Chapter 62: Goodbye

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

By the time the others all had gotten there it was late. They had all missed out on lunch, and had just started dinner. I was sitting in a separate room, one far enough away from the main site that no one would be able to hear or see what we were about to do. I sat on a bed, my brother beside me, ready to start the painfully experience, we just had to wait for Mr Aizawa to return with Shoto. "You ready?" Haikari asked. I smiled and nodded, "Yeah. I'll be fine." His grip on my hand tightened. I could feel his anxieties and fears. I squeezed his hand, "This has to be done. We can't risk her seeing where we are." I heard the door open, as two sets of footsteps grew closer.

"About time. I kinda want to get this whole, 'dieing' thing over with." I laid back getting comfortable. "Wait..." Shoto's voice sounded confused, "What is going on?" I sighed, closing my eyes and removing the blindfold. "Long story short. Someone working with my father is in my head, Only way to get her out is to put me in a near death state. You're here to help keep me anchored." He looked confused, "Anchored?" I closed my eyes and breath out a sigh as my brother answered for me. "There is someone using their quirk to get into (Y/N) head. Through that they can find out where we are and report it to our father. In order to remove this person from (N/N) head we have to put my sister into a near death state in order to force the villain out. You need to keep (Y/N) tied to the land of the living, or she'll die." Shoto took a sharp breath, a moved to sit beside me. He grabbed my free hand, holding on to it tightly.

"Let's get this over with. As soon as you're ready." Aizawa ordered. "Let's do this Kari." My brother nodded. I activated my quirk, but instead of pushing the shadows away, I pulled them into my body, forcing them through my blood. I felt Haikari do the same, even though his was weaker. It didn't take long for the pain to increase to a point that most people would back out. I hiss, arching my back. Through the haze I felt Shoto squeeze then I blacked out. 

I stood in the same void of my mind that I had been in so many time before. "Back so soon?" Her voice rang out. I turned around, coming face to face Niya. "What can I say? I missed you." Sarcasim coated my every word. Niya grinned, walking up to me and rested her hand on my cheek, "Well isn't that sweet." She began to lean closer when a sudden surge pushed her back. Her form glitched as she frowned, "What....?" Niya's eyes went wide, her head snapping up to look at me, "You didn't.... You idiot! Do you really care about a meaningless class of heroes so much that you are willing to die?!" 

I stood there,as the void around me somehow grew darker. black smoke curled around both Niya and myself. I smiled, "Yes."

~Author's POV~

Shoto held on to (Y/N). The girls grip was getting weaker, her breath shorter, her skin colder. He hated seeing the black markings that covered her skin like veins. Everyone in the room was silent, they could do nothing but watch, watch as their sister, their student... their Friend lay dieing. All they could do was wait, wait for (Y/N) to show a sign that it was over. They had to wait for her to wake up.

(Y/N) only looked at Niya petrified expression. The idea of loving someone enough to die for them was foreign to her and she couldn't understand how anyone could. "You can't be serious! (Y/N), think about what you are saying... This world is corrupted, your 'Heroes' will end up just like the rest. They only care about themselves!"(Y/N)'s smile never faulted, even as Niya glitched again and as the room continued just to get  darker and darker. "You're wrong. Yes, maybe some of them have started with selfish reasons, but most want to help people. Save people. They are different and I will do everything I can to help them become heroes, even if that means I have to die."

Niya took a step forward, then another, slowly stumbling to the (H/C) haired girl in front of her. (Y/N) could see the tears that had started to form in the others eyes. Niya pulled (Y/N) into her arms, burring her head into (Y/N)'s shoulder. "Please..." She seemed to choke on the words, "Please... I... I can't lose you too..." Niya glitched, any moment now she would be gone and she feared that the moment she let go, would be the last moment she saw (Y/N) beautiful mismatched eyes.  "It's too late... I won't let him win." (Y/N) pulled away from Niya. The pink eyed girl reach out to (Y/N), but disappeared.

(Y/N) let out a sigh, Niya was gone, now she just had to... to. Her mind went blank and she began to fall. She felt weak, cold... lifeless as she fell through the void. Her eyes grew heavy and she couldn't remember why she had tried so hard to keep them open. A little sleep wouldn't hurt, right? She felt as though she hadn't slept in days. So (Y/N) let her eyes close, drifting off.

Haikari eyes went wide, his body beginning to shake violently, catching Shoto and Aizawa's attention. "No...No... Please...No." He kept repeating the words. Tears running down his cheeks as he fell to his knees, screaming out for his sister, for his best friend to open her eyes. His was begging any god that he could think of to let this be a dream.  He had felt it, that cold feeling he gets thanks to his quirk whenever some ones time is up. He felt (Y/N) soul slip, he felt her lose her grip on her hold to this world.

He felt her die.

Aizawa and Shoto caught on imminently. The teacher took a deep breath, blaming himself for letting his student do something so stupid as he lifted up Haikari, pulling him, kicking and screaming out the door. Leaving Shoto alone, still holding on to (Y/N)'s hand. It took a moment for Shoto to process everything that had happened. His tears had began to fall before he was consciously aware that (Y/N) was gone. He looked down at her, the beautiful girl who had managed to get to him, the first person he had ever truly let in.

Now she was gone. He squeezed her hand tight, hoping that Haikari was wrong... but he knew, deep down there was no way he would be. "Come on (N/N)..." His voice was breaking, "You have to open your eyes..." Nothing. Shoto took a shaky breath, laughing a little, "I finally understand what my mum was saying... and she was right. There are thing I haven't told you yet, things I need to tell you so please (Y/N), please just come back. I can't lose you..." His leaned over her lifeless body, resting his forehead on her. Knowing he would never get to tell her anything he wanted to. He would never again she her smile, hear her laugh. He would never see the determined fire in her eyes when ever they trained or had a test. He would never see her bicker with Haikari, or tease him about his relationship. He would never see the way she watched over Hana and Yasei as they played.

He wouldn't spend hours studying in a comfortable silence in her library. He wouldn't find her at two in the morning sitting at the dinning table. He would no longer feel the comfort of her presence in the classroom. He would no longer see her. Todoroki Shoto would no long have (Y/N) to lean on. That realization is what allowed him to put the pieces together. So, he leaned down, lips connecting with her forehead as he whispered the words he wished he'd said so much sooner.

"I love you..." 


Hey! I'm not dead.

Hello everyone, god it's been a while since I updated this one, huh? Well hope you liked the chapter. School been a bit full on this year so far, so updates on pretty much all of my stories have been slow. But I plan on doing what I can.

Also, If you haven't already, I'd appreciate it if you read my update/question thing I post earlier. I have something I'd like to get your opinions on.

Anyway, Hope you all had a good life.


Broken Past: Todoroki Shoto x  Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now