Chapter 58.5: Todoroki moment.

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~Author's POV~

It only took a day for you to heal enough the doctor's thought she could return home. However before you could, she question by police and chewed out by Haikari for being so 'reckless and stupid' as he put it. Fair to say, the you was tired when you got home, but that didn't stop everyone else.

Hana and Yasei hugged your legs, saying how glad they were that their 'big sister' was okay. Miko had a similar, only he also mentioned how much of an idiot you could be. Kemuri just smiled, saying he was happy that you was okay and that the injuries weren't too serious.  Hiyori on the hand? Not very happy. He had hoped that his conversation with you after the hero killer incident would have stopped you from being so reckless, but it didn't, so now you are grounded until further notice.

Yeah, not exactly the welcome home you had wanted, but it was one you kind of expected after recent events.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

I stood on my balcony, looking out into the trees that surround this place. I sighed, looking down at my bandaged arm, half wondering why Shigaraki had just left me there, instead of taking me to my father or killing me. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at my door. "Come in!" I called out, not bothering to turn around.

I felt a presence appear beside me, "How are you feeling?" The familiar voice made me smile, "I'm fine Shoto. My arms a little sore, but the headache is gone." I looked over at him. His expression was unreadable. I couldn't tell what he was thinking as he stared down at the bandages wrapped around the burn.

Gently, he placed a had on it, "I should have been there, maybe I could have-" I laughed a little, placing my hand over his, "You better not start blaming yourself Shoto. There was no way for any of us to know this would happen and I am the only one to blame. I acted rashly and this is what I get for not think first." 

The boy in front of me sighed, placing his forehead on my shoulder, "I hate see you you hurt..." His voice was so soft as he mumbled out these words that I almost didn't hear him.  My face turned scarlet as I leaned my own head against his, "I'm okay Shoto.... You don't have to worry okay? Nothing is going to happen to me." He nodded, not moving. 

The two of us stood there, neither really wanting, or needing to move. I'd be lying if I said that I was uncomfortable or felt awkward in any way. No.... It felt right.... and for once my past, everything I had experienced and seen, it all faded. All I could focus on was Shoto, and his presence at my side.

I was happy, and no one could mess this up.

~???'s POV~

I sat there, angered that Shigaraki and his.... underling had touch her without telling me. I glared at nothing before I started laughing.... "Just you wait my dear (Y/N)...." 

"We're coming for you...."


Hey guys! 

I know this chapter is short, but I wanted to get something out for you all. So, here was a little moment with Todoroki. I hope you enjoyed, if you have ideas for anything, backstories elements, moments with Shoto or any of the other characters feel free to let me know!

Till next time.


Broken Past: Todoroki Shoto x  Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now