Chapter 113 - The Floating Path Part One

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The boys got their virtual gear and prepared to logon. They arranged themselves comfortably on the thin sleeping bags. It was going to be a long and exciting night. Lorenzo nudged Ash and jerked his head towards Jace with a quizzical expression on his face. What's wrong with him? Is he o'kay? He had a weird expression on his face.

"Jace?" Ash asked, keeping his voice down.

Jace's head jerked up, "Yeah?"

Ash raised his eyebrows in inquiry. Jace looked nervous and agitated. It was almost like he did not want to go back in. Was it that bad? He tried to think back to the last session earlier that day. They had managed to gather the required amount of Frost Troll Hearts and make their escape by crossing the second Challenge's boundary. Xakks the warrior orc had sacrificed his virtual life to gain them a few more crucial seconds to get away. Then, they had huddled on the edge of a rocky marbled cliff.

Ash frowned. What else? What could have made Jace so wired? Laz had disappeared when he had turned around, his Quest Master's staff lying on the edge. He had quickly checked the Assassin's status, thank God he was not dead, just offline. He had retrieved it for Laz before logging out. That's it. That was all he could recall.

"Sup? What's bothering you?"

Jace licked his lips nervously. Lorenzo leaned in closer to hear the conversation better. "Listen, guys, I think I will need both your help from this point on. Laz is in bad shape."

"How bad?" Lorenzo asked with raised eyebrows.

Jace shrugged. "He might not make it past the next challenge."


"Shhh!!" Jace said urgently as the girls paused in their conversation to look at them.

Ash plastered a fake smile on his face indicating all was o'kay and waved at them. They went back to their screen.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean he might not make it. I keep losing control of him, his body freezes up becoming unresponsive. So if he dies, you guys go on."

Before the Ash and Lorenzo could protest, Jace continued. "Laz will re-spawn back at his Keep but will be practically useless. You guys go on and get the anazzorsh. When we figure out the rest of the ingredients for Sharak's brew, Laz will be waiting in the human realm."

"I don't like this."

"We have come so far."

"I'm not giving up. I will still play for all I'm worth. It's just Plan B," Jace said smiling, trying to ease the building tension. "You guys can still complete the mission and help Laz. O'kay?"

Lorenzo made a face not liking he plan but acquiesced. "O'kay."

Ash stared at Jace suspiciously. "You are not giving up, right?" he asked making the question more of a dare.

"Right." When Ash continued glaring at him, he added hastily, "Seriously, Ash. I'm not giving up." Jace sighed internally keeping a straight face. He would have to endure and persevere for as long as possible. They didn't know how much pain Laz was in.

Jace glanced at Aria. Instinctively, she lifted her head to meet his gaze from across the room. Silent communication flowed as dark brown eyes met grey green ones.

Laz is in trouble. He might not make it.

Just do your best.

The constant pain is terrible. It's getting unbearable.

I will be watching you. I will be here. I promise.

Warm brown eyes reassured him. Aria nodded slightly and smiled, eyes flickering momentarily to his head gear indicating her promise. She will literally pull the plug if he showed signs like the last time even if she could not view the orc realm. Tension left his face as he relaxed to turn back to Lorenzo and Ash.

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