Katsuki's Gift to Haru!

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Opening the door you saw their people carrier, with Momo trying to wrangle the twins whilst Shoto and Sakura are trying to get their sleeping stuff and presents. "Katsuki come help, please. I have a Leomon and a Greysonmon to capture!" you run out grabbing the little white-haired and red-haired twins as they giggle. The best thing was Leo was dressed as Squirtle and Greyson were dressed as Bulbasaur, and they looked so damn adorable.  

Momo then started helping Shoto, as Katsuki walks past as you holding the twins under your arms with Sakura following dying to give Haru kisses. She was wearing a Pikachu dress to match his costume and she looked like a massive cutie. "Haru, look who is here!" you call out once you enter the house making him lift his head from the puzzle him and Masaru were currently doing.  

"Yay! Leo and Greyson are here! OH WOW!" he smiles giggles excitedly noticing their little outfits. However, then he notices Sakura "Oh wow! Sakura is pretty!" running over hugging the little girl who kisses him on the cheek, both of them with little blushes on their adorable cheeks. 

"Oh my god, they're adorable!" Mitsuki instantly taking pictures of the four children all dressed as Pokemon. 

"Can we leave all the kids in here with you guys? That way we can take sleeping stuff to the back!" you turn to the four adults who just smile as you place the two wriggling twins down. "Boys, I hope you get ready with my hug once I'm back!" laughing as the two boys giggle before they run around with their big sister and your son.

Just as you get back two more cars pull up one with the Kirishima's and one with the Kaminari's in. Waving at them before telling them where to park on the big drive. Pulling up they start getting stuff out you take the kids to the living room.

"Haru, you have more friends here," you call out as he stops and comes to look. Max the little pink-haired boy runs in giving his best friend a high five, he followed by a little girl Aoi also five years old, the spitting image of Kaminari and a two-year-old boy Daigo that you end up carrying in, that looks like Jiro. Looking at all the children you see a theme that you hadn't noticed was a thing. Since Max had a Charmander costume on, Daigo had a Snorlax one on and then Aoi had a similar dress to Sakura but it was Umbreon. Placing them down you decide to question Momo later, but in all fairness, they looked cute as hell.  

Heading back outside you go to help to show them to the garden as well as carrying some stuff.  "Geez, your garden is huge as well!" Kaminari laughs as they all stare at the grounds surrounding your home. 

"Yeh. We like the privacy, as well as the peace and quiet." smiling you didn't rub in the size of your home, as that wasn't the type of person you were. As you were walking to the cars parked out front, the last two cars to pull up with the Midoryia family and the Iida family in. Mei couldn't make it and Yo is still working on a case at the moment but promises to video call in, to say happy birthday.

Grabbing the car seat with Tsu and Iida's one-year-old little boy Goichi who looks like Iida, but was wearing a little Piplup costume, before taking hold Kiko Midoryia's hand. The little 5-year-old girl who looks like Uraraka with curly green hair wearing again, a similar dress to the other two girls but a Jigglypuff version. Putting them in the living room with the rest of the kids playing, whilst being watched my the Bakugou's and your dad with his wife, who was a once teacher to all the people here. Heading back out you begin to help people take the stuff outside to the tents, of course, you have the biggest tent which Katsuki had already placed all the stuff in earlier.

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