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It was time for Renée's and Tristan's wedding, so Natali was going back to the Marseilles with her father and her mother. She didn't know if Kol was still there, but she was hoping he was because she has to tell him something that she thinks she figured out. She was sure her parents think she forgot him already, that's why they're letting her go back there again.

When they came into the castle Natali was back in the bedroom where she was staying before and she needed to get ready for the wedding. While she was with her servants that helped her to get ready, Tristan's sister Aurora, came into her room.

- "Hi, can I keep you some company?" Aurora asked as she stepped into the room.

- Natali nodded, but asked curiously, "Did my sister sent you?"

- "To be honest, she did." Aurora says honestly.

- "I knew it." Natali said knowingly, "So did you two became good friends?"

- "Yes, we did. And I would like to have a chance to meet you too." Aurora told her softly, with a small smile.

- "Why? I won't be here for much longer." Natali questioned. It was a little odd that Aurora all of sudden wants to get to know her more.

- "Why did they even sent you back to your castle?" Aurora asked, not answering to Natali's question.

- Natali sighed, she hoped no one would ask her that, "Because I was hanging out with Kol." he replied, "I don't know if you know who he is."

- "I do know. I know all of his siblings." Aurora told her briefly.

- Natali fixed her gaze on Aurora's when she heard her answer, "Is he still here?" she asked without hesitation if anyone knew if Kol was still living here that would be Aurora.

- "Yes." Aurora simply replied, watching as Natali slightly smiled and moved her gaze to the ground, "I can arrange you to meet him if you want." she suggested, realizing that Natali was interested in him.

- "Really?" Natali's eyes widened as she looked back up, "And you wouldn't tell my sister?"

- "No one has to know." Aurora gave her a smile, "It will be our little secret."

- Natali quickly nodded, as her smile flashed bright, "Yes, please. I need to see him."

- "You like him, don't you?" Aurora questioned, glaring at obviously happy girl in front of her, too happy if she didn't like him.

- Natali felt her cheeks blushing, she never really thought about that, until now, "Uh.. I don't know." she replied, uncertain of her answer because she really wasn't sure if she likes him and she couldn't tell Aurora why she really wants to see him.

- "Well, you can find out when you see him." Aurora tells her, moving closer to the door and continuing, "We should probably get going now and I'll tell you later where to meet him."

Natali nodded smiling and then the two of them went to the wedding ceremony. As Natali expected Kol or any of his siblings weren't at the wedding, she was sure her parents and her sister said how they can't come.

After the wedding ceremony was over Aurora found her standing alone in the ballroom and she told her how Kol is going to wait for her in Aurora's room. It would look like the two of them are going there and hopefully, no one will suspect anything.

When they were coming closer to her room Natali felt a nervous feeling washing over her, she never felt like this before.

- When they've been in front of Aurora's bedroom, she turned towards Natali, saying, "I need to go now and meet someone else, but you two can talk in here until I come back."

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