52. Neither here nor there

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3rd person pov:
Daniel, Blaze, (y/n), Blake, Simba, Kirby, and Jaune were behind a waterfall and there was a cave. They all walk into the cave.

"Where are we?" Jaune asks. "This path leads to our camp." Blaze said while leading the group inside. "It is the place we were hiding out... We have been here since the Guardian Forces have been detaining werewolves." Blaze said.

"They're looking for you (y/n) because you are the Ultima." Daniel said. "Wait... But why are they detaining werewolves... Maybe it is for precautions." Blaze said.

"That's awful." Blake said. "Yeah... Alot of us has been captured already... Rylan..." Blaze said. "W-what happened to him?" (Y/n) asks.

"It was the day the Guardian Forces landed... Rylan and Daniel were on the beach... Rylan tried to protect Daniel... I couldn't stop them..." Blaze said. "But (y/n)... Don't blame yourself..." Blaze said.

Daniel got the group except (y/n) to show them a geode... Blaze and (y/n) were talking. "Alpha... Just don't blame yourself." Blaze said.

Blaze doesn't want anyone else to be falsely imprisoned. (Y/n) agrees with him. Blaze asked if everyone escaped the resort.

(Y/n) explained that they escaped the resort and that her and everyone was hiding in the boardwalk hotel. "So it is only you and that group..." Blaze said.

"Come on... Everyone might want to see you." Blaze said while leading (y/n) deeper into the cave.

Daniel and the group were looking at a pretty geode. Daniel was drooling while the others had stars in their eyes. "Sometimes i want to eat it because it's so pretty." Daniel said.

Blaze and (y/n) walk up to them. "Lets keep moving." Blaze said. They follow him.

They all walk to a big area in the cave where werewolves are camping out. 2 Werewolves with armor step up.

"Halt! Who goes there?" One asks. Blaze mocks him. "We ask yee... Who goes there." The other one asks. Blaze groans.

"Me be blaze." Blaze said. "That's how you respond." One guard said. "Stop fooling around we don't have the luxury to joke." Blaze said.

"Look we're super bored and we just wanted to ask that." A guard said. Dottie walks up to see the group she says their names. "Blaze... Why would you bring humans and a cat faunus here." A guard said.

"Well because they're friends obviously." Daniel said. "(Y/n) is a werewolf and the rest are trust worthy." Blaze said while pointing to (y/n) and the rest.

"Huh?" A guard asks she goes up and sniffs (y/n). (Y/n) growls and shows her ears and tail. "Alright you guys can pass... Daniel remember it is your turn to guard the back cave." The guard said.

"Bat cave?" Daniel asks with stars in his eyes. "Back cave." The guard said. Daniel mumbles things.

The guards walk off too. (Y/n) puts her ears and tail away. "(Y/n) we thought all of you guys were taken by the Guardian Forces." Dottie said.

"I'm fine." (Y/n) said. "W-where's everyone else?" Dottie asks. "We don't know... We think they have been captured." Blake said. "Oh no..." Dottie said with a sad and worried look.

"Lets get you guys some food and talk about what happened." Blaze said. The group follows him.

Meanwhile Ren and Ruby were walking with Toby following way back. He sees them go to the store and wait by the building. He sees them go out and follow.

Ruby and Ren started running with Toby running after them. "Darnit! Where'd they go?!" Toby exclaims.

He sees them run up the stairs. "Who they heck was that?!" Ren asks while running. "No idea but he definitely is a GF!" Ruby yells while running.

RWBY Girls x Ultima! dragon slayer! female Reader (Yuri Harem) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now