31. here we go again

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Clover's pov:
I look at the scene with wide eyes. Then i see penny... "What happened?" She asks...

"S-she..." I stutter... Penny looks at me... Her eyes widen.

"A-are they okay?" She asks. I shake my head no. She starts crying.

I see simba fly towards (y/n)'s body... Qrow follows and i decide to follow too...

I look so see lots of blood... And i look at the rock. She got impaled.

Penny was looking at this with tears. I sigh and call up Ironwood.

"Clover is everything okay?" Ironwood asks over the scroll. "No... Well (y/n) learned that this was a trap causing Ruby to be effected by a forever potion." I said. "Well every body is here to learn what she have to see soooo what does she need to say?" He asks.

I gulp. "Uhhh... General..." I trail off. "Yes?" He asks.

"S-she's... Dead." I stutter out with tears running down my cheeks. I hear gasps and i remember her friends and harem are there... Uh oh...

Alot of crying happened. "We need to try and get Ruby..." Qrow said. I nod my head and end th call.

Simba drops (y/n)'s bag near her and grabs a potion. "I'm leaving her bag here..." Simba said.

I nod. I see Penny flying down. She had (y/n)'s jacket...

"It looks like the bastard made Ruby take the jacket off against her will." Qrow said. I nod.

We walk off with a sad look...

Zeref's pov:
"Anddddd you did it again." I said looking at my sister. She looks down... I patched her torso up so her organs will be okay. I smile.

"Well... It is safe to say that... You may have another child in the future..." I said. "W-what?!" She questions. "Well... Blake might be in heat. After you come back your wounds will still be there like last time but will eventually heal after you past out." I said.

"How the fuck does that work?!" She questions. "Welllllllllllllll your body needs to rest with the sacred power you have heck you will learn about it soon." I said.

She looks confused and sighs. "I need to see Parker after this..." She said. I nod my head.

I sigh. "More danger will approach..." I said. She looks at me.

"What do you mean?" She questions. "Michael wants you dead. Or make you snap..." I said...

"Wait what were you planning to do when things calm down?" I ask. "Go to starlight..." She said. I sigh and pause...

Wait . . . . .

"Why?" I ask. She blushes but turns away. Ohhhhhhhhh.

"Well they think you are dead..." I said. "Well technically i am." She replies. "True." I said.

I was about to bring her back and Mavis walks in. "Mavis." I said. She smiles.

"Oh this must be your sister!" She smiles. "Wait why is she here?" Mavis asks... "I kinda... Died a second time." (Y/n) said.

Mavis looks at her. "Oh... Well... Uh... Make sure to solve the situation." Mavis said.

I nod and i focus my energy on (y/n)... She knows the effects on this...

(Y/n)'s pov:
The light fades and i gasp for air. I look down at the rock... "F-fuck..." I said...

"Oh look i have been impaled..." I said... (Olaf :3). I pull the kinfe out.

I sigh.... I look to see no one nearby and i see my bag. I then activate my fists up...

I shot my self out of the rock. I landed on my legs and arms. I put my arm around my torso and i got the other one and grabbed my backpack...

I see bandages. And anti-potions... I put the bandages on.

I then had red eyes... But i adjusted my bandana.

I start running toward ruby scent... I see ruby getting held back clover while Qrow was staring Ein down...

I then went full speed and tackle Ein to the ground punching him. He looks up at me. "H-how?!" He questions.

"Simple... I'm a bad bitch... You can't kill me." I said. He punches me and i fly deeper into the forest.

He jumps at me and i dodge his attacks. I uppercut him. He growls and tries to punch me but i grab his fist and throw him against the tree.

I punch him over and over. He punches me but i punch him making him slide. I grab him by the throat and let my bandana down...

He lookd into my eyes and i remove his ears and tail. "You took one of the people i love away from me... So i took the only thing you cared about away from you..." I said.

He growls. "CHANGE ME BACK THIS INSTANT!" He yells. "Don't make me do it!" He yells.

"Bye douche bag." I said while walking away letting the wolves attack him. I walk to where Ruby was.

"Let her go... This is the only way." I said. Clover lets ruby go. She grabs a knife...

I open my arms wide and let her get it out of her system. "You are just a monster!" She yells while cutting me. "You don't deserve to be on this planet!" She yells while cutting me again.

"You never made me happy!" She yells and cuts again. "I never knew why i loved you when Ein is better!" She yells. Okay that was... Mean.

"I wish you just died!" She yells while stabbing me. I then grab her while she was about to cut me again.

"Shh... It will be okay... I'm here for you... You stupid cookie monster." I said while passing out. Yay I'll be healed soon!

Ruby's pov:
Flashbacks of me and (y/n) play... There was (y/n) stripping while holding cookies. There goes (y/n) kissing me...

Then that one memory... "You really are a stupid cookie monster."


I feel (y/n) go limp in my arms... "Oh no i killed her again!" I yell while crying...

"No ruby she is perfectly fine welll she probably passed out from blood lost we should inform the team back at Atlas." She said. I nod. I then got on (y/n)'s jacket while crying into it... Now i know how Blake feels...

We were loading everything up...

Time skip to Atlas:
We walk in to see medics everywhere. They surround (y/n). Until she glows a black color... Anddddddddd.

She starts floating. Everyone backs away. Then she drops down good as new. "I'M BACK!" (Y/n) yells while standing on the bed.

She was completely healed...? "Man that was a trip wasn't it?" She asks while stripping. I run up and hug her.

She hugs me instantly. "Hello my little rose." She said. I bury my face into the crook of her neck while crying.

"Before you say it is your fault... No it wasn't it was stupid Ein's fault." She said while hugging me..

"Wait... Ein? Like jerk manipulative now dethroned alpha Ein?" Jaune asks. Me and (y/n) pull away. "Yup... That bastard was salty he can't have my mates and strength." (Y/n) said.

I giggle. (Y/n) stands up and stretches... I am glad she is back but Blake seems strange...

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