Chapter 68: The Aftermath

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~ Author POV ~

The three villains stood alone in a clearing. (Y/N) unconscious on the young male villain - known as Phase - shoulder. Waiting for a moment as they gathered there things. Megumi looked down at a small device in her hand before a smirk crossed her lips. She slipped the small device into her pocket before turning to the others. "Well, looks as though the others have gotten what they came for. We've been told to meet back up at the bar. Phase."


Without a sound, without a single person even seeing, The three villains were gone. Along with the young girl they had been sent to collect.

With the villains retreat, all of the students manged to find their way back. As the athorities arrived, the teachers finished their head count. And as the children were taken home, not a single one noticed the look of worry - of fear - that crossed their teacher's faces. Not for themselves - no - for now their fight was done. No, their fear was for the two students that were left unaccounted.

Bakugo Katsuki and (L/N) (Y/N).

That night, it was a strange mixture of unnerving calm and emotional chaos at the (L/N) residence. Todoroki had chosen to stay the night - in part due to the fact his father was to busy attempt to find the villains - with the three young men in the large home. Haikari - still unable to see - had locked himself in (Y/N)'s room. Miko had been in bed by the time Haikari and Todoroki had returned, but everyone could see his reaction. They could see the fear, the panic, that would consume the young boy when he found out his sister had been taken.

And Hiyori? The oldest of the boys had created a fist sized hole in the wall by the door when he first heard. Now he stood outside under the light of the moon, playing with shadows. Todoroki could have sworn that there was the glint of tears on his cheek when he had check on the older male.

Todoroki himself felt almost numb. As though the thought that she, the girl he had watched escape death only days before, was gone could not be possible. The boy had regrets. Regrets like not spending more time with her, not protecting her, not expressing how much he cared and instead ignoring her. That, mixed with the feeling of failure for not being able to help save Bakugo, and the concern he held for both, Todoroki was left emotionally confused and unable to sleep. Todoroki couldn't tell how long he had been sitting, staring at the picture of (Y/N) with everyone - her brothers, her class - hang on the wall. Seconds? Minutes? Hours? It was all a blur.

The sound of the door opening, and heavy footsteps approaching pulled the young hero in training back to the world around him. Hiyori looked down, with a gentle, yet incredibly sad, smile. "You should get some rest." His voice was ruff, as though torn apart by the pain of loss, and his eye bloodshot, "There... There is nothing we can do now."

Every word seemed to be more painful for him to say. Todoroki stayed silent, simply turning back to the picture. Hiyori placed a hand on the boy's shoulder. His own red eyes now focused on the picture. "She'll be okay..." His voice was soft and sound like he was trying to convince himself just as much as he was trying to convince Todoroki, "She has to be..."

With that Hiyori left. Todoroki stayed and after another hour, maybe two had past, he stood up. The young male place a hand on the picture of the girl he had come to care so deeply about and came to a decision.

Whatever he had to do - whether against the rules or not - he would bring her home.


Hello there everyone! I have returned

Apologies for the lack of updates. I've had a couple of assessment to finish up for school along with a handful of personal projects.

One being my original work Elysium: City of Villains a story I am currently both writing as a book here on Wattpad, as well as a webcomic over on webtoon. It is a project I have been really excited about doing for a while. So this along with a series me and a friend are trying to sort out and my D&D campaign have kept me pretty busy.

I am attempting to work on the stories I have here on Wattpad. And I do plan to finish them. I just have to manage my time a little better. :D

Anyway, hope everyone is staying safe in these crazy times and until the next up date.


Broken Past: Todoroki Shoto x  Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now