Chapter 44 - Grayson Carter

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Chapter 44 – Grayson Carter

Grayson Carter, the distinguished and formidable CEO of GC Holdings smiled broadly and ended his speech to thunderous applause.

"Please, enjoy your evening. Thank you."

Giving a little wave he made his way off the stage to his table. The applause for their CEO went on for a full five minutes. The holding company's annual family day and dinner was a tradition started by Jennifer when things were still good between them. It was a good idea, he thought, it gave the employees a chance to mingle casually disregarding formal rank and divisions. Their families would also get a chance to meet each other and get to know their partner's colleagues. It brought the whole team closer.

Ironically, this was the first year Grayson was without his own family. He, the successful billionaire mogul, the CEO of a large conglomerate of interrelated businesses was alone. He felt it keenly.

Damn it.

He had divorced his beautiful independent wife Jennifer, a successful surgeon for Monique, one of his former secretaries. It was a decision he had come to regret. Monique had been clever, efficient and resourceful. She was talented, ambitious and hardworking. She did not mind working extra hours to get a job done. Being young and beautiful was a bonus. She had made herself indispensible to him. She was an asset. The great sex came later, then marriage.

Grayson Carter had been on top of the world for a few short months. Then the scandals started. It all involved his new wife. Company funds disappeared. His in-house surveillance team regretfully traced the e-trail to her, showing him irrefutable proof of her involvement. He told them to clamp down on the system to avoid future occurrences. He wrote off the amount and took her off the company's payroll effectively severing her from the company. The mogul then barred her from the offices, cutting off her access to the company systems and removing any official authority she had with employees. Firm instructions and policies were issued on providing information to third parties including family members and ex-employees.

She was the new Mrs.Carter, he told her. She did not have to work anymore. He gave her a fat monthly allowance and told her to enjoy life. Monique agreed readily. She did not know that he knew.

Next came the ridiculous shopping sprees which catapulted her into the tabloids. Monique Devereaux became front cover news, her beautiful face was everywhere. She bought all kinds of useless expensive things. It was like she had to prove to the world that she had made it. Grayson could handle that as well. No problem. It was nothing serious. There was no real meat to the gossip, just the usual hype on the rich. He had money to burn.

The real problem came a year later, when the press caught the first hints of her extramarital affairs. It had been embarrassing. She had been photographed half-dressed kissing an unknown man. It went viral. He did not like it. She was his. He had paid to cover up the first scandal, just weeks after their wedding. He gave her a stern warning, halved her credit and punished her by confining her to his spacious home.

Grayson was surprised when she complied after a token protest. Overnight she became the lady of the house, taking a keen interest in the running of the huge estate and became a 'mother' to Gwen and Jonathan. It was around that time that Gwen had taken a sudden interest in shopping, even going cross country with her girlfriends to go 'bargain hunting'. He had pushed it off as a teenage girl thing, the shopping phase or some such mystical period of a growing girl's life. Jennifer was not around to consult. Jonathan had withdrawn into himself, growing distant, mysteriously falling silent. He knew Jonathan was angry about his mother being 'replaced' but had brushed it off. The boy had to be realistic, he had needs too.

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