Chapter 47: Hero Killer, Stain: Part 2

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

"Must be a time limit!" I tried to steady my breathing and ignore the pain. "It can't be, he was the last one to go down!" I barely paid attention to the conversion going on in the background. I snapped back to reality as Shoto called out, "Fall back, Midoriya!" I walked over and stood by the boys, "He takes in blood to steal away movement! As for why the only one to be released from it's effects so far is me I can think of three patterns." 

I watched Stain as Izuku talked, "A) The more targets there are the thinner the effects, B) It has to do with how much blood he's ingested or maybe, C)... The effects bears differences depending on blood type..." Native, the injuried pro spoke up first, "Blood type... Mine's B." Iida added as well, "Mine's A..." I couldn't help but smile a little and shake my head, "Looks like they brain of yours is coming in handy, Deku." I was a little surprised that I had called my friend that, but it is currently his hero name. Stain, himself smiled a little, "Blood type... Is the correct answer!"

"Sadly knowing that isn't very helpful currently." I said, Izuku nodded. "I wanna take the two of them and evacuate ASAP, but... His reaction time's fast enough to be able to evade both Ice and fire. He won't give us an opening to." Shoto and I listen to Izuku as he talked, "Until the pros arrive I think avoiding close quarters with him and holding out is the best we can do." I nodded, "That would probably be best."

"Todoroki, (N/N) you're losing too much blood. I'll draw his attention, so be my logistic support!" I sighed knowing that he was right, "You got it Deku." Shoto nodded, "This'll be nothing if not touch-and-go, but... You're right." The three of us stood there, ready to defend the two who still couldn't move, "The three of us will protect them." Stain's expression did not look amused, "So it's three against one... Not so naive, I see." Shoto prepared his ice and Izuku jumped. I could feel the effects of having my souls out helping around the city, but I wasn't going to let that stop me. 

I used my shadows and flames to back up Shoto while Izuku fought up closer. "Please stop... I... I won't..." I heard Iida start to mumble again, "If you want us to stop then stand up!!!" Shoto's voice rang out, "Set your eyes on the man you want to be!!" Stain stood right in front of us, both of us went to attack, but again Stain was too fast, two more knives embedded themselves in my right leg, while Stain went to hit Shoto with his sword. "Recipro..." I looked over at Iida as he raced towards Stain, "Burst!!" 

Our class rep broke Stain's blade before it made contact with Shoto's body. "Nice timing Iida!" I smiled as Izuku called out his name. "So the effect faded bastard's quirk ended up being no big deal surprisingly." Stain went flying towards a wall, "For wrapping you three up in something you have nothing to do with... I truly apologize... and that's why I cannot allow you three to spill anymore blood." I scoffed, "Iida, really?"

"Trying to make me think you've had a change of heart is futile. A man's true character doesn't change so easily!" The villain stood there, broken sword in hand, "You are nothing more than a fake who prioritizes his own selfish desires! You are the cancer of society, warping the word 'Hero' and someone needs to correct that." Shoto spoke up to Stain, "That's just fundamentalism, and anachronistic to boot. Don't pay him any heed, Iida." Iida looked down as he answered, "No, It's just as he said. I'm not qualified to bear the name... of a hero."

I looked at my friend with sad eyes, "Iida..." Said boy clenched his fists, "Nevertheless... I can't afford to fold here..." He looked up determination in his voice, "For if I were to fold then Ingenium would die." Stain just glared back, "That's out of the question." Shoto and I through our fire at the villain. Native called out from behind us, "You idiots...!! The hero killer is only after me and white armor over there! Don't fire back!" Shoto called back, "Do you see him giving us any openings to do so, sir?"

"He's mood has shifted from what it was before, he's obviously feeling the heat." I added, my vision starting to blur a little. "Todoroki!" I heard Iida called out as I sent shadows out to attack Stain. I started to feel light headed. I coughed as a familiar metallic taste in my mouth. I shook my head and looked up to see both Iida and Izuku take down Stain, a smile spread across my face, "Good job... guys." I felt my legs start to give out on me, but I felt someone supported my weight.

"You okay?" I looked up and saw Shoto, I nodded a little, "Just over did it a bit. I had my souls running around the city trying to help as many people as I could." Shoto sighed and through one of my arms over his shoulder as his uninjured arm held my waist. "Come one."

I looked over as Iida pulled Stain out of the alley and Izuku was being carried by Native. "I'm sorry... I'm a pro yet I was just a burden on you..." I lend on Shoto for support trying to stay awake, as Izuku spoke to the pro, "No... In a one-on-one fight against the hero killer's quirk, I don't think there's anything you could have done... He's just to strong." I hummed in response, "Even Four-on-one, we only just manged to win by the skin of our teeth due to errors he made himself." I coughed again having my friends look at me for moment before Shoto continued, "Maybe he was in such a fret that he let the time it took for to recover slip from his head. Lastly, setting aside Iida's recipro.... He couldn't handle Midoriya's moves."

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE, BOY?!!" An older sounding voice called out, "Gran Torino!!" Izuku's voice replied. "I told you to sit down, didn't I?!!" I laughed a little as the old man kick Izuku in the face. I lent my head on Shoto's shoulder out of tiredness. Several other heroes showed up, but I could really hear any of the conversation. All I felt was Shoto cover me, making me slightly more aware of my surroundings. "MIDORIYA!" I looked up to see my friend gripped by the talons of a Nomu, "Izuku..." My voice was quiet and followed by a fit of coughs. Shoto help me stay stable as we all watch helpless as Stain took down the Nomu. "The phonies that have overrun society and the criminals who so aimlessly sprinkle around their 'power' Those are the targets of my purge! ALL OF THIS IS FOR THE SAKE OF A JUST WORLD!"

Endeavor run into the street, however when Stain looked up, even the number two hero froze. Again, my senses started to fade again. I felt my body fall on to Shoto and my eyes close. I couldn't fight it any longer, I let the exhaustion take over.

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