Chapter 49: Enter: HAND CRUSHER!!

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~Todoroki's POV~

Izuku, Iida and I stood there as Hiyori broke down, unsure of what we should do. After a moment Izuku had to go answer his phone. Iida and I sat back down on our beds. A few minutes pasted before Hiyori wiped his eyes and stood up, placing a gentle kiss on (Y/N)'s forehead.

The older boy then walked over to me and Iida, a sad smile on his face. "I want to thank both of you... for taking care of (N/N)." Iida bowed his head, "Without her, Midoriya and Todoroki... I would not be here." Our class rep looked over at our classmate, "So it is me who should be thanking her, without my foolish choice she and the others wouldn't have gotten hurt." Hiyori looked at Iida with a firm yet sympathetic expression and nodded, "Hopefully you learned your lesson, but think of it this way... You now have more experience then most Pros did at your age."

Iida sighed a little, "Right..." Hiyori smiled and placed a hand on my classmate's shoulder, "You did well, because of your choice no one else will wined up like your brother... You can be proud of that, you just have to be careful." Iida nodded. Hiyori then turned to me and hugged me. I was a little taken-a-back by his action. "We were worried about you to Shoto..." He pulled back. I tilted my head to the side, clearly confused, "Why...?"

The older boy laughed and ruffled my hair, "Because you're basically family... so of course we'd be worried. You should of see Miko's face when he heard the news, poor kid was crying an ocean." He sighed and stepped back, "Anyway, I've got to go. I have some stuff to finalize with Nezu before I can started teaching and I've got a test to do too." The older boy walked towards the door, looking over at (Y/N) one last time, "I'll come by to pick you up when your released. Be prepared for Haikari and Miko's reactions."

I watched as (Y/N)'s face paled a little and she laughed awkwardly. Hiyori smirked as he left the room. (Y/N) sighed, "I hate seeing him like that..." She pulled her knees up to her chest laying her head on them. I walked over to her an sat down beside her, placing a hand on her shoulder, Iida following my lead. "What do you mean?" A small smiled crossed her lips, "Broken... I hate seeing any of my brothers like that... But Hiyori tends to bottle up his emotions, so it's worse when he cracks."

I looked over, my eyes meeting Iida's for a moment. We decide to change the subject. We talked about different things, (Y/N) looked like she was grateful to have the subject changed. The three of us continued to talk until one of the doctors came in. "Mr. Iida... we have your results."

~(Y/N)'s POV~

Once the doctor told Iida his results they left. Not long after Izuku comes back into the room. "Oh, Hey Iida, I just heard from Urara...ka..." The green haired boy drifted off. "Midoriya." Todoroki called out, catching Izuku's attention, "Iida, his... The results of his physical exam just  came in." Everyone was silent for a moment until Iida spoke up, "It seems my left hand will have residual complications." Izuku's eyes widened slightly.

"Both my arms got thrashed but...It'd appear the damage is particularly severe in my left arm. They told me my 'Brachial Plexus' is impaired." Our class rep explained, "Actually, all it amounts to is it being hard to move my fingers, and a little numbness. And there's even a chance it could heal through nerve grafting surgery." I looked at him, a little sadness in my eyes, but he wasn't done talking, "When I  found the hero killer, I became incapable of rational thought. I should have contacted Mr. Manual first. I hate that bastard, but... what he said was the truth. That's why... until I can become a true hero I think I'll leave my left hand like this."

I could see Izuku was thinking for a moment before he replied, "Iida. I'm the same as you. Let's you and me become stronger... together." I smiled at my friends. "I'm uh... I'm sorry..." Our attentions turned to Shoto. "Huh? Why.....?" Izuku asked. "Now I feel like... whenever I'm involved... people's hands go bad....." We sat there shocked for a moment, the once serious atmosphere disappeared in an instant.

"AH-HAHAHAHAHA, What are you talking about?!" We all burst out laughing. "I guess even Todoroki can crack a joke now and then!" Shoto looked dead serious, "No, I'm not joking. It's like there's some hand-crusher-like presence in me..." This just made us laugh harder, "Handcrusher-like presence?!!" after that we all calm down, glad that, even if he didn't mean to, Shoto had lightened the mood.

And soon we'd be heading back to school soon and our journey  would continue, and I could tell that our adventure was only going to get more interesting.

Broken Past: Todoroki Shoto x  Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now