8. A-alpha

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Basically a smart person know as ItsAnimeDealWithIt cracked the code and answered the questions right... But i had to delete the comment so there won't be that much of a spoiler... But they said I do a lemon with Pyrrha in it sooooooo here we go! But how will the wolf get the punishment? Find out soon but we need to keep the story line going soooo yea... Also DianneReyes8 for suggesting Pyrrha being Sub.

Ozpin's pov:
General Ironwood walks into my room (i dunno anymore). We had a small talk but then Ironwood asked Glynda to fetch (y/n) because of what happened...
Then we got to the serious topic about why he brought those ships...

"Do you think your kids can win a war?" He asks. "I hope they never have to..." I said. "Ozpin the state we are all in is serious... The worst part is (y/n) getting close to snapping or Anakin or even Salem!" Ironwood explains.

I sigh but nod my head. "(Y/n) is not going to like this..." I said. "But it is for her safety..." Ironwood replies...

3rd person pov at the library:
Neptune was introduced... "So what is your name my ice angel~" Neptune asks with a flirty tone of voice... Pyrrha was watching (y/n)'s reaction...

"Hahahahahaha!" (Y/n) laughs. Neptune looks at (y/n) with a serious look. "Oh wait you're serious... Let me laugh even harder... AHAHAHAHAHA!" (Y/n) laughs even harder.

Sun was shaking his head towards Neptune. "What?" Neptune asks. (Y/n) got up and sent a glare towards Neptune and punches him across the room.

"(Y/n)!" Pyrrha yells. "What?" (Y/n) asks with a smirk. "You just randomly punched Neptune! You could of seriously hurt him with your strength..." Pyrrha says.

"Aw come on it was a light punch... Also that is what i was looking for..." (Y/n) said with a growl. "Is the almighty (y/n) jealous?" Pyrrha asks.

Weiss starts blushing. "What me noooooooo." (Y/n) said. Neptune got up and walked towards them.

"Woah nice punch! You could of sent me to the hospital..." Neptune said with pain in his voice... "Darnit..." (Y/n) mumbles but Pyrrha heard her.

"Anyways why punch me? We just met..." Neptune said. "Hey Nep... Uh Weiss is one of (y/n)'s mates' you see when i told you she will have a harem uh... I didn't lie..." Sun said. "Oh.... Sorry..." Neptune said.

"(Y/n) i will meet you at your dorm to talk about your behavior..." Pyrrha said. That was until Glynda came in. "(Y/n) come with..." Glynda said.

"Oh okay... Kirby go i dunno talk with the new guys." (Y/n) said while placing Kirby down. "Poyo poyo..." Kirby said.

(Y/n) follows Glynda while Sun waves at Kirby... Once (y/n) was on the elevator she started having motion sickness. Glynda sighs and pats (y/n) on her back

The doors open and (y/n) saw Ironwood and quickly got into a formal pose. "General..." (Y/n) said. Ironwood looks at (y/n) and nods at Glynda.

Glynda walks out... Ozpin nods and (y/n) walks up. "(Y/n) this is a serious topic so no puns or anything like that..." Ironwood said.

(Y/n) sighs but nods. (Y/n) sits down next to ironwood. "Anyways i have a few questions..." Ironwood said.

"Alright what are they?" (Y/n) asks. "Dose a stranger know about the curse?" Ironwood asks. (Y/n) thought about it then she remembers this strange man.

"Oh yea... It was this man he was stealing dust and started talking to me saying stuff like mates and yuri harem..." (Y/n) said. Ironwood looks at Ozpin and Ozpin had a shock face. "What did this man look like?" Ironwood asks.

RWBY Girls x Ultima! dragon slayer! female Reader (Yuri Harem) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now