Chapter 39: It's time to let it go

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

Haikari and I ended up, missing Kirishima and Katsuki's match, which unsurprisingly Katsuki won. The next match was Iida and Shoto then I'd be against Katsuki myself. My brother and I ended up making out just in time to see the last bit of Shoto and Iida's match. Iida was dragging Shoto towards the boundary, however Shoto freezes the boy in glasses. "IIDA IS UNABLE TO MOVE! WITHOUT EVEN USING HIS FLAMES, TODOROKI ADVANCES TO THE FINAL ROUND!!" I smiled and turned around, waving to my brother, "Looks like I'm up."

As I walked down the halls I couldn't help but feel an eerie presents behind me. "Did you forget about us (N/N)?" A sweet voice whispered in my ear, I froze. "Did you forget everything you've done? The pain you caused? The lives you took?" My breathing got heavy and I closed my eyes, "You're not real, you aren't here, you're dead." I could only picture the smile on the voices face. "That's right. I'm dead, but who was the one that caused my death." I could feel the tears forming in my eyes as the voice continued, "You should get going. You have a match to win." The voice faded, leaving me in the hall trying to catch my breath.

Taking a shaky breath, I continued down the hall and to the arena. President Mic announced me and Katsuki to the audience. I tried to focus on the match but it was hard, the voice kept echoing in my head. "Hey (Y/N)!" My attention snapped to Katsuki, he looked annoyed, "Don't hold back! Use your full power, including those damn shadows of yours!!" I sighed, but smiled a little. "Very well. I won't hold back, but I won't use my shadows. I promised myself never to use them in a fight against a friend." I used my fire, lighting up half the arena with dark purple, almost black coloured light. I was scared.

Katsuki didn't look pleased with my answer, in fact he looked pretty pissed. He blast at me, sending explosions my way. I block using my own flames. As the match continued, memories I had hoped to forget start to pop up. 

*Flashback: The first boy*

"(Y/N)!!" A cheery voice called to me, I turned and forced a smile, "Hey Ura!" The boy in front of me had pink hair and black eyes. His skin was tanned even if we barley went outside. His name was Sakkaku Uragiri, His quirk allowed him to make illusions and manipulate dreams. He was my best friend. emphasis on was.

Uragiri's expression went from cheery to concerned. "(Y/N)? What's wrong?" I couldn't help it, I was eight at the time, I broke down. I launched myself at him and cried, clinging to his shirt like it  was my lifeline. "I-It's getting to hard Ura. I-I want it to end, I don't want to keep doing his! Dad keeps hurting us, Mum's gone a-and it's all just getting so much worse..." Uragiri held me tightly, "Don't say that (N/N), I will always be here for you, I promise you that." I wrapped my arms around him tighter, "Thank you, T-thank you."

*Timeskip: three years later*

"Ura! Why?! Why are you doing this?!" I cried, The boy that I had looked up to, the first person to pull me put of the dark hole I was stuck in, the first person I had loved, now look at me with a crazed light in his eyes. "Because! I have finally found the power I had been lacking! I have found so much more here then I ever could have with you!" I looked at him in shock, where had the kind hearted boy I had grown up with gone and where did this monster come from. "You are not Uragiri, you are not my friend."

The boy in front of me laughed, "I can assure you, I am the same person you knew. I'm just not as naive as I was before. Love and friendship, they get you nowhere. Power is the only thing that makes a difference in this world." He raised the sword he had been holding above his head, "I will show you that. It is the truth of this world. The strong live the weak die." Before he could strike me, my brothers entered the room. "Get the hell away from my sister!!" Hiyori tried to attack, however Uragiri was quicker. He activated his quirk and showed my brothers their worst fears. 

"Stop it, leave them alone!" I stood up. Uragiri laughed again and turned to me. "This is a death match my dear, (N/N). One of us must die, if you win my hold on your brother's minds will be released." I clenched my fists, "Fine then. I don't care who you are, you threaten my family." I looked up at him with a cold, lifeless glare, "You die." With that, my shadows impaled him. I snapped out of my trance to see the now bloody corpse of the boy who had saved my life more times then anyone would have realized. I let out an ear piercing scream, promising myself to do what ever I could to avoid using my shadows in a fight. 

*Flashback end*

I was pulled back to my thoughts hearing Haikari's voice, "STOP HOLDING ON TO THE PAST (Y/N)! LET IT GO! USE YOUR POWER AND STOP FEARING IT, YOU'RE IN CONTROL NOW, NOT THAT BASTARD." I looked up into the audience, seeing my brother's teary eyes, everything seemed to slow. He was right... this wasn't like back then... I was in control. Shadows erupted around me and I smiled a tear rolling down my cheek, "Thank you..."

I looked up at Katsuki, "You wanted it, well here it is!" I sent my shadows at the now smirking blond. "Finally! A real fight." Katsuki got in close and went to send an explosion at my face but I teleported behind him. I sent my shadows at his back. Katsuki turned around, using his explosions to create a light that made my shadow vanish. The impact of it also sent use both back a bit. "Let's end this already!" Katsuki smirked and came flying at me, explosions in hand. I went to use my shadows, but his voice whispered in my ear again causing me to freeze, "Don't forget me, my dear (N/N)..." Before I knew it my back had hit a wall and the world had gone black.

~Haikari's POV~
*At the start of the match*

I watched as (Y/N) walked into the arena and the match started. She summoned her flames, their colour a dark purple. I grew concerned, "Let's get a closer look Shoto!" I walked up to the rail, Izuku was also standing there. "Hey Izuku!" The injured boy turned to me and smiled, "Hey Kari, Todoroki!" The three of us stood by the rail and watched the fight, part way through my sister zoned out. I had a feeling that I knew what she was thinking about. I couldn't help but yell out to her, she needed to let go of the past and move on. She needed to get over her fear of the shadows and embrace them. She needed to forget Uragiri and focus on her friends in the present.

"STOP HOLDING ON TO THE PAST (Y/N)! LET IT GO! USE YOUR POWER AND STOP FEARING IT, YOU'RE IN CONTROL NOW, NOT THAT BASTARD." I screamed, many people looked at me strangely. Most of 1A figure out that I was talking about our father. Izuku and Shoto looked at me. My eyes met (Y/N)'s for a moment, I could feel the tears building up in them. (Y/N) looked down and I could make out the faintest smile on her lips and a tear rolling down her cheek. I couldn't help but smile a little as the shadows erupted around her.

"Looks like that's what she needed to hear, she can finally start moving on." We continued to watch the match. (Y/N) teleported behind Katsuki, who caused a bright light to fill the stadium. Both of them were sent back a bit, Katsuki charged and (Y/N) went to use her shadows but froze. Katsuki hit her with an explosion and sent her flying into the wall of the stadium. "(Y/N)!!" I called out. "BAKUGOU KATSUKI IS THE WINNER!!" Though he won Katsuki did not look pleased. I looked at Shoto, "Get ready for your match and don't worry about (Y/N), I'll check up on her." I ran to recovery girl and waited for my sister. 


Hello everyone!

I wanted to thank you all for your support with this story. Some of the comments I have read have just made my day a little bit bright and I can't thank you all enough for that. Heck somehow this book got over 4.54K. That to me is just... Wow.

But again thank you all, If you all have any question, suggestion or anything else please don't be afraid to comment. I hope you all enjoy this story and thank you again for putting a smile on my face.

Have a good life.


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