Chapter 11: A little of the past

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~Todoroki's POV~

That boy, he looked around my age, just walked off. I looked at (Y/N), who was just starring at his back. "I know you have questions Shoto. I'll answer them when we get to my place okay?" I nodded, "Okay." she smiled, "then let's go!"

We arrived at her place, I texted my sister saying I'd be late. (Y/N) basically kicked the door down. "KARI! GET YOUR BUTT TO THE DINNING ROOM!! WE NEED TO TALK!" I heard loud footsteps as Haikari ran into the room. "What is it (N- oh hey Todoroki." I gave him a small wave.

"I ran into someone on my way home." (Y/N) took a seat gesturing for Haikari and I to do the same. "Who (Y/N)? and can we really talk about it with Todoroki around? no offence." I shrugged, a little curious at what he meant. "He was with me, plus I trust Shoto with it." Haikari raised an eyebrow, "Okay then who did you see?" (Y/N) was silent for a moment, "Hiyori..."

With one simple word the entire atmosphere changed. Haikari stood up, knocking over his chair and slamming his hands on the table, "WHAT?!" (Y/N) sighed, "Who's Hiyori?" I asked a little confused, Haikari seemed deep in thought. (Y/N) looked down, "(L/N) Hiyori, our big brother. He and Miko, our little brother, got stuck in a bad situation..." Haikari spoke up, "Damn it. What did he say exactly?" (Y/N) looked at her brother, "One, Hiyori and Miko say hi and two, he told us to be careful. He said that monster is planing something."

Haikari's fist hit the table again, (Y/N) flinched, "We were so careful! How the hell..?!" I looked between the two. "What's going on?" I finally asked, extremely confused. "I'm going to explain it to Shoto. You go take a breather, just be careful." Haikari nodded and walked out the door, leaving me and (Y/N) alone.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

I sighed, looking at Shoto. "I'll explain our situation to you if you'd like to hear it." He nodded, well someones curious. A small smile crossed my lips. "Okay..." I took a deep breath, "Our brothers are currently caught up with a group of villains. That's the whole reason me and Kari want to be heroes. One of the villain is a sick bastard who sent our mother to brink insanity and took my brothers. A friend of my mothers took in Haikari and I."

I rested my head on my arms. "Said villain, however has been trying to track down me and Kari. He got us once, when we were around six...It's been a few years and we've been careful not to make it easy for him it easy for him to track us, but now they may have found us. Hiyori was warning me about a possible attack soon." Shoto didn't say a word, so I stood up and looked out the window, it was getting dark. "Shoto, your welcome to stay for dinner, it's getting late."

I walked into the kitchen and left Shoto to his thoughts. "Well time to make dinner." I mumbled. Just as I was putting the final touches on dinner as the front door opened revealing an exhausted Kari. "Are you okay Kari?" He bent over trying to catch his breath, but gave me a thumbs up. I place a pate of food in front of Shoto, then two more for Haikari an myself. The was now dark,as the moon glowed with it's silver light. "I take it Todoroki's staying the night?" I shrugged in reply to my brothers answer. "That's up to him."

We looked at Shoto. "If it's not to much trouble, it is pretty dark." Haikari nodded, "We have a guest room and some old clothes from our guardian your welcome to use." Shoto nodded. "Hey Kari?" My brother hummed in response, "Why were you out of breath earlier?" He tensed and sighed, "I saw some suspicious people when I was out. They were talking about some attack that was going on soon, so I ran home." I looked at him worriedly, "Well at lest you weren't caught."

We all finished eating, I washed up while Haikari showed Shoto around the apartment. "Hey (N/N)?" I looked over my shoulder at my brother, "I don't have a good feeling about this you?" I sighed, "Same something's going to happen and it's not going to be good." Feeling I should change the subject I asked my brother, "Where's Shoto?" My brother smiled a little. "In the shower. You gonna be okay?" I nodded.

That was the last day of complete peace we'd be having for a while.

Broken Past: Todoroki Shoto x  Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now