41. Hanging out with Katelyn and Travis

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Okay uh i am making this because no one is going to get bit... But the eyes... Hmmmm...

3rd person pov:
(y/n) got up and got ready. "Hey girls... I was just going to hang out with Katelyn and Travis!" (Y/n) said. "Okay go ahead..." Winter said.

(Y/n) walks away from the room and hears knocking. (Y/n) runs down stairs and sees Katelyn and Travis.

"Taco man! Blueberry!" (Y/n) yells while opening the door. They hug. "Rock climbing first?" (Y/n) asks.

"Sure!" Katelyn said. Travis nods and they were off. (Y/n) and Katelyn were challenging eachother.

(Y/n) was climbing fast. Katelyn was behind her while Travis was avoiding conflict. (Y/n) won.

The group were having fun. They all went to the restaurant. But they needed reservations.

And is only made over call. (Y/n) got the card and called the man infront of her. "Hi i would like to make a reservation." (Y/n) said over the phone. "For how many?" The guy replies over the phone.

"3..." (Y/n) replies over the phone. "And for when?" The guy asks over the phone. "Right now." (Y/n) replies over the phone. "Name?" The guy asks over the phone.

"(Y/n) (l/n)." (Y/n) replies over the phone. "Note received Ms. (L/n) we will be seating you shortly." The guy said over the phone... Then he hangs up. Katelyn and Travis were watching in the background...

"Oh Ms. (L/n). Table for 3... Right this way." The guy said. (Y/n) growls. "Hey guys our table is ready." (Y/n) said. Katelyn and Travis followed (y/n).

(Y/n) told Travis and Katelyn to order anything for her. "Sweet! you trust us with your food?" Travis asks. "Yeah. You guys got good taste." (Y/n) said.

They were all talking and laughing. Then the waiter came up and asked for the orders. After some time the food came out and they ate.

"Like i said great taste." (Y/n) said. After some time they part ways. (Y/n) got back to the house to see everyone doing their own thing.

(Y/n) woke up and started making eggs. The harem walks down and (y/n) serves them the eggs. (Y/n) got a call from Yukio.

"Yello?" (Y/n) asks. "Hey my niece how've you been... Enjoying your time with your harem?" Yukio asks. "Of course... We've only been gone for 4 days." (Y/n) said.

"Well you must of been busyyyy for the past 2..." Yukio trails off. "BECAUSE I HAVE CALLING YA AND YOU HAVEN'T ANSWERED!" Yukio yells being a bit salty.

"Oh... You have uh...." (Y/n) trails off. "Well i can't wait for more grand nieces and grand nephews." Yukio said.  (Y/n) growls. "No we weren't... We were ugh!" (Y/n) rages.

"Well i wanted to tell ya we're all coming back to the resort tomorrow..." Yukio said. "Oh okay." (Y/n) said and hung up.

(Y/n) and the Harem were all talking near the big entrance until Travis came in. He starts talking about this luau thingy.

But Travis started acting weird with a deep voice. The harem didn't notice but (y/n) did. (Y/n) looks at him closely and confused... She sensed a strange presences...

'What the fu-' (y/n)'s train of thought was cut off by Zeref. "You feel it too? The dark presence...? The strange feeling from him?" Zeref's voice asks.

(Y/n) looks closely at Travis... This chilling sensation went down (y/n)'s spine. "(Y/n) are you okay?" Ruby asks.

"H-huh?" (Y/n) asks. "You were spacing out... And you shivered a bit... And your eyed were a bit slanted..." Velvet said. "O-oh i-i just spaced out... And to answer your question Travis. Yeah sure. We can go." (Y/n) said.

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