Chapter 9: Every Scar has a Story

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I woke up with a massive headache, sitting up in the bed? Wait where am I? I think back, trying to remember what happened. Okay I was fighting Kari and I-I used it... I f***ing used the dark. I started to panic, did I hurt him? Is he okay? Why did I let my anger control me like that? A tear slid down my cheek and my breathing became uneven. I closed my eyes, the worst possible scenarios replaying in my head.

I heard someone run towards my but I refused to look up. I felt the bed dip down as they sat down beside me, wrapping their arms around me and holding me close. "Shh (N/N) everything's fine, Nothing happened." It was Haikari's voice, as soon as i registered that I hugged back. "Todoroki..." I felt my brother gesture for something, but I did pay much attention to it. "D-did I hurt y-you?" He went silent.

I pulled back, looking over my brother, noticing the bandages on his arm a torso. I looked down at the ground, "I'm so sorry... I d-didn't realize my anger was that out of control." Another tear fell as Haikari lifted mt chin so my eyes met his. He smiled, wiping away my tears. 'What got you so pissed in the first place?" I clenched my fists, "Bakugo... he brought up mum again..." He pulled me into another embrace, both of us forgetting about the other presence in the room.

The duel hair boy cleared his throat, catching our attention. Haikari and I split up from our hug. I looked up at Todoroki, as did my brother. "Here..." He place my bag by the bed, I smiled. "Todoroki was the one who carried you here after you passed out." My brother spoke up. A pale pink crept on to my cheeks, I think the same happened to Todoroki, but I'm not sure. I looked away, "T-thank you for your help again Todoroki."

He turned towards the door and began to leave, "Don't mention it." After those words he left. My face went bright red, My loving brother laughed at my flustered expression. "Your cute when your embarrassed sis." I playfully punched his uninjured arm, "Shut up and let's go home." He nodded and we started to head off.

Once we arrive at home, I went to the bathroom to wash my face. Looking in the mirror my Mismatch eyes fell on my scar. No one, not even Toshinori, knew what we went through... What our mother went through till she snapped. This scar reminds me of those days, the days of pain and tears... as much as I wish I could forget everything he did to us.

"(Y/N)! Dinners ready!" Haikari's voice snapped me out of my daze. I shook my head and headed to the dinning room. "Thanks Haikari!" He smiled and gestured to the food on the table. "Dig in! Then you should get some rest." I nodded eating the meal my brother had prepared.

I laid down in my bed, It was now 1am and I hadn't closed my eyes. All I could think about was mum and the fact I used that attack and hurt Haikari. I sighed, closing my eyes, "I should at lest try. I do have school later." With that I drifted off into a restless sleep.

Let's hope tomorrow is better.

Broken Past: Todoroki Shoto x  Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now