Chapter 61: Plan

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

To say the pros were shocked would be an understatement. Aizawa refused to let me do anything that would be so 'stupidly dangerous.' "Can I remind you... that if I don't then she will stay in my head? Meaning I'll have to be blindfolded the rest of the trip, and that will only make the students question me more." If Aizawa was going to argue further he didn't get the chance, as Vlad King spoke up, "How are you sure it won't kill you?"  I laughed bitterly, "I don't. Not for sure. However, we have done this before, and we know how to lessen the chance of me actually dying."

"If you've done it before, then won't she know that it's a trick." I shrug, "That doesn't really matter. You see, her leaving my mind if I'm dying is not something she does willingly. It's her minds way of protecting herself. It will return to her own body if it feels as though it's in danger. And before you ask, no she won't be able to just reenter my mind. She needs part of my current DNA. and she can only use it once." Silence fell on us. Then I heard a sigh, "Fine... How do we do this?" I smiled a little as my teacher finally agreed. "Well... Haikari knows more then me since I'm usally dying for it."

"Using the dark part of our power, we 'infect' (Y/N). I stay on stand by in order to cure it. And... we need someone else for it to." Haikari explained as he placed a hand on my shoulder, "(N/N)...." I sighed, last time this had happened, we were far younger. We had need someone else to keep me bond to this world... in doing so I had made a bond with him... "I don't particularly want another situation like Sakkaku... like.... Uragiri." My brother's grip tightened a little, "I won't let that happen. But for this to work, you need an anchor..." I nodded grimly, my head turned to where I believed the teachers would be, "We're gonna need Todoroki Shoto for this too. He's the only person I trust enough to be my anchor, something to keep me tied to the land of the living."

"Okay. Once he gets here, we'll begin." I smiled a little and bowed my head slightly. I heard someone clap their hands together, "Until then, how about we get you both some food?" Both Haikari and I agreed. My brother guided me, through the halls and towards the food. The two of us sat down, enjoying the meal, preparing for the long night that was ahead. 


Hey there guys!

I am happy to inform you that I am not dead! Yay!

I do apologize for the lack of up dates, but between school work, my Voltron fic and the new one that I started (which is my original one) I haven't been showing this one much attention. 

But, I will try and up date more. And if you guys have Ideas for like oneshots I can do in order to give you guys parts of the story even when I can't do full chapters, then please feel free to leave Ideas.

And, if you want something else to read when between updates for this, Please check out 'The Phantom: NB! Reader Insert' honestly, your input in the story would be incredibly helpful, as I am basing it of the choices and suggestions made by those who read it. So, yeah...

Anyway, that's all for now. Bye!


Broken Past: Todoroki Shoto x  Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now