chapter 31: A race and a war

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

As soon as Midnight said start it was chaos. The gate was quite narrow as well so that didn't help. I smiled at Haikari and gave him a little wave, "See you in the finals bro!" I made the shadows bend around me as I transported myself to the front of the group and started running. I watched as Shoto froze the path making it quite hard to follow him. I sighed, Thank gods for elemental control. I raised my body temperature enough to melt the ice as I ran on it.  I looked around noticing many of my classmate making their way through, Including my brother who was using the air to float just on top of the ice, he was catching up pretty quick.

I looked back to everything happening in front of me. Mineta was saying something and preparing to throw his weird ball things at Shoto when he was hit in the face by a robot, serves the perv right. I ran faster as a group of robots block the path, I mentally sighed as Shoto froze the things off balance and ran through its legs. As he passed it, other students tried to follow but were almost crashed as it fell. Using my fire, which was currently grey, I propelled myself of the destroyed machines and continued to run, Katsuki and a few others right behind me. I mentally smiles seeing a lot of my class making their way over the obstacles, but still keeping a neutral expression. Haikari was right on my tail, using the air to speed him up just a tiny bit. Our eyes met for just a moment before I turn to look at the next obstacle in our path. 

A large ravine spread out in front of us, pillars of earth stood in the middle of the gaping crack in the earth. Thin ropes connected each pillar together. I sighed and used the shadows to jump from pillar to pillar, not feeling like over doing it yet, till I made it to the other side. Pain shot through my arm as I looked down at my hand to see the swirling black mark once again on my skin. I took a deep breath and continued to run, Shoto appeared to be in first place, Katsuki not to far behind. I took a quick glimpse behind me to see Haikari making a path with the earth, he looked at me with little emotion, but the was worry evident in his eyes.

The final obstacle was just ahead, I watched as Shoto started to make his way mind field, Katsuki blasting way through. I decide to use one of the elements I don't normally use, Air, much like Haikari did earlier, I used the air to hover just off the ground, since if I use my shadows again I get an earful from my brother. As I continued to run ignoring the small explosion going off around me, I began to catch up with Shoto and Katsuki. The two of them were fighting and trying to knock the other off coarse. Though that was soon interrupted by an explosion much larger then all the other. Causing myself, the two boys in front of me and most of the other students to stop and see what had happened. My eyes followed what looked like a piece of debris flying out of the top of the explosion.

It took me a few seconds to realize that Izuku was clung on to the airborne piece of metal and come back to reality. I continued to run as I watched as Izuku caught up to Shoto and Katsuki, smashing the large piece of metal on to the ground causing another explosion. Shoto and Katsuki were momentarily stunned as Izuku was propelled forward and ran for the finish.  Earning himself first place, Shoto came in second followed by Katsuki, I ran into the stadium coming in forth, Haikari right on my tail. I panted a little walking over to Izuku and placing a hand on his shoulder, "Nice strategy Izuku and good job at coming first." My voice held small amounts of pride, I was proud of how far Izuku had come. Haikari soon walked over to us, "(Y/N), show me your hand."

Izuku looked confused, I sighed, "Fine..." I held out my hand as my brother grabbed my wrist and examined the black marking. Izuku looked a little worried, "Are you okay (N/N)?" I gave my friend a small nod as Haikari used his light to remove the marks, "I just used the dark a little to much with the teleportation. It's no big deal." Before Izuku could say Midnight spoke up, "And so it's over! Now everyone, here are the results!" The results of the race were shown to the public, I saw that my whole class had made into the next round, "The 44 at the top have earned the right to advance!!1 I'm sorry for the kids who failed, but take heart! This festival's showstopper is still being prepared!! And now for the post-preliminaries, the final selection! From here on out even the press corps will teem in a white heat of excitement, so go all out!!!"  I looked around at the other students, then out at the crowd. "Now then, onto today's heart-pounding second event!! I already know what it will be, but the suspense is killing me... What could it be?!! Well I'll tell you!"

  Everyone of us looked up at the screen, some were nervous, others were determined and few showed no emotions. "Behold!!!" The words, 'Human Cavalry Battle' appeared on the screen behind her, A number of the students were confused. Midnight began to explain the rules of the match. "You can from 2-4 person teams freely and form a horseback configuration! Basically it's the same rules as normal human cavalry battle: Swipe enemy riders' headbands and guard your own. Except for thing...Everyone will receive points based on their performance in the trial!" Sato spoke, "If it's anything like the entrance exam's points system then it'll be easy to understand." Kaminari spoke up next, "Which means that the point value of each human warhorse will change based on who's in it!"

Midnight interrupted, "Don't say what I gonna say before I can!!! But yes, that's right!! And the number of points you're worth will be 5 point if you place 44th, 10 if you placed 43rd, 15 for 42nd and so on... With the exception of 1st place, whose head is worth, TEN MILLION POINTS!!!" Everybody turn to Izuku, he looked terrified as Midnight continued, "If I were you I'd aim for the guy who placed first... This is the chance for the low to supplant the high! Welcome to our survival game!!!" I sighed.

Izuku... What'd you get yourself into now... 

~Izuku's POV~

I was terrified, everyone was going to be targeting me. I thinking about who I'd have on my team though it didn't appear many people what to team up with me considering I was going to everyone's main target. "Deku!" I was a little shocked when I heard someone call out to me. I turned around to see Uraraka standing behind me, "Let's team, Uwahh!" I burst into tears, "Uraraka!!! You mean... It's okay?! Even though everyone will be after my ten million..." She smiled brightly at me. "It's all right, if we just keep evading you'll definitely win!" I felt a little nervous, "I feel like you're way overestimating me, Uraraka..."

"Course I am! But you know when all's said and done I'd rather team up with people I'm friends with any time!" She was so cheer full. "Uwaahh!! What's wrong why the ugly face?!!" I squinted looking at her, "It's nothing, just that you're so bright I can't look at you directly..."I mumbled before smiling at her, "I totally wanted us to team up, too! Thank you! And if we're gonna be a team, I want another person with whom we can smoothly com to a mutual understanding! The kid who has the best synergy with your quirk... That's the plan I've come up with so far..." I called out to Iida, "Hmm?" My glasses wearing classmate turned to me and Uraraka. "With you at the front, Iida, Let's us three make a horse! Using Uraraka's quirk to make us two float, our mobility will be unmatched! As for the rider, we'd need the most physically strong kid we could get... But in any case, with our triple formation our evasion ability would be no joke..."

"As awesome as ever, Midoriya... But my apologies. I refuse." I was slightly shocked at Iida's response. "Ever since the entrance exam, I've been doing nothing but lose to you. You're an amazing friend, but It's precisely because of that, that if I only ever follow you that I'll never grow myself. And Bakugou or Todoroki aren't the only ones who see you as a rival, my friend." He turned and walked over to Todoroki's group, "So I'll be doing my best to challenge my self against you!" Uraraka seemed a little surprised as well, "Iida..." 

"FUFUFUFUFU..... You sure do stand out.. very interesting... Let's team up Mr. First place!!!" A girl I haven't seen before got really close to my, "Whooa, so close! Who are you?!!" The girl smiled and took off her googles, "I'm Hatsume Mei of the Dept. of support! I don't know you but I'd like to be able to use your position!! If I join you, the amount of attention I'd receive would be unparalleled, no?! Which is the number 1 opportunity to show off my super cute babies! I'm aiming to catch the notice of a big company, or rather, I want my babies to!!" Hatsume explained and showed us a few of her inventions and devices. "Now who'll be our last member...!!" I looked around everyone had already gathered into their groups, I'm looking for the power our horse in lacking... "Deku?!" The kid who can compensate for that has gotta be...!


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