I signed in and headed back to the room where our friends usually were.

"Good morning guys!" I smiled and waved at the three patients sitting in the room. Kemuri smiled and waved back, Hana and Yasei jumped up and ran up to us. "You guys were so cool!" Yasei had stars in his eyes, Hana was nodding her rapidly. I tilted my head to the side in confusion. "We watch the sports festival. You both did great and congratulations on third (Y/N)." Kemuri cleared up my confusion. I smiled at him, "Thanks, I could have done better, but the past caught up with me." I laughed a little.

We all sat around and talked for a bit, I made sure Haikari and Kemuri sat as close to each other as possible, earning glares from boys. An hour or so passed before the door to the room opened up, reveling a panting Doctor Will. "(Y/N)... Can you please... help the nurses with one of the other patients...?" I looked up at the blond doctor. "What happened this time?" I sighed a little in annoyance. This wasn't the first time Will had done this. "My boyfriend was an idiot again and needs my help... So please (Y/N)?" I stood up, "Fine, but you and Nico owe me for this. Also the the prince of darkness hi for me, will ya?"

Will grinned, "Of course! Thank you so much!" The blond then disappeared down the hall. I looked back at the others in the room, "Well looks like I'm doing Will's job again. I'll talk with all of you later." I waved as I headed down the hall. I looked down at the information Will had handed me to see who I was suppose to be looking after now. The name instantly caught my attention, Todoroki... The patient Will wanted me to help with was Mrs. Todoroki...Shoto's mother. Without realizing it, I picked up speed and made my way to the room as quickly as I could.

Standing outside the door, I could hear voices inside. I took a deep breath and knock on the door.

~Todoroki's POV~

I was talking to my mum. Telling her about U.A, (Y/N) and her brothers and the sports festival. When we heard a knock on the door. I looked towards my mum, she smile, "It's probably just one of the doctors or nurses here to make sure I'm doing okay. Would you mind opening the door for them Shoto?" I gave my mother a nod and walked over to the door.

When I opened it, I was suprised to see a familiar pair of mismatched eyes looking into my own. "S-Shoto? I wasn't expecting to see you here. May I come in? I hope I'm not interupting anything." I was confused as to why she was here, but stepped to the side and let the (H/C) haired girl in. Once she was inside I closed the door behind her. (Y/N) walked over to my Mum and smiled, "Hello Mrs. Todoroki. My name is (L/N) (Y/N). Doctor Solance sent me to see how you were doing, since he had urgent matters to attend to."

My mother smiled back, "So you're the girl Shoto was telling me about. Thank you for taking care of him." My face went a little pink, as did (Y/N)'s. The girl rubbed the back of her neck. "It was no problem. I had similar... issues and thought I could help." My mother's eyes went a little sad, "I'm sorry to hear that." (Y/N) laughed a little, "Don't worry about it to much. The people here helped me get back on my feet and I am doing okay now." The girl looked down at the clipboard in her hand, "Anyway, if you don't mind. How about we do the check up?"

(Y/N) soon finished what she was doing and smiled, " Looks good Mrs. Todoroki! I'll make sure, Doctor Solance sees this." Another knock filled the room. This time (Y/N) opened the door, to see a nurse. "Oh, Hello (Y/N). I thought you were with the others." My classmate sighed a littlein frustration and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I was, but Will said that Nico messed something up and needed help, so he asked me to give Mrs. Todoroki a quick check up. Which I just finished." The nurse laughed a little, "Of course Will gives this job to you and not one of the other doctors. Anyway, I came to inform Mrs. Todoroki's guest that visiting hours are almost over."

(Y/N) gave the nurse a nod. "Okay. Thank you Linda." The nurse left and (Y/N) turn to me with a smile, "Well, You heard her Shoto. Please say your goodbyes and I'll walk you out. I'm supposed to be having a break about now anyway." I gave her a nod and she left the room. My mother giggled a little, "She seems lovely Shoto. Hold on to her and don't let her go anytime soon, Okay?" I smiled a little, "I don't plan to. Goodbye for now. I'll come visit again whenI can." My mother waved as exitedthe room. (Y/N) stood, leaning against the wall beside the door. "What brings you here?" I asked, making the girl jump a little and laugh. "I volunteer here. Along with Haikari. Normally I'd be with my usual group but Will, or Doctor Solance had to race home and help his boyfriend with something." She waved her hand dismissively in the air, "I swear Will exaggerated so he could go she him, but what can you do?"

(Y/N) sighed a little, then smiled, "Anyway, follow me. I'vegot to drop this file to Will's office and then I want to introduce you to the gang here." She grabbed my hand and began to lead me through the halls. My face heated up slightly, but the feeling of her hand on mine felt... right.

Broken Past: Todoroki Shoto x  Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now