Chapter 24: Toshinori's time and Hiyori's pain

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

After we caught up with Katsuki, Haikari and I started to head down to the cafeteria. "Ah! There you (Y/N), Haikari! Would you care to join us for lunch?" We turned around to see Toshinori and Izuku. "Sure!" I smiled and we followed them into another room. Toshinori changed back into his skinny form as we all take a seat. He started to tell us about his time limits with his quirk.

"FIFTY MINUTES?!!" All three of us yelled, we were all shocked to hear this. "Yeah... That's my current limit, and it's getting shorter all the time. At the moment I can manage staying in my muscle from for maybe an hour and a half if i'm stretching it." I hear Izuku mumble a little beside me, "Oh wow... I'm so sor-" Before Izuku could finish Toshinori interrupted, "You don't need to apologize, boy! We're very similar aren't we, You and I!" I placed a hand on Izuku's shoulder, "Yeah. It's not your fault he decided to over do it."

"Anyway, more importantly, let's talk about the sports festival. As it stands, you can't adjust one for all. So what are you gonna do about it?" We all looked over at Izuku, waiting for his answer. "Ah, right... Actually, now that you mention it... Once against that villain with the brain showing, I didn't feel any blowback." I looked over at my brother and we both shared a small smile. Izuku began to mumble again, before speaking up. "It's the first time... I tried using my power on a person." I placed a hand on Izuku's shoulder, "Maybe you subconsciously held back so you didn't kill anyone." Toshinori nodded, "At any rate, you've definitely progressed. To be blunt, I don't have much time left to stand as the symbol of peace anymore."

I look at the hero with sad eyes knowing that one day he will no longer be the hero everyone sees him as, but he will always be ours'. "But... but..." I gave my friends shoulder a gentle squeeze as he tried to process what was happening. Toshinori continued, "And there are those biding the hive of villainy who have doubtless already noticed. The reason I granted you this power is because I expect you to inherit my 'self'! The U.A sports festival is a big event that the whole country will be taking note of!" I looked down at the ground, which means so will he.

"What I'm trying to say is none other then this: As the 'All Might' of the next generation the symbol's offspring egg... You Midoriya Izuku, have arrived! And I want you to make that know to the world!" Toshinori exclaimed while spitting out a small amount of blood, you know the normal thing he does. My thoughts drifted off again as Izuku and Toshinori continued to talk. I remembered one of the first times Hiyori had come home hurt after he got his quirk.

*flashback: Hiyori's first injuries*

Haikari and I had just gotten home from school and were sitting down watching TV while our mum made us snacks. I was smiling at my twin brother as we talked about school and our time spent with our friends. "Did you see the look on his face?! Izuku was terrified!" I grinned from ear to ear. Haikari laughed again, "Yeah! But you shouldn't always scare him..." I let out a small giggle, "I know... but it is a little funny."

We continued to laugh and watch what ever was on the screen in front of us, you know like a typical child, when the door opened revealing an exhausted and injured Hiyori. My eyes widened when they landed on my older. "H-Hiyori... What happened to you?!" I ran up to him. We may have been young but when we had to Haikari and I could be just as serious as any adult. "Kari. Go get mum!" He nodded and ran over to the kitchen to find our mother.

I took Hiyori's hand and dragged him to the coach, forcing him to sit down. "Stay here, please Big brother." He gave me a small nod. I ran into our relatively large bathroom and search for the first aid kit we always had around for when we, normally me, got injured. As quickly as possible I ran back to the living room, navigating the maze of halls like a pro. When I got back mum was knelling in front of Hiyori.

"Mum! I got the first aid kit!" She gave me a small smile, her (H/C) hair was tied up and hanging over her shoulder and her (E/C) eyes held a little bit of worry. "Thank you dear. Now Hiyori, tell me how you got these injuries." She started to bandage my brothers cuts and scraps. "It's nothing mum... Just a fight I swear." I could tell he was lying and I think mum could too, but she just sighed, "Please try to stay out of fights Hiyori... You have to set an example for (Y/N), Haikari and Miko after all." He nodded and let out a sigh, "I know mum... sorry." Mum gave him a smile, "Just take care of yourself. I don't want you getting hurt to much okay?" Hiyori nodded again as mum finished what she was doing and left to continue cooking.

Haikari and I sat beside our older brother, I looked down at the ground, "Why did you lie to mummy?" I asked, my brother tensed, but gave me a smile, "She doesn't need to worry about me... nor should you." I turned to him with small tears in my eyes, I never did like seeing anyone I cared about hurt, "But... your family... we're meant to worry about you. I don't like seeing you, or anyone else hurt..." Hiyori's arms wrapped around my small frame like he was scared he'd break me. "Shhh... (N/N), I'm fine okay? Don't worry about me to much." I nodded as tears rolled down my cheeks.

Suddenly the door opened and in walked a man, His brown hair was a slight mess, his eyes the colour of blood that always seemed to look straight into your soul and his slightly tanned skin. he wore a black suit, making him look quite important. I t was the man who would soon haunt my dreams, my father. Hiyori tensed for reason I didn't know at the time and our father smirk. "Hey kids! Where's your mother?" he asked. "S-she's in the k-kitchen." Hiyori stuttered out. Our father gave a small nodded before walking further into the massive house.

My older brother let out a sigh of relief. "Hey. How about we watch something? You two can choose." I looked over at Haikari and we both nodded, "Sure!" I smiled up at my elder brother, not knowing that my smile had just bright up his day and reminded him that the pain was worth it as long as he got to see us smile again.

Broken Past: Todoroki Shoto x  Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now