Chapter 28: I promise

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~Shoto's POV~

I didn't now what I could say. I've really had someone care enough about me to do something like this for me, to give me a place where I could feel at... home. I couldn't help but smile as I thought about how kind (Y/N) had been to me, even thought she's been through so much, but she still found time to help me. I don't know what this feeling is... But I want to help her in anyway I can. I won't let her or her brothers go through that again.

(Y/N) and I eventually made it to the dinning room and were met with an amazing sent. Miko was jumping around the room, Haikari in the kitchen and Hiyori setting the table. When they caught sight of us, Hiyori smirked as Miko ran over to us. "Is Shoto going to stay with us?" His mismatched eyes were full of joy, (Y/N) smiled down at him, "I don't know. Shoto? Wanna stay the night?" I looked at her then at the young boy in front of me, a small smile on my face, "Sure... I'll stay tonight." Miko started to jump up and down then turn to his sister. "You've found a good one this time sis, unlike..." 

(Y/N) blushed, "I-It's not like that M-Miko... and can we please not talk about that... boy..." Hiyori looked over with sad eyes, "He's gone now (N/N)... He can't hurt you again." (Y/N) sighed and smile over to her brother, "That does make the memories any easier... He betrayed my trust... I... thought he actually cared but he..." She looked down. I looked over at Hiyori. For a few seconds we made eye contact, he gave me a, 'Don't ask, I'll tell you later', look. I turned back to (Y/N), her expression was pained and sad. A small pain filled my chest like pressure had just been placed on it. 

"It'll be okay (Y/N). Everything will be okay." I placed a hand on her arm and gave it a genital and reassuring squeeze. She gave me a smile, it was small, "Thank you Shoto." I gave her a smile in return, "Your welcome." Haikari entered the room and cleared his throat, causing all of us to look at him, "If you two are done being sweet with each other, then how about we eat?" A faint pink spread across my cheeks, (Y/N) face once again a bright red, Cute... wait what?, "Y-yeah let's eat!" (Y/N) quickly made her way to the table and sat down.

(Y/N) didn't eat as much as the rest of us, but still a decent amount, before saying she was tried and was going to head up to her room. I was left with her brothers, the four of us moved into the living room because Miko asked to watch a movie. As Haikari helped Miko put on a movie call, 'Bridge to Terabithia' Hiyori pulled me to the side. "How do you feel about (Y/N)?" I was startled a little by his question, "W-What do you mean?" Hiyori sighed, "I mean... (N/N)'s been through a lot. Their was a boy a two years ago, he promise (Y/N) he'd be there for her, that he'd stay by her side... but when our father offered him power and anything he could wish for, he betrayed her. (Y/N) was heartbroken. I don't want to see her in that position again. So I'll ask one more time, How do you feel about my sister?"

I sighed, "She's an amazing person, she's stronger then most people. (Y/N) has been trough so much but she's still helped me more then anyone else ever has..." Hiyori looked me dead in the eyes, "Okay, now... How much do you know about our father? And how do you feel about him?" My eyes widened a little, a memory of seeing the scars on (Y/N)'s wrists when she had told the class about her past and how much it had hurt to see her so broken. "I know that he is Dark Mist, a incredibly dangerous villain. I know he hurt you and your siblings, sent your mother to the point she attack her own child. As for how I feel..." I clenched my fists, "(Y/N), Haikari, You and Miko, didn't deserve that... and I can understand how it feels. My father... he's all about training me to beat All Might and become number one... He broke my mother as well and during one of her brake downs I walk in on her and she poured boiling water on my eye."

I saw sympathy in Hiyori's crimson eyes, but continued, "I'm the result of a quirk marriage. I wasn't ever really allowed to have friends nor play and hang around my siblings, My father saw them as a detraction. So I can understand your lives a little." I looked up at him, determination burning in my hetrochomatic eyes. "I want to protect her. (Y/N) is my first friend and she has helped me a lot, even though she been through so much. I've seen her arms and heard her story... I don't know how she's so strong..." Hiyori let out a small laugh.

"The pain (Y/N)'s been through is what makes her strong. She has seen thing she doesn't want other to see. She gone though dark times, now she want to be the light to guide others through it. Most of all, she is loyal to a fault, we always said that her loyalty would be her down fall." He smiled and place a hand on my shoulder. "Shoto... I want you to watch over her and stay by her side, no matter what happens, even if she tries to push you away. I want you to help her through everything and give her a shoulder to lean on when she needs it. I want to ask you to be the light that will keep my sister out of the dark that she has found herself in."

I looked at him as his smile grow a little more, "Todoroki Shoto, can you promise me that you will stick by (Y/N)'s side and wouldn't betray her trust? Can I ask you to watch over her for me when I can't?" I didn't need to think about it, I didn't know what this feeling was but I wanted to protect her, from her father, her past and her pain. I want her to be safe and have a future where she can be happy. I looked directly into Hiyori's eyes, and spoke with determination.

"I promise."

Broken Past: Todoroki Shoto x  Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now