Chapter 12: Midnight Chat

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~Todoroki's POV~

(Y/N)'s words kept replaying in my head. why would villains be after her and her siblings? I could tell she hadn't told me everything, but i didn't want to push it. She was my first real friend, even if we haven't know each other that longer. I looked at the clock, midnight... I sighed getting up and heading out to their kitchen to get a drink.

What I did expect was to find someone already out there. "Guess I won't ever sleep huh?" The figure laughed a little, but it sounded more like they were choking back tears, "Damn it... I need to stop worrying Haikari... Maybe mum was right..." I looked into the kitchen to see (Y/N) sitting on the floor with her head burred in her knees. "I really am a demon, right mum?" Tears rolled down her face.

I walked in and sat down beside her, "Hey..." She tensed and turned away, "H-hey, why are you up so late, Shoto?" Her voice was shaky and she wouldn't look my direction. "I couldn't sleep, so I came out here and I saw you crying." She laughed a little, "I'm fine. Just... thinking about the past." she looked up, "A lot happened back then and none of it was fun." I looked at her, "(Y/N)..." she wiped her tears away and turned to me, my eyes drifted to her scared eye, "What happened to your eye? You don't have to answer..." She smiled a little, "It's fine Shoto... I trust you."

"Do you remember what Katsuki said about my mum, Animus?" I looked up and thought for a moment, "Depends what you mean, he said a lot..." She laughed, "He said she tried to kill one of her kids..." I nodded, "Yes, I remember that." She gave me a small smile, "My scar... I from when she attacked me... I was already injured when my mum walked up to me with a knife..." She took a shaky breath, "She cut my eye. Haikari got home to find the scene and use his quirk to restrain mum. He then called one of her good friends and he came to get us. Th doctors said if it had been a little bit deeper I would have lost my eye. We've been living here since."

I didn't know what to say. "My mum attacked me because I had been practicing with the dark part of my quirk... It broke her when she saw me playing with shadows. I avoided using it since that day." She gave me a smile, but I could see the pain behind it, "I got mine from a similar situation..."

~(Y/N)'s POV~

My eyes went wide as Shoto spoke, "My mother said that my left side reminded her of my father." He spat out the last word, "I was six and caught her in the middle of a break down. She said it was unbearable and that she couldn't raise me and my siblings anymore. I made the mistake of speaking up." I looked at the pain hidden behind his mask. "She ended up pouring boiling water over my eye." He clenched his fists, "It was because of my father's abuse towards us that she snapped. I refuse to use my left side, my fathers fire."

I sighed and looked at the roof, "I know this sounds hypercritical, but it's not his quirk it's yours. It's your fire, your power. I can't tell you to use it, especially when I refuse to use mine, but don't attack like it's his power. It's your choice what you do with it not his." He yawn and I smiled, "You should go to bed, we do have school later." He looked at me, a trace of concern in his eyes, "What about you?" I let out a weak, forced laugh. "If I try I'll just have another nightmare. Don't worry, I can go a week or so without sleep." Shoto frowned a little before standing up and picking me up bridal style.

"S-Shoto! What are you doing?" He just started walking, "Putting you to bed, It's not go to deprive yourself of sleep." I looked up at him, "Why are you so worried? I'm use to it by now." He sighed a little frustration, "We're friends aren't we? That means your my first friend and friends look out for each other, right?" My cheeks went a little pink. "I-I guess so... Wait you've never had friends before?" He shook his head, "Kids were scared of my appearance and my father didn't exactly give me that luxury..." I nodded and yawned a little, "I can understand that." My eyes started to grow heavy as Shoto placed me on my bed.

"Get some rest (Y/N), you seem like you need it." I smiled a little, "I'll try, thanks Shoto..." and with that I drifted off, having the first peaceful sleep in a long time.

~Todoroki's POV~

As soon as her head hit the pillow she was out. I smiled a little, she looks peaceful when she's asleep. I went to leave, looking back once more, "I'll help keep you safe (Y/N), I swear." I went back to the room I was staying in and laid down. I won't let them find her. I drifted off in to a peaceful sleep.

Broken Past: Todoroki Shoto x  Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now