🥳🎂Special Chapter! Bakugou's Birthday!🎂🥳

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The twins were almost 1 in May, however, there was a very special someone's birthday before that. Your new husband Katsuki Bakugou!

The wedding was in the November, only 6 months after giving birth to your little buddles of joy and terror. Bakugou's last birthday you did absolutely nothing, due to you being constantly tired and grumpy due to carrying his two babies, that this year you wanted to spoil him rotten.

In true Bakugou fashion though, when you asked what he wanted his response was always the same. 'He had everything that he needed and didn't need any fuckin' special treatment on his birthday,' Hoping for help on a gift from his closest friends, Kirishima and Kaminari was also no luck, he'd said exactly the same to them that year also.

However, they didn't call you (f/n) 'fuckin' Bakugou for no reason, you had a sure-fire plan to at least put the grumpy man you called your husband a smile to his face. It would be a long day, but you knew the present you'd got for him that he'd at least enjoy! Well, you truly hope he would.

Haru had been a great spy trying to coax information out of his stepdad by constantly asking him what the man wanted but eventually, Katsuki told him if he stopped trying to spy for his mum that he'd give him a secret stash of ice cream, that he would leave in his man cave for him.

Haru being Haru, sold you out for ice cream earning himself a constant supply in the man cave whenever it ran out. It wasn't a surprise; you knew you'd married an underhand fiend who would use people's weakness to his on end. The unfortunate thing for you was that Haru, like his own father, Ash would do anything for a tub of Ben & Jerry's Phish Food ice cream!

In the end, you had to make plans with his friends and hope that he would at least crack one smile in the day. Although, you knew deep down that even if he wasn't smiling that he would still inside be enjoying himself.

Since Katsuki had hero work the day before, Kirishima and Kaminari had coaxed him into go for food and drinks after work as a mini birthday celebration since he didn't want to do anything on the day. The truth of it was though, that you wanted them to bring him back late so that he'd be too drained that he would just come straight to bed and not take note of the house being decorated and so that you could prep for a mini party you were doing.

That wasn't the only plan for the day there were others, but he'd just get in the way of Haru and yourself putting it all together. Mitsuki also came to help, but more to watch the twins in case they needed anything. That way you could blitz through the house, preparing everything, making sure everyone you'd invited knew the plan and that you could at least surprise him, getting him off guard, a nearly impossible task to smile for you whilst everyone else is there. It had only occurred a few times, but usually, his handsome smile was kept for just you.

Before you knew it, the 19th of April was here meaning that tomorrow would be your hubby's birthday. Saying goodbye as you did every morning, you took Haru to school and dropped Aki and Natsumi off at Mistsuki's, so you could head off to the stores to get last-minute bits.

'Right...got bits to make the cake...then icing bits to do with Haru or get Haru to do cupcakes...cracker stuff for a mini present...hmmm ooo spicy crisps...I need to get none spicy food...' lost in a train of thought you'd not spotted someone you'd not seen in years.

"Well if it isn't Mrs Bakugou," the voice made your head snap to look back, to see the sleepy-looking form of Hitoshi Shinso. The guy with purple worked undercover a lot due to his brainwash quirk. The two of you spoke quite a bit in school since the first U.A festival when you teamed up in the cavalry battle, you weren't close but you knew he'd been misunderstood due to declaring war on the hero course, the same day that you broke it off Bakugou for pushing you over and calling you an extra.

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