Chapter 64: Eyes open

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Shoto hadn't move, he remained sitting by (Y/N), clutching his ice cold hand in his. He could hear Haikari's cries from beyond the door. Then they stopped. Shoto's head perked up as the sound of loud footsteps and the door slamming open. Haikari stood there, puffy red eyes opened and jaw slack as he looked down at his sister. Then, Shoto felt it. A pressure squeezing his hand weakly. His breath got caught in his throat as he heard her cough. His glazed eyes finally looking down. (Y/N) smiled, black veins still present and blood dripping down her chin, but she was smiling. "Told you it would be okay..." She croaked.

Haikari couldn't move from the doorway, but Shoto couldn't stop his body from moving. He pulled the (S/C) skinned girl into his chest.  "Thank god..." He mumble. (Y/N) laughed lightly, returning the gesture, "No... Thank you. You pulled me back. I heard you Shoto." Todoroki tensed, his face going a little pink. "(N/N)!" Haikari's silence finally broke. Shoto pulled away as the other boy jumped into his sister's arms. (Y/N) looked down, as light emanated from her brother's body. Slowly, the veins faded from her skin. Once they were completely gone, both (Y/N) and Haikari looked exhausted.

Haikari's eyes closed, still holding onto (Y/N) tightly. (Y/N) laughed, running her hand through her brother's hair, "He isn't going to be able to see in the morning..." She mumbled with a sigh. The girl looked up at her friend and her teacher, "I think.... I think we're going to sleep here tonight. I don't know if I'm going to be able to move." Aizawa nodded, "I'll let the others know that you are okay." He turned to the door, looking over his shoulder one last time, "And don't do anything that stupid again." (Y/N) laughed one last time as her teacher walked out the door.

Shoto was about to leave, his cheeks still a little red. "Shoto." He stopped, turning to the girl behind him.  (Y/N) grabbed his hand, pulling him down. Placing a gentle kiss on the boys cheek. "Thank you. Please get some rest." Shoto nodded, "You... You too." (Y/N) smiled, shifting to get comfortable as she held on to her brother. Shoto sighed, grabbing a blanket from the small pile in the corner of the room. Gently he draped it over his two friends.

He walked out of the door with a small smile. Going straight to his room. It had been a long day and tomorrow wasn't going to be any easier. Shoto laid down, part of him happy that (Y/N) was alive... but another part remember how lifeless she was, how he was so close to losing her. Shoto looked down at his hand, still feeling just how cold her hand at been. The usually stoic teen felt his eyes begin to water again, as he buried his face in his pillow. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes. Trying not to think about what had just happened to much.

Broken Past: Todoroki Shoto x  Fem!ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora