Chapter 58: Pain and... love?

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~Haikari's POV~

Kemuri and I were enjoying our time walking around. However when we notice the police guiding people out of the building, we both began to worry. I quickly rushed out of where we were and started to head to where we had left the rest of the group. Kemuri right behind me.

"IZUKU!!" I yelled as I saw my friend. I tried to run towards him, but several cops stood in my way. "I'm sorry but you need to go. We have everything under control." I glared up at him. "Get out of my way. That's my friend over there. I want to make sure he's okay!" The cop sighed, "Listen kid you need-" I didn't let him finished before I stomped on his toes. The moment I got the chance I ran over to Izuku, "Izuku!" The boy looked at me with wide eyes.

"K-Kari?" I nodded, placing my hands on his shoulders. "What happened? Are you okay?" Izuku rubbed the back of his neck. " I-I'm fine. I just ran into... S-Shigaraki." A sudden feeling of dread began to tug at my heart. "W-Where (Y/N)?" Izuku looked down. My hand gripped on to the bottom of my shirt, "If you've seen my sister Izu, you need to tell me. Now." My voice was cold. My friend gulped, he didn't meet my eyes. "She went a-after him." I wanted to cry. I knew that something would have gone wrong. "W-Which way?"Izuku looked confused, "What are you goin-" 

"Just answer the damn question!" I cut him off. Izuku eyes flickered with shock and fear. He took a shaky breath and point, "S-Shigaraki went that way. I-I don't know w-where he was going and (N-N/N) did her teleport t-thing." I cursed under my breath before I began to run in the direction Izuku had pointed. I was so caught up with my worry for (Y/N) that I didn't hear the voice calling my name before a hand was placed on my shoulder. I spun around, my fist stopping inches from the person's face.

"H-Hey! That's no way to treat your boyfriend." I looked at Kemuri and sighed, lowering my fist, "Sorry, I just need to find (Y/N)." He place a hand on my shoulder, "We will. Now let's look together, okay?" I nodded. The two of us began to walk around the street, calling out my sister's name.

A couple of hours passed and we hadn't yet found her. I was starting to panic. "Let's start walking back towards the shop, we might have missed something." Kemuri suggested. I nodded. The older boy must have notice just how worried I was, because he grabbed my hand and kissed my forehead, "We will find her Kari. We will." I dried the tears that were beginning to form in my eyes and nodded.

As we walked, getting closer to where we had started. My phone sounded. With out hesitation I pulled it put of pocket and looked at who it was. "(Y/N)! Where are you?!" I called once I had answered. 

~(Y/N)'s POV~

I groaned at how loud my brother's voice was. "I... I don't really know..." I hissed in pain as my arm brushed against a wall. Slowly I tried to stand, "I'm in... an alley... not far from the... shop..." I placed my hand on the side of my head, everything hurt.

"(N/N) I want you to try and get to the street for me okay? Tell us where you are?" I decided to listen to my brothers words. Slowly and painfully making my way out of the alley I had been left in. When I reached the road side I looked around. My mismatched eyes landing on familiar heads of hair across the street. "I-I think... I can see you guys..."

"What? Where?" Haikari asked. My head began to spin a little. I groaned again. "A-Across the street..." The boys turned their heads in my direction. In only moments they had both run to my side. "(Y/N)! Oh my gods..." My brother looked as though he might cry. Kemuri helped me over to a bench. The white haired male looked as though he was ready to kill, "Who the hell did this?"

I laughed a little, grabbing my arm lightly. "S-Shigaraki... He wasn't... alone... S-Some guy with... black hair and scars was there too..." My brother looked at Kemuri, then back at me, "We should get you to the hospital." I sighed, knowing I could convince them otherwise. So, just like that. My brother and Kemuri both help me go to the hospital.

When we arrived, my sight was beginning to blur, "Shit..." I groaned. "Hang in their sis." I looked up as they walked inside. "Can we get some help over here please?!" Kemuri called out. A young nurse noticed us first, along with the person she was talking to. A young, all to familiar boy with red and white hair. I squinted my eyes, trying to make the image clearer, "Shoto...?" 

The nurse and Shoto walked over to us. "What happen?" The nurse asked. Haikari spoke up, "My sister... She ran into a pair of villains. They hurt her and left her in an alley, she was their for at least two hours." The nurse gasped a little, "Call the doctor!" That was the last thing I hear before everything went dark and I felt my body go limp.

~Todoroki's POV~

I was shocked to see Haikari, Kemuri and (Y/N). My jaw tightened and my hand clenched when I had heard (Y/N) was attacked by villains. It felt like I was burning from the inside out. I didn't understand why I felt like this, every time I saw (Y/N) get hurt, I wanted to injure whoever had done it ten times worse. I sat down with Kemuri and Haikari. Kemuri held Haikari close, telling the boy that his sister would be okay, that it wasn't his fault and the police would find who had done this.

I tried to think about my feelings, why I felt so protective of (Y/N) all the time. We her smile, her laugh, her presence always made me feel so happy, so peaceful. Then my conversation with my mother came to mind. Her words caused my face to grow warm.

~Earlier with Rei Todoroki~

"So, how are things with that lovely young girl you tell me so much about?" My mother asked, a soft smile on her face. "Fine. I stay at her house whenever I don't want to go home. She a really good friend." I answered. My mother's turned slightly mischievous, "Is that all? You're only friends?" I nodded, slightly confused by her words, "Yes."

My mother laughed, causing me to only grow more confused, "Is something funny?" She stopped laughing and smiled, "Shoto... How do you feel when you are with her?" I blinked, "What do you mean?" 

"Well, when you're with this girl, how does she make you feel?" I looked out the window, think about how to answer the question... How did I feel...? "Well, when I'm with her I feel both anxious and at ease. Like I can be myself and not have a worry in the world, but at the same time, my heart is constantly pounding. I find myself looking at her, wanting to spend more time with her..." My mother hummed, "And the other day? When she got hurt. How did you feel then?"

My hands clenched at my sides, "I don't know. It felt like the first few sparks of a fire had began to burn me from the inside. I wanted to protect her and hurt the person who was causing her pain... is that strange?" I turned back to my mother. Her smile never once left her lips, "It isn't strange... But I think..." She giggled a little.

"You might be in love..."

Broken Past: Todoroki Shoto x  Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now