15. Emerald and Mercury vs Yatsu and Coco/agent R makes an appearance

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(Y/n)'s pov:
I was currently sitting in a very empty area. I had my bandana around my eyes and was looking at the screen. And it shows Mercury and Emerald and this put up lots of red flags in my mind.

"Strange..." I said. "What is?" Reo asks... "They look suspicious..." I said.

"(Y/n)... You think everything is suspicious..." Jackal said with a sigh. I was listening into the conversation...

"I can't promise you will leave without a scratch." Yatsu said. "Wow so cocky..." I said. "You're the one talking..." Simba said.

I growl a bit. Then the fight begins. After some time they destroy part of the arena....

They are so destructive! Who would even do that? Wait....

Yatsu gpt knocked out. Meh... But then i see Coco flying and she is out... My eyes turn red...

"Oh they went too far!" I yelled and tried to jump out of my seat. Reo and Jackal hold me back. I fight in their grip and growl more.

I look and see that Cinder lady... Okay i am pissed off for some reason. Simba was now in the mix of trying to hold me back from killing the suspicious people.

"Let go..." I said in a kinda demanding voice. Reo and Jackal drag me out of the arena to calm me down... I calm down and look down.

After some time i follow Weiss because she knows where Squidward is... I was kinda eavesdropping until Winter hugs Weiss and this is where i make my entrance.

I jump through the opening to punch Winter. I punch winter and she glares at me. Weiss was there just looking at this.

"You never learn dragon girl..." Winter growls. "Meh what ever you say Elsa." I said. Winter growls and punches me.

"Stripper!" Winter yells. "Cold face!" I yell back. We started fighting.

I hear loud sipping in the background. I look to see Weiss sipping what looks like tea. I shrug it off and continue the fight.

"(Y/n) stop this nonsense of flirting and come talk to me..." A familiar voice said. I look and see agent R. "Agent R!" I yell happily.

I got my last punch at Winter and went to R. "Also that was not flirting..." I said with a growl. "Whatever kid." R said.

Me and R walk out and went to my dorm. Once we got there he was met with the Grimm i befriend. R blinks.

"(Y/n) explain now." R said. "Well.. These Grimm are my friends" i said. R sighs but smiles.

After some time me and R were talking on the couch. "So how has it been here at beacon?" R asks. "Well.... I have a yuri harem that has team RWBY and Nora and Pyrrha from JNPR... Oh yea also Glynda." I said.

"Anything else that is interesting like i dunno stopping crime?" R asks. "Wow getting straight i mean gay to the point..." I said. R looks at me with a 'really?' Look.

"Well i kinda caused a faunus masacare... There was this fedora dude that was in a robot suit. He was a pain in the ass oh yea fedora dude had a base uh had a death trap full of bombs and grimm were following. Bombs went boom i used my body as a shield to shield simba and kirby. Then i met baby grimm oh look grimm taking over a town fedora dude arrested afterwards but i still have this gut feeling something bad will happen..." I said.

R looks at me and nods his head. "Is anything suspicious?" He suddenly asks. "Well there is these people i dunno what it is but it is just something fishy about them..." I said.

"Who are these people?" He asks. "I think there were 3 and they were Mercury, Cinder, And Emerald." I said. He nods his head.

"Anyways i heard you destroyed some property at beacon and other places..." R said. "What me? No..." I said. "Oh yea the court yard that you destroyed hmmm." He said.

"That was mostly birdy pal and squidward." I said. "The windows..." He said. "Well uh... Yea that." I said.

"Doors, some parts of a forest, Some clubs and bars, and a random vacuum cleaner store... And that is half of my list!" He exclaims. "Okay so uh... That is true... The vacuum cleaner store deserved it." I said. "Why is that?" He asks.

"Those things are after me." I said with a serious face. "Yea right... (Y/n) it is not like a vacuum cleaner will just randomly come out of nowhere and chase you." R said while chuckling. Then we heard something that sounds like it is turning on...

I turn my head to the sound... I look to see.... A death sucker (vacuum cleaner)...

R looks at me with a shocked face. "Oh my god..." I said with a pale face. The thing turns on and starts moving...

"AHHHH!" I yelled while running off. I bust down my dorm's door and run to team RWBY's dorm. I knock repeatedly on the door.

"RUBY OPEN OPEN THE DOOR PLEASE RUBY OPEN THE DOOR! (you just did a Jason Dean)" I yell. The door opens and i rush inside. "You okay?" Ruby asks.

I see Weiss, yang, Blake, and Ruby looking at me with concern. "I saw death itself..." I said with a pale face. "Is the (y/n) (l/n) scared?!" Ruby asks with a fake shock tone.

"Of course i am! That death Sucker thingy just came at me and almost sucked me up!" I said with a scared tone of voice... "A what what?" Ruby asks. "She means vacuum cleaner." Weiss said.

There was a knock at the door and i open it... "Kid you okay?" R asks. "I almost DIED agent R!" I yelled.

"Kid it was just a vacuum cleaner... It won't harm you." He said. "Then how did it get inside my dorm?!" I exclaimed. "It was probably a prank kid." He said.

I sigh. "Oh yeah Agent R this is Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang." I said while pointing to everyone. They wave.

"Nice to meet you... I am Rowan... Also known as R i am an Agent for (y/n) to keep her calm or to help her destroy some evil." Agent R said.

Mercury's pov (i bet you didn't expect that):
I was laughing my ass off. "Why are you laughing?" Emerald asks. "Well i put a vacuum cleaner in (y/n)'s dorm and the reaction was funny." I said.

I showed Emerald the video. "That's rude..." Emerald said. "Yes Mercury... Scaring the living shit out of the sexy lady is unacceptable." I hear Cinder say.

I shrug. "Meh what ever you say." I said.

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