Chapter 56: Unexpected guests

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

Eventually everyone arrived back in class. Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido and Sato all looked so disappointed. "Everyone... I'm looking forward... hic... to a bunch of... awesome stories from the trip!" Ashido seemed to be crying a little. I felt bad so I went up to her and pulled her in for a hug. I patted her back and took a deep breath. "Just hold on, now. There could still be some twist to this...!" Izuku tried to reassure them.

"Don't say that, Midoriya. You're gonna jinx it..." Sero said. I sighed, still rubbing Ashido's back. "Failing our exams means summer school hell instead of training camp in the woods!" Kaminari started, "And we flunked that practical! The only twist would be if average scores were less than a monkey's." I sighed a little, "Kaminari, you should calm down. You know how Aizawa is. He tends to be misleading." Sero nodded, "I'm in the same boat, anyway. I got put to sleep and only cleared the test thanks to Mineta." This conversation went on for a little bit more until Aizawa entered the room. "That's the bell. Be seated." All of us did as our teacher instructed. "Morning. About your final exams... Sadly, we had some failures. As such..." I looked over at my friends who hadn't passed to see their expressions.

"You're all going to summer training camp." Aizawa said. I couldn't help but laugh as the four failing students screamed, "WHAT A TWIST!" Aizawa then continued to speak. "Everyone cleared the written tests. But in the practical... Kirishima, Ashido, Sato... and Sero all failed." Kirishima raised his hand above his head, "Wait, we're really allowed to go?!" I looked over at Sero, "I knew it. Clearing the practical didn't necessarily mean I passed..." I looked at him a little sad.

Aizawa continued to speak, "As the villains in this test, we teachers... came up with assignments perfectly suited to all of you. Ones that would give you chances to devise winning strategies. If we hadn't, none of you would've stood a chance." Some of my class looked shocked, "So when you said you were going to crush us..." Ojiro started. "That was to push you. We are talking about training camp after all. More than anyone else, those who failed are in need of this. This was another rational deception."

"Rational Deception?!" The class called out. I sighed, a small smile on my face, "Called it." I whispered. Haikari rolled his eyes. The rest of the day I spent daydreaming. Thinking about everything that had happened recently and the sinking felling I had for the camp. "What about you guys?" I snapped out of my daze by Ochaco leaning down in front of me. I blinked a few times, "Umm....What?" My brother laughed, "Their planing on going to the shops tomorrow. You wanna go?" I shrugged, "I don't know. Have we got anything planed? Like going to see the others?" Haikari shook his head. "Will told us not to come in tomorrow. I don't know why." 

I looked over at Ochaco and the rest of the class with a smile, "Looks like we'll be there!" Ochaco smiled and side hugged me. I laughed a little as we parted. We all stood up and headed for the door, "Bye guys! See you tomorrow." I waved at them. Shoto, Haikari and I all made our way out of the school and towards our home. The walk was filled with small talk and laughs. I couldn't stop smiling that whole time.

We soon arrived at the house, though what we heard was a little surprising. "YASEI GET YOUR ASS DOWN FROM THERE!!" I looked at my brother and close friend. "Did you guys hear that to or am I going crazy?" Both boys looked just as shocked, so I knew I wasn't losing my mind. I wasted little time in opening up the door. The first thing I saw was Yasei thrown over Kemuri's shoulder. "(N/N)!!" I heard a young feminine voice call out to me as a blur of pink run towards me. I knelt down and picked her up spinning her, "Hana, i didn't think you guys would be here so soon!" 

Haikari looked at me and raised an eyebrow, "You knew about this?" I was going to answer, however a hand was placed on my shoulder. "(Y/N) was the one who asked Will to let us move in with you guys." I looked up seeing Kemuri and nodded. "Yeah. I thought it was about time these guys got out of that hospital. Will's going to check up on them every so often though." Haikari smiled and pecked Kemuri on the cheek, causing the older teen to turn pink. "Have you guys got rooms yet?" Kemuri tried to stutter out a response.

"Yeah! Hiyori and Miko showed us around!" Yasei grinned, Hana nodded her head repeatedly. "That we did." I looked over towards the living room to see my brothers walking towards us, "And Haikari." My twin looked up at Hiyori and hummed in response, "You and Kemuri are sharing a room." Haikari smiled, "Cool." I laughed and looked at my brother in response, "Well. Just make sure you guys aren't to loud. The rest of us do want to get some sleep." I winked. 

I watched as Haikari's face turned bright red, "(Y/N), I swear to the gods-" I started sprinting towards the backyard as everyone started laughing. "(Y/N) GET BACK HERE." I laughed as I continued to run. My brother on my tail. There was only one thought on my mind. 

This is going to be interesting from now on.

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