Addressing somethings and opening convention

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Hello there everyone, I hope you are all doing well.

First off, I am hoping to get a proper update out to all of you within the coming week. Recently I have been focusing of school. However I graduate in two weeks so I won't have to worry about that soon.

However, one thing I wanted to address was a few of the comments that have been popping up with in the character intro part of this book. The once complaining or straight up insulting the artworks of the characters within that chapter.

First off, if anyone is genuinely trying to isult my art on the grounds of actually hurting my feelings, good luck to you sir. I know that my art is by knows means the best, however I like my art and I am quite happy with where my art is and how it is progressing.

Second, i am aware this is an xreader fic, after all I am the one writing it. The reason that the image of the 'reader' character exists is as a potential base for anyone - like myself - who struggles to visuals characters. You are more then welcome to ignore the picture all together, that is fine. At no point in the actual fic do I describe the reader character with any of the feature - besides a few of the scars - in the story itself.

Thirdly, the art within the character intro chapter is from 2018 - very early 2019. Meaning it is out dated and does not show where my art skill is at now. However, should you have any constructive criticism to give, I'd be more then happh to hear it and take it into context.

This goes for my writing as well. If there is any areas on which any of you believe I can improve feel free to let me know.

I had originally debated on just removing to picture. However, I was not going to remove the text the comments were attached to. At no point was I ever really hurt by the comments. I honestly found the fact that people thought it was woth their time to type out those comments funny. However, seeing the other, far kinder comments that poped up are what stopped me from removing the image.

So, if there are another grievances with my work, whether that be my writing or my art, feel free to use this chapter to discuss it with me or just send me a message. I am more then happy to have a conversation with every one of you.

Also, just so you can judge me based on my recent work and not outdated art. Here a few of my recent pieces.

 Here a few of my recent pieces

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Any way, I hope everyone is doing well in this strange, strange year and I hope to have an update out to you within the next week or two

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Any way, I hope everyone is doing well in this strange, strange year and I hope to have an update out to you within the next week or two.

Signed, your humble non-binary author


P.S. I read every single comment made on any of my stories

P.S.S. I primarily use the name Timothy or just Tim at this point in my life. Hence the name change with the updates

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2020 ⏰

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