Chapter 25: Going home

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

After our talk with Toshinori the three of us, Izuku, Haikari and I, headed back to class. My mind jumping from place to place not really focusing on anything in particular. Soon though classes had ended for the day. I let out a heavy sigh as I packed up and proceeded out of the room, or at lest tried to. "My gods... Why are their so many people?" I said quietly not meaning for anyone to hear.

"Well they probably wanted to check out the kids who fought actually villains and see the competition for the sports festival." My brother spoke up from my side causing me to jump a little. "Kari...! Please don't do that..." Haikari laughed, "Right, right, sorry sis." I let out another sigh and smiled a little. "Let's just go home, 'kay?" As we approached the door, we watched as Katsuki being... well Katsuki made his way through the crowds. 

I pinched the bridge of my nose,"Way to make our class a target Katsuki..." My brother placed a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah, let's go. We need to make it home before dark." I gave him a nod as we made our way through the crowd, apologizing to those we ran into and had to push past. As we exited the school building, I caught a glimpse of the two tone hair of one my closest friend.

"Hey Shoto!" He turned to face me, I could sence that he wasn't in the best mood. My eyebrows scrunched up with concern, "Are you okay? Did something happen?" He sighed and looked up, "It's nothing, just my father... I don't really want to go home, but I-" I cut him off and smiled at him, "Then why don't you come over to our place? You can stay as long as you'd like and we have plenty of room." I looked over at Haikari who smiled and nodded, "Yeah, If you want to that is... You heard our story, so you know we can understand mostly."

Shoto looked a little surprised at first then he sighed in relief. "Thank you. I would appreciate it." I smiled and grabbed his and Haikari's wrists and began to drag them down the quiet street, "No problem! Now let's move!" My brother let out a chuckle and I pretty sure I saw Shoto smirk. As we walked and talked about everything that came to our heads, minis the past, I began to feel like we were being watched. I looked in every direction, slowly speed walking away from the two boys. "Hey! (Y/N)! slow down a bit. we're not in that much of a rush." I Haikari's voice but I ignored him and kept walking. 

As we past a small dark and dirty alleyway, I caught sight of a figure looking directly back at me. I could only image the smirk on their face. "I'll catch up with you two. There's something I need to take care of." I ignored the protest of the two boys, dropping my bag at their feet and walking into the dark. "Why are you watching us? Who are you? What do you want?" I was now standing in front of the figure. They laughed and pulled back their hood. My eyes began to water as I register the face in front of me. "H-Hiyori?" He gave me a nod and smiled, "Yeah It's me and I'm not alone," He look over to a small pile of boxes, "You can come out now!"   

A small figure of a boy walked out from behind the boxes, His mid-length brown hair was a mess, his slightly tanned skin was covered in dirt and small cuts. His heterochromatic eyes, the left was a brilliant blue and the right a gorgeous green, were filled with fear and relief. He wore an over sized bluish sweeter and purple scarf. "M-Miko? Is that really you?" The boy nodded, I couldn't help myself, I ran over and engulfed him in an embrace, "I've missed you so much, and you've grown!" I cried into his shoulder, "I'm glad you two are okay. I-I was so scared when Y-Yuri showed up a-and..." Hiyori rapped his arms around us protectively, "I heard about that, I'm glad your okay to..."

I pulled away and wiped my eyes, a small spark of determination laying behind them. "You two aren't going back." They looked at me, "(N/N)-" I shook my head, "No if, but or maybes, you two are coming with me. I not letting you two go back and if you do I'll just follow to bring you back." Hiyori sighed and looked at Miko, "What do you think?" Miko looked between Hiyori and I, tears began to form in his eyes, "C-can we r-really leave? C-can we really be free from t-that?" He looked down at the ground and just let the water fall. I crouched down in front of my little brother and tilted his head to look at me and took his small hands in mine, "Miko, listen, I can't promise we'll never see that baster we have for a father again-" 

"Langue (Y/N)" I playfully glared at my older brother before going back to Miko, "But we can try. Haikari and me... We're at U.A now and uncle Toshinori and Shota and Grandma Chiyo are there and All my friends are pretty strong too, We've told them about our past and they didn't run. We live back in our old house and it would be nice to fill up the space with more faces." I wiped away Miko's tears, "You don't have to go back... You don't have to be a villain any longer..." Miko tackled me in a hug, "I-I don't  w-want to go back! I-I want to go w-with you sis!" I held him tight and smiled, "I won't let him take you back, he'll have to kill me first."

Both of us turned to Hiyori, "What about you Yori? Wanna come home?" Hiyori smiled and held out his hand to help me up, "Of course (N/N)."  I smiled and picked up Miko, I started to carry him on my back, "(Y-Y/N) what are you doing?" I continued to walk towards the house, "Carrying you obviously. I haven't been able to do this in years and you two look tried." Miko just sighed and Hiyori laughed. "Now let's get home and surprise Haikari, oh and we have a guest over, he's a good friend." Both boys laughed.

"Yeah, let's go home."

Broken Past: Todoroki Shoto x  Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now