23. Regrouped

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3rd person pov:
Jaune called and the group made their way to the place. (Y/n) got out of the death trap and started kissing the ground. Nora then tackles (y/n) into a hug.

(Y/n) stands up and smiles... She hugs Nora back while Nora wraps her legs around (y/n)'s waist and snuggles into her neck.

After some time they pull apart and (y/n) smiles. But it fades away when she learns... She has to go on a fancy death trap.

"Oh... No..." (Y/n) said with a pale face. Everyone looks at her and started pushing her onto the death trap.

But then (y/n) remembers she is getting close to fighting Winter. After they reached their destination everyone walks off well (y/n) tumbles off.

"There you are!" Saphron yells. "Is that?" Yang questions... "Hey saph..." Jaune said.

Ruby was looking at the arcs and gasps.

At the house:
Yang was giving attention to the baby while Ruby and Nora were talking. (Y/n) was just sitting. "Will you guys knock it off?" Jaune asks.

"What i like telling stories about my baby brother." Saphron said. Jaune groans while (y/n) laughs.

"I am not a baby..." Jaune said. "That is a baby!" Jaune yells while pointing at Adrian (i think it was his name).. Adrian pouts.

Yang and weiss start making noises and (y/n) grows really jealous... Blake looks at (y/n) and laughs. Nora sees this and laughs hard.

"Hmph... Oh look it's a baby... So cute... And steals your girls." (Y/n) mumbles under her breath. "I will show them.." (Y/n) mumbles. Ruby looks at (y/n) and starts laughing.

"Is the almighty (y/n) jealous of a baby?" Ruby asks. Ren bursts up laughing while Jaune is laughing too. "What no..." (Y/n) denies.

Weiss and Yang brought their attention on (y/n). Weiss giggles a little. Adrian pouts and Yang looks at this....

The girls all awed Adrian and (y/n) grows more jealous. "What is with girls and babies...?" (Y/n) questions. "Well. Basically girls at this age get desperate for having a child so.... They look at other children wondering what it will be like having a baby with their significant other." Saphron said.

All the girls blush. Saphron leans into (y/n)'s ears. "They want their virginity taken away by you..." She says.

(Y/n) blushes a bit but shakes it off. Blake was blushing since she heard that. "Adrian really likes wolves and werewolves for some reason..." Jaune said.

(Y/n) blinks. (Y/n) smiles. "He likes to see the tails go swish..." Jaune said.

(Y/n) looks at Adrian... And her ears and tail pop out. Adrian looks at (y/n)'s ears and tail and starts making happy baby noises.

(Y/n) grabs Adrian and lets him play with her tail. Adrian plays with (y/n)'s tail and Saphron squeals. "Oh my god Jaune you didn't tell me that your friend was a werewolf!" Saphron said.

Jaune looks at Saphron confused. "What is with people and liking werewolves?" Ren asks. Saphron looks at Ren and smiles.

"What is there not to love? They are strong and have cute ears and tail. Sometimes can be innocent or pervy." Saphron said. Then the door opens. "Oh yea that is my wife... Terra Cotta." Saphron said.

Later everyone was eating sandwiches. (Y/n) is eating a lot of them. "Kid... Isn't that too much sandwiches?" Qrow asks.

(Y/n) looks at Qrow. "Nah." (Y/n) said. Terra was looking at (y/n).

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