Chapter 64 - Monique Devereaux

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The news and tabloids were in a frenzy. Grayson Carter had divorced his trophy wife Monique Devereaux. There were videos of the couple coming out separately from the courthouse. Grayson Carter came out first with his lawyers. The press surrounded him. He gave a brief statement saying that the divorce was filed on 'irreconcilable differences'. There was no mention of Monique's affairs. No, she will not return to GC Holdings as his secretary. Yes, it is an amiable separation; well, as amiable as it could be, he said with a charming smile making the press laugh. He did not answer questions pertaining his ex-wife and children. Instead, he glossed over them, changing the subject skilfully as only a veteran businessman could.

Monique came out ten minutes later dressed in a revealing figure hugging red outfit. She was furious. There was no display of her usual coy sensual self. In contrast to her suave ex-husband, she snapped and sneered at the reporters, her beautiful visage turning ugly in contempt at the news hounds. Cameras were rolling, pictures were taken. For once, she didn't care, she had more important things on her mind, like money and survival.

She had to accept a paltry sum of only one hundred thousand for the divorce. It was either that or nothing with her name dragged through the mud and smeared all over the tabloids, and not in a good way. Grayson Carter had promised her that if she chose the latter, she would not be able to find decent work in any company in the country. He would ensure she was blacklisted and made unhireable in every industry. He had that much power when he chose to wield it.

Monique had played the pity card, tried to seduce Grayson and finally threatened to sue him back. He had faced her down calmly. No lawyer in his right mind would take her on as a client willingly, not when Grayson Carter was her adversary and definitely not with her already poor reputation. She could try to sue him. He would win, he had the best legal team working for him.


How dare he? How dare he? Monique fumed at her former lover. Use me and throw me away will he? Without any money or benefits? She disregarded the one hundred thousand Grayson Carter had given her, it was a paltry sum compared to what he could offer. It was an insult to her. He had not even let her take her jewels, expensive dresses or the sporty 2016 Audi A5 Cabriolet he had given her as a present. The tycoon had taken it all back.

She also chose to ignore the fact that it was her promiscuous behaviour that led to her current predicament. She had decided it was all Grayson Carter's fault.

Now the news was all about him getting back with his estranged family. Ridiculous! He had actually apologised publicly to Jennifer , Gwen and Jonathan. The fool!! She paused. Jonathan had looked very nice on screen. She licked her lips. He had grown up nicely, she remembered him in the court that day. Yes, he had grown up very nicely indeed. She smiled remembering his sensuous and very responsive body. Maybe if she couldn't get the father, she could get the son.

What a wonderful revenge! Hit Grayson Carter's ego and get his money through his heir. Her smile widened. Jonathan Carter ... I'm coming for you. Screw the injunction.


The Carters were driving her crazy. They were on her mind twenty-four seven. Monique was seething mad. Jonathan had actually blocked her!! Like father, like son. She was going to get them. She was going to punish them all. She would take everything away from Grayson Carter, just like how he threw her away with nothing. She would take away what he held the most dear, what he was fighting so hard to regain now and leave him with nothing. She would take away his family! She would make him feel like how she felt.

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