Chapter 22: Our Story, Our Pain

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This chapter is a lot of dialog and more talk on self harm and suicide


~(Y/N)'s POV~

Today was the day we are going back to school and the day we explain to our class about our past. We arranged it with the principal and our teachers to take our class to a safe home our mum's old home. It's a freaking mansion and me and Haikari are moving back into it now that our apartment has been more then likely compromised. So now we're waiting in front of the house for rest of our class. "We owe them explanation (Y/N) and they need to know what they could get caught up in." My brother placed his hand on my shoulder, I looked down, "I-I know. It's just... everything could change when they find out... I'm just hoping it won't change too much."

Haikari gave me a small smile, "I hope for the same thing and I wish we could have avoided this topic a little longer and got to know everyone first... but we really can't... not now that we've been found." I sighed and nodded. Soon a bus much like the one that took us to the USJ pulled up into our property and out step our confused and curious classmates. I forced a smile and waved as they approached. "Welcome everyone!" My brother sounded as cheery as ever, "Sorry to pull you all out here, but welcome to our home. Your here so we can explain about our fight at the USJ and-"

"Tell you about our past, as you might all get caught up in it. Please come inside." I turned around and opened the large double door to the entry hall and lead my classmates to the living room. It was large with plenty of seats for everyone. "Okay... T-this isn't the easiest topic for us to cover, but you all deserve to know, especially cause you may get caught up in it. Not even our guardian knows exactly what we through and were forced to do." Haikari state, Katsuki began to shout like normal, "How and why the hell would we get caught up in your problems?!" I snapped back, "Because, Your our classmates. The people after us will do what EVER is necessary to get what they want. We're explaining who these people are, what they want, why they want it and how we're involved in order to make sure you don't get hurt. "

He went silent after that, minus his angry grumbling. here goes nothing, "First off, you all know that our mother is (L/N) Ayano, or as the public knew her, the third ranked hero Animus." There were a few nods and murmurers among my class. "Well... we also have two brothers. (L/N) Hiyori, our older brother and (L/N) Miko, our younger brother or as you might know them the villains, Shade and Spirit..." Their were many shocked face, but before anyone could speak up I continued, "They didn't choose to be villains... They were forced... by our father, (L/N) Yoru or Dark mist." By this point they everyone was talking among themselves. "Please let us continue, when we're done talking we'll answer any question you may have." Many of them nodded.

I took a deep breath, "Our mother had fallen for him, unaware he was a villain and had us and our brothers. Before our quirks manifested everything was great. He was just like how you'd expect a father to be... However, the day that Hiyori got his quirk, he started coming home later, covered in cuts and bruises. We knew something was wrong, we ask Hiyori over and over again but he just brushed us off, told us everything was fine and being like three we believed him.

However when we got our quirks, we found out exactly what our brother had been going through. 'Training' is what our father called it, but to us it was just never ending pain. Day after day, we'd go through endless training, pushing our quirks and bodies to their limits and by that I mean some days we'd basically be at deaths door. If we did something wrong... well" I took off my jacket as did Haikari, who also took off his shirt, I had a singlet on that stopped just below my chest. We show everyone our scared torsos and backs. I saw tears in Izuku's and Ochaco's eyes, everyone else looked at us with sorrow, pity, sympathy or concern. Both me and Haikari gave them sad smiles.

Broken Past: Todoroki Shoto x  Fem!ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora