Chapter 19: The strength of the dark.

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~Todoroki's POV~

After I took care of the villains in my area I headed to the central plaza. When I got there I was greeted by the sight of All Might being stabbed in the side by that giant bird-thing. At that moment I froze the thing, "I heard about you bastards' plan. About each of your roles in your scheme to kill All Might." Kirishima tried to attack the hand guy, "Shit!! I had him!" He yelled as the villain dodge him.

Bakugou was also pinning down the smoke guy, "No funny business out if you, you shadow ass mobling!!" I looked ahead and continued, "The symbol of peace won't go down as easy as you clowns." I looked around, there were two villains, All Might, Midoriya, Kirishima, Bakugou and myself. Then my eyes landed on a fight not happening to far from us, (Y/N) and Haikari were fighting a girl around our age. They looked injured, but determined. They watched each other's blindside and fought together in perfect sync. You wouldn't think these were the same people from our class.

After the villain covered in hands said a few words the bird broke free losing his arm and half it's leg and aimed an attack at Bakugou. "KACCHAN!" Midoriya called out in a panic. "KATSUKI!" I heard (Y/N)'s voice scream out as well. "Keep your head in the game!" An unfamiliar voice yelled and a sudden pained scream filled the USJ. When the dust cleared Bakugou was by our side, confusing us, "K-Kacchan?!! Y-you dodge it? Wow..." Midoriya spoke up, I looked over to (Y/N)'s fight, she looked in pretty bad shape. blood ran down her arms and legs. Her clothes looked tattered and she looked exhausted. Haikari looked a little better then his sister.

"No you f***ing idiot." Bakugou answered Midoriya and we looked where he had previously been and saw All Might standing there, So he took the hit, The villain started talking about violence only breeds more violence and all that stuff and All Might also said somethings. My classmates and I prepared to assist All Might, "It's three vs five." I said. Midoriya continued, "And Kacchan exposed the shadow guy's weak point...!" Kirishima was the finished off our statement, "These guys are outrageous but if we All Might some support, then we'll send them packing no problem!!" Each of us prepared to attack until All Might put his arm out to stop us and spoke. "No!!! Please escape!"

We were all slightly shocked by this. "But if I hadn't come to support you earlier it'd have been bad." I spoke up, reminding him I had saved him from a bad situation. "All Might, your bleeding... and shouldn't you already be out of tim-" All Might cut Midoriya off, "Right you are Todoroki my boy! Thanks a ton! But now I'll be okay! All you need to do is watch a pro show you how it's done."

None of us could really argue with the number one hero. Soon though the villain covered in hands charged at us. "He's coming brace yourselves!" Before anyone could do anything, All Might charge at the bird and we heard a familiar voice yell, "(Y/N)!!!" Our heads snapped in the direction of the voice and there stood the unfamiliar girl standing over a kneeling (Y/N). I saw (Y/N) look over at us and smirk before saying something to her brother, who reluctantly ran to us, Just as All Might sent the bird flying.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

After I knew Katsuki was safe my focus went back into the fight with Yuri. "You shouldn't worry about others in your sorry state." She commented, Haikari was providing support fire for me while I focus on close combat. Just like training, guess something came from the pain, with every movement and attack I could feel my energy draining quick. Damn it, I need to do something, If I don't then- My thoughts were cut of by my brothers pained groan, Small dart like thing made of crystallized blood had impaled themselves in his leg. "Haikari!" without thinking I jumped in front of him. Pain shoot through my side as Yuri's blade impaled my flesh. Once she removes it my legs gave out and I fell to my knees.

"(Y/N)!!!" My brother called out load enough for everyone to hear. I looked over at my friends to see their worried expressions, my eyes locked with Shoto's for a moment before I turned back to Yuri with a smirk. "Kari, go to the others. I'm going to use one of my larger attacks. So I need you to defend the others for me." I could tell he was reluctant, but did as I asked and headed towards Shoto and the others.

Okay, time to do this. I took a deep breath and shakily stood. "I'm done holding back, Yuri." I looked into her eyes, "I'm not going to lose."

~Haikari's POV~

I ran over to our friends and got ready. "Kari! What happened? Why is (N/N) still over there?" I turned back around to face (Y/N)'s fight. "(N/N)'s in pretty bad shape. She going to use an attack that could cause a lot of damage. I'm here in order to make sure you all don't get caught up in it." I said calmly. "I don't need some f***ing weakling to protect me! So just f***-"

"Bakugou shut up..." I continued to watch as (Y/N) prepared to attack, "You have no idea what we've been through, what we had to experience. (N/N)'s attacks are strong and can be incredibly dangerous to both herself and those around her. So just shut the f**k up when you don't know anything about us." My hands started to glow faintly. "So be a good kid and stay the hell out of the way."

(Y/N) began her attack, shadows began to spread. Light almost seemed to bend to it's will. I took a deep breath, "Here we go!" Without a second thought I throw up a shield of light surrounding me and the others as the darkness my sister had created seemed to crush her surroundings. The wind caused by the impact of her attack pushed us back slightly and caused us to cover our faces and look away. Once the dust had cleared everyone looked around. (Y/N) and Yuri were no where to be seen, I started to panic a little. That is until Izuku launched himself towards where All Might was fighting. "LET GO OF ALL MIGHT!" he yelled.

Kurogiri appeared in front of him and Tomura started to reach through, "IZUKU!" I yelled, fear in voice. However the green haired boy was saved by a shot from one of the newly arriving heroes. I let out a sigh of relief as Tomura disappeared and pros flooded into the USJ, but my mind soon went back to my sister. I quickly turned back to where my sister had just been fighting and ran. "(Y/N)!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!" when I got closer I heard a groan and looked to my right the see (N/N) walking out of the shadows. "Hey bro..." She coughed up blood and fell forward, I manged to catch her. "I-is everyone okay?" Pain was written all over her face and the black markings had now move up to cover part of her face. "Yeah, their all safe." She coughed again as Todoroki approached us. "(Y/N)! What the hell were you thinking?" He had the faintest levels of concern in his voice.

"Hey...S-Shoto I'm glad you're... O-okay." With that she slipped into an unconscious state. "Damn it. I don't have the energy to remove the dark poison from her." Shoto crouched down, "I'll carry her and is that what the marking are?" I nodded and help get (Y/N) on to her back. "Yeah, It's not fatal at this point,so she'll be fine. Once my strength is back enough I'll be able to heal it." We started to walk back to the entrance. "What do you mean heal it?" Todoroki inquired. "Light is the opposite element to dark, so to counteract the dark's down side we use light. However (N/N)'s body is weak with the light element so she can't cure it herself nor does she have an immunity to fight it off. For now let's just get recovery girl to look at her other injuries." He nodded. Once we reach the entrance, Izuku, Aizawa, (Y/N) and myself were taken to receive medical attention.

First school trip, ended with one hell of a surprise.

Broken Past: Todoroki Shoto x  Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now