Side story #1

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So this is a little different. It's a glimpse into a section of (Y/N)'s back story that you can choose whether or not to keep or forget about. I got the idea from a couple of comments that I saw in a previous chapter and thought I'd write a senerrio where that did happen.

If any of you have a suggestion of a bit of backstory or a oneshot type senerrio (that are not lemons as I am not comfortable with those) please leave a comment as I want you all to share a glimpse into the past that (Y/N) has, as she is you. This story is about you going through this wonderful world and what a better way to write a story like that then with the help of the people reading it.

Anyway, sorry if the quality of this chapter is a little off, it's currently 10:30pm and I haven't really slept to much, but hope you enjoy anyway.

Hope you enjoy life.


~(Y/N)'s pov~

This was a day I wouldn't forget for a long time. Many others would remember this as well but not in the same way. You're probably wondering what I'm talking about, huh? Well, so far you've seen me as a hero, a friend, someone who has done no real wrong out of free will. Well this is where I tell you that idea is false and here's why.

A year after I had met Kemuri on that roof I felt something crack. My teachings from my Father began to leak into my head. I was anger, I didn't know what else to do. In the few hours I had known Kemuri we had formed a strong bond. Hearing his story in full, seeing the broken look in his eye while he told it was heart breaking and for once I chose not to hold my emotions back. Tonight someone was going to see what my wrath truly looked like.

The night this happen, the air was cold. I walked the streets in a hood, gloves and mask while my brother slept. Everything was quiet. Nothing move. Nothing made a sound. The moon was cloaked by darkening clouds. Setting the mood for a night like tonight. I continued on, following the path that I had found lead to a certain couples home. This is where things got a little bit insane.

I honestly wasn't expecting anyone to be awake. I thought it would be easy, you know sneak in while they were sleeping and get it over with quickly  but no, they had to be awake. If you haven't figured out who I'm talking about yet allow me to inform you. Mr and Mrs Hinotenshi, Kemuri's amazing parents.

I remember everything so clearly. His mother's screams as I pulled the trigger, hitting her with deadly accuracy. His father running down stairs to see the commotion and finding his now dead wife on the ground, lifeless. I looked at him, my eyes devoid of any emotion, speaking to him, "You are a horrible human being." I slowly approach the man, who only stood their in shock unable to process what was happening. "You drove a child. Your own son to try and end his own life purely because you didn't like who he wished to love."

The man back hit the wall and slid to the ground. I pressed the cold steel against his head. "This world has no need for people like you. Villains who hide behind laws. Who lock their door and think their safe because their face wasn't on tv. Well I'd like to tell you something." I lent down by the grown mans ear, whispering the last words he'd ever hear, "The door can't keep you safe, a screen can't keep your identity hiden and the law can't truly stop someone who wants something." A final bang rang out across the room. I placed the weapon in the mans hand, making it seem as though he had taken his own life.

"Vilains never win and I won't stand by while people like you roam the streets. So..." I turn towards the door, a small, ever so slightly twisted smile on my face, "I'll see you in hell." I left. Walked out into the cold streets as the sky seemed to cry for reasons I don't know. Maybe because someone who said they wishes to be a hero, who wants to save lives, had just taken two. Maybe it was for the bastards who's lives had been shortened or for the child who had to live in world like the one Kemuri had seen. I would never know the answer as to why the clouds shed tears that day.

Eventually, I arrived back home. The next it was like nothing had happened. I acted normal, Haikari didn't know what I had done and the news had said the pros and police couldn't find any evidence that pointed to someone else being involved in the crime. We helped Kemuri get back on his feet and eventually the day was no longer spoken about, only remember.

But none would remember it as clearly as I did. For none would ever know the true story of that night.

The night I killed the two people who had made the life of one of my closest friends a waking nightmare.

And I have never regretted it.

Not even once.

Broken Past: Todoroki Shoto x  Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now