chapter 43: time to pick a name

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

After our small break, school was back on. Haikari, Hiyori, Miko and I were walking down the street, People stopping us every so often to congratulate us on our parts in the sports festival. I just smiled and thanked them before continuing on my way to U.A. When we reached the gates I notice familiar dark green hair standing under an umbrella. "Morning Izuku! How's you feeling after the festival?" I messed with his hair a little, a large grin on my face.

"Hi (N/N), Kari! I'm fine, Just a little tired." Izuku smiled back at me. Hiyori placed his hand on my shoulder, "Miko and I are gonna head inside. We have to meet with Nezu and some of the teachers." I waved at my brothers as they headed into the school. I looked at Izuku and Haikari, "We should probably start heading in." The boys nodded and the three of us casually started to head inside, until we heard a familiar voice that is. "What are you going walking so leisurely?! We're late! Morning Midoriya, (Y/N), Haikari!"

Izuku started to jog after Iida, me and Haikari only continued at the pace we were walking previously. "I wonder how Iida is doing..." My voice trailed off. During our few days off, while hanging out with the gang at the hospital, we saw the news. Iida's brother had been attacked by Stain and severely injured. I doubt Iida would say anything about how he is feeling to others, he seems like someone who would put on a mask to hide his pain. Haikari had a sad smile on his lips, "I'm sure he'll be fine, but it wouldn't hurt to keep an eye on him just in case something changes." I gave him a nod as we headed inside.

Soon we reached class, our friends talking about their recent moments of fame on the street. It didn't take long before Aizawa showed up, bandage free today, "Morning." Tsuyu was the first to speak up to our teacher, "Mr Aizawa, I'm happy you were able to remove your bandages!" Aizawa spoke in his normal, tired voice, "The old lady got over-dramatic with her treatment. But let's put that aside. Today's hero informatics period is a little special." I could tell a few of my classmate tensed. I looked at my brother and we both new... our ears were in danger...

"It's time to formulate your code names. Your hero names." Aizawa continued and just as predicted the class exploded. "OH MY GOD YES!! NOW THIS IS MAKIN' MY CHEST SWELL!!" I wasn't entirely sure who had said that, but my ears definitely weren't fans of the sudden burst of noise from my classmates. When the class calmed down, Aizawa continued again. "This is related to the draft nominations by pros I mentioned the other day. The nominations will truly start mattering only after you've gained some experience and your adaptable fighting ability is judged during your sophomore and senior years..." The slight ringing in my ears calmed down a bit and my full attention was on my teacher. "In other words, the nominations you're getting this year are more akin to expressions of 'interest' in your future potential and it's not rare that interest dries up by graduation or simply dropped."

"So I guess the nominations we received are like personal hurdles then!" Hagakure asked, "Yes. Now, the tally of nominations is as follows." Shoto was the top with 4,123, second Katsuki with 3,556 and third was Haikari and I with 2,869. "Typically the results are more balanced, but all the attention leaned towards the four of you." The class commented on this a couple times, but I didn't really pay attention. "Based on this... regardless of weather or not you received any nominations I'll be having you all go get some so-called 'work-place experience.'"

I looked out a window, not really caring for this considering past experiences. "Well you've all dipped a toe in the world of pros, some more then others, Unfortunately." I could fell Aizawa's eyes on me as he continued, "But I think experiencing the activities of pros firsthand will prove to be more fruitful training than before." Sato spoke up, "And cuz of that we need hero names, huh?!" I looked over and saw Ochaco smiling, "Things've gotten fun all of a sudden!" I smiled a little as well. "Of course, placeholder names are fine, too, but something appropriate..." Aizawa was interrupt by a new voice.

"Because if not, it'll be hell from there!!" We all looked to see who had entered the room. Standing in all her glory was none other then Midnight herself, "The names you pick now! The names you come to be known by the world! In many cases they stay that way after becoming pros!!" The class seemed surprised by the sudden arrival of another pro. "Well, she is correct. I'll be having Ms.Midnight evaluate your naming sense. The way your futures end up will approach the image projected by the names you choose." Aizawa continued, "It's all down to that old phrase, 'Names and natures often agree'. For example: 'All Might'." I didn't really need to think about my name, I have had it in mind since I was a child. 15 minutes later the class began to present their names, with Midnight altering or declining some of the names my classmates came up with. After most of my classmates had gone I stood up and made my way to the front of the room, holding up my board with the word, 'Anima', on it.

"Anima...It means 'soul' in Italian... That's the name I have chosen." I lock eyes with Midnight, her own held sadness. "You've chosen this name because of Animus haven't you?" I gave her a nod. "Growing up, mum was always my only real hero...Now that she's gone... I want this to be a way to remember her and remind the world that she was a hero... and to prove to people which side I'm on." I looked around the room, everyone looked at me with sad expressions, I just laughed a little, "It would also be a easy way to piss my dad off and remind him of the fact that I'm never going back to him." Haikari laughed, a few other people chuckled a little and Shoto smirked.

Midnight clapped her hands together, "I think it's perfect!" I smiled and walked back to my seat. Haikari stood up next and made his way to the front. "My name isn't as obvious as my sisters but it does holding meaning to me as her's does to her, and it is..." He flipped around his sign, "Twilight..." The class seemed a little confused. Midnight as well, "How is it special to you?" Haikari grinned, "Mum used to take us up to the roof around dusk at least once a week. She would always smile and sing while looking at the different colours in the sky. She always said it was her favorite time of the day and another name for dusk is twilight... so yeah." Midnight smiled and nodded, "That's a beautiful sentiment Haikari, I approve!" My brother's grin grow as he came back to his seat.

Now that we had names, I wonder what the next step will be for us in our journey to be heroes.

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