51. (y/n)'s losing battle

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3rd person pov:
GF helicopters and soilders were scouting out the area. (Y/n) and her group were hiding in an alley. Simba walks away from behind the trash bins and looks at (y/n)'s hand on the wall while her eyes were red.

"Velvet... This isn't happening..." (Y/n) said... She was crying and repeating 'This isn't happening'.

Jaune was looking out while Simba,Kirby, And Blake were looking at (y/n). 'This is not good... She is losing it... We can't stay here either.' Simba thought to himself while looking at (y/n).

(Y/n) was breathing in and out of anger and sadness while tears were rolling down her face. "She... She did it for you." Simba said.

(Y/n) looks up with red eyes. Simba gasps a bit. "(Y/n) i don't know where anybody is... But we can't stay here... We need you to be here... We need you to be calm..." Simba said.

(Y/n) punches the wall cracking it. She was crying... Blake walks up to (y/n) and hugs her from behind.

"I'm sorry." Blake said... (Y/n) turns around and looks at Blake. She is calm but her eyes are still red.

"Thank you Blake..." (Y/n) said. "What do we do?" Blake asks. "I don't know... We need to hide." (Y/n) said.

"Where can we go?" Blake asks. "We can go to the place where we camped out." (Y/n) said. "Isn't that towards the resort?" Jaune asks while turning away from (y/n).

"Yeah... I think we can get there through the woods... Yang did it that way." (Y/n) said. (Y/n) grabs the briefcase.

"This way." (Y/n) said while about to leave. "(Y/n) your eyes." Simba said. (Y/n) closes her eyes and turns them back to (e/c).

"I'm calm... I'm calm." (Y/n) said. "So it's safe to look?" Jaune asks. "Yeah." (Y/n) said. And Jaune turns around.

The group follows (y/n). Meanwhile it was fun and games at the adventure park but out of no where Yang,Maria,Oscar,Weiss,Nora,Qrow,and clover fell from the sky and fell on the ground.

Everyone got up a bit and people gasp. Yang sat up and coughed. "Well that was fun." Yang said.

"Heck yeah it was." Maria and Nora said. People gasp with wide eyes. "A werewolf!" Someone shouts.

"Hm whe- oh wait..." Yang realized they were looking at her. "Yang your ears!" Oscar yells.

They were all standing and yang covers her wolf ears. "Call the Guardian Forces!" Someone yells and people were running.

"You put us in the adventure park?!" Qrow exclaims. "Oh yeah... I forgot to tell you that the potion teleports us to anywhere..." Maria said.

"We need to hide." Clover said. They all ran following him.

Meanwhile in a random house. "Why are you still here?" A lady asks. "As we said ma'am it is for your safety." The GF said.

The couple were yelling abput the weapons and how they already searched the place. The little kid was looking through the door in his room.

As they were arguing the boy closes the door. "Alright Spider-Man the coast is clear." The kid said.

Ruby and Ren popped out of suitcases. They both got out of their suitcase they were in. "Thank you... You're brave." Ruby said to the kid.

"Anything for Spider-Man." The kid said while looking at Ren. Ren walks up to the kid. "Thanks little guy... You're a true hero." Ren said to the kid making the kid smile.

Meanwhile at a GF meeting. On the board there are X marks on the faces on who they captured. In the middle of the board was pictures of Simba, Kirby, (y/n), Blake, and Jaune. There is a circle around (y/n)'s picture.

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