Chapter 46: Hero Killer, Stain: Part 1

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

Our internship started quickly with Endeavor testing our abilities or using an excuse to throw me into a fight. We went on a few patrols and different things but nothing to interesting happened. Now, we were heading to Hosu City and I was a little on edge. This was where Iida's brother had been attack. Shoto placed a hand on my shoulder, "You okay?" I nodded and took a deep breath, "Yeah, just thinking about Iida's brother."

We continued to patrol the city until the sun began to set. Endeavor was about to tell us that we would be ending our patrols for the day when everything changed. The once quiet city turned chaotic in mere seconds as Nomu emerged. Buildings were collapsing, Heroes were fighting and Civilians were in trouble. "What the hell?!" I yelled out jumping back. I heard screams.

Turning around I saw a pair of children being shielded by there mother. "Kuro! Shiro! I need you both!" The two boys appeared by my side, "Help who ever you can!" I ran to the woman using the shadows to block the rubble that was heading towards her and her kids. I panted a little, "Miss are you okay?" I asked helping her stand. The women nodded. "Shi. Ai." The two girls appear just like the boys did, "Please get these three somewhere safe and then help the heroes with other civilians." Shi looked up at me with her usual board expression, "And what about you?"

"I-" I heard my phone go off, looking at the message it was just a location. "I'm going to go help a friend." With that I followed the directions, helping any civilians that I crossed paths with. Soon I reach a alleyway, but a certain head of red and white hair caught my attention before I entered. "Shoto! You're okay thank god!" The boy turned to me and sighed a little, "I'm glad you're okay to (Y/N), I take it you got the message too."

I nodded and turned to the alley, "Now let's go save a friend." The two of us ran down the dark alleyway and were met with the sight of the hero killer:Stain standing of Iida, weapon by the blue haired male's head. My eyes met Shoto's and we both nodded. Shoto sent out an ice and fire attack while I through my shadows. "Midoriya for something like this you text more information." Iida and Izuku looked at us surprised, "Now we're late."

"It's one after the other today... HAHHH..." I heard Stain say, I just glared at him. "Todoroki, (L/N), you too..." Iida's voice made me look down at him, "Why are you here....?!" My eyes looked at my classmate condition before looking over to Izuku, who was looking up at Shoto, "Wait, that's... Your left side...!!" Shoto ignored Izuku's statement and instead replied to Iida, "'Why'? That's my line." Shoto and I got into fighting positions as he continued to talk, "It took a few seconds to think over what that message meant. All you did was mass-send your location pin to all your contacts." My eyes stayed on Stain as he knelt down, "You're not the type who'd do something like that with no meaning attached. No, with you it must've meant," Shoto froze the ground, "'Call for back up, I'm in a pinch!' Don't worry, in a minute,"

I used my shadows to catch Izuku and the injured pro as Shoto used his Ice to get them behind us. "Even the pros will be here." I finished Shoto's sentence as he sent his fire towards Stain. "Shoto, you know who he is right?" I looked at Shoto, who nodded, "He fits the description alright." Shoto and I stood shoulder to shoulder in front of our friends, shadows danced around my arms as Shoto's left hand was set alight. "We won't let your ass kill them, Hero Killer."

"Todoroki, (N/N), don't show that guy any blood! In all likelihood he can rob his opponent's freedom by ingesting blood orally! That's how we all got taken down!" Shoto and I got prepared to attack and defend again, "So that's what the blade's about, huh?" I watched the hero killers every move, "We'll just have to keep our distance-" A knife flew passed Shoto's face leaving a small cut.

Stain used our moment of surprise to pounce. "You've got yourself some nice pals, haven't you Ingenium?" Stain went to swing his blade at Shoto but I was quicker using my own Ice to block it. Shoto's attention drifted to a sword that was in the air while Stain grabbed my friend collar and went to lick his cut, "Shoto!" At the the last second Shoto's left side burst into flames. "Shoto you okay?!" I watched as he nodded through the corner of my eye.

I tried to remember my past fights, the lessons and tricks I had learned from them. "I'm gonna try something." I didn't give my classmate a chance to respond before I disappeared into the shadows reappearing behind stain, feeling the familiar feeling in my right hand. I attacked, mixing fire and darkness. Throwing Stain into a wall. However a blade flew towards me cutting my leg.

I hissed as Stain jumped towards me, before he could reach I teleported back to Shoto's side. "That could have gone better." I mumbled as the pain in my hand increased slightly. "Why..." I looked back at Iida, "Why... Why, you three... Please, stop..." I looked at our class rep with pity as he continued to speak, "I inherited my brother's name... I'm the one who has to do it! That man, I... I'm the one who..." Shoto cut in, "You inherited it? That's funny..." Shoto sent out a massive spike of Ice, "The ingenium that I once saw never made a face like that. I know there must be all sorts of stuff going on behind the scenes in your family life."

I stood up straight and took a deep breath trying to ignore the pain. My body lighting up in red. "He's right, Iida." Stain cut through the ice like it was nothing, "Attempting to block view oneself from an opponent that's faster than you... Hoe inane." Shoto prepared to through fire, "We'll see about that." The villain however was faster, He through his knives and I watched as they embedded themselves in Shoto's arm. "Sho-" I felt something stab into my own arm. Looking down two more of Stains knives were sticking out of my own flesh.

Stain jumped, a blade pointing down towards Shoto, My eyes widened in fear as the villain got closer to the duel haired boy. That was until a certain green haired friend came to the rescue. "Izuku/Midoriya!" Shoto and I called out. "I dunno why, but I'm able to move normally again!!"

Broken Past: Todoroki Shoto x  Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now