20. (y/n) semi snaps?

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(Y/n)'s pov:
I was looking at Blake but i felt a disturbance... I look to see Kirby and Simba feel it too. It has been some time but...

"Blake... I got to go..." I said. Ghira and Kali were confused. But Blake saw the look on my face. "I feel a disturbance..." I said.

Ghira and Kali nod. I look at simba and Kirby. Kirby jumps in my arms while simba grabs me. To Haven we go...

Simba runs out of magic but we are at Haven Kirby is fighting... He drops me and i roll on the ground. I kick the door wide open (SOMEBODY ONCE TOLD ME!).

I see Weiss get impaled. I run towards her and she falls in my arms.

I look at the wound...

3rd person pov:
Everyone looks at the scene and see (y/n)... She was holding Weiss and looking down at her wound. Qrow looks at this and his eyes widen.

Leo was opening the vault up and cinder walks in.... (Y/n) was hugging weiss and huffing. (Y/n) looks at the wound again and her eyes turn red under her blue bandana they glow and she screams while looking up.

(Something like dis)

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(Something like dis)

She drops Weiss and Jaune runs up and catches Weiss... (Y/n) backs away breathing in and out angrily.

She saw Cinder go in the vault and ran towards it. But Hazel jumps infront of her and stops her. Leo helps.

(Y/n) didn't hesitate and attacks them both. Hazel throws (y/n) into a pillar... After some time everyone was fighting but (y/n) seems to be in her own world...

(Y/n)'s mindset:
"You know... It is great to see you again sister." A raven man said. "W-wha?" (Y/n) asks. "Hm seems that you forgot..." He said.

"Might as well tell you... Anakin was hiding a deep secret from you. He had two people as his mates as you see Ultima males have two mates while females have a harem reverse or yuri. Also the ultima has an ability to impregnate the same gender. That is why Parker is born. But to tell you... I am your older brother. And you have a younger brother you already met... Which is Natsu. Now father. Well Anakin had me to test on you and Natsu. I gained a curse by doing so but i made you and Natsu.... Lets just say non-human..... After i get out of your headspace you unlock your semi snap when your angry but not angry enough to cause a masacare but that you can't control your eyes... Good luck sister..." The voice fades out and (y/n) was confused...

Out of headspace:
(Y/n) groans and sees light... The whitefang is caught red handed.... (Y/n) looks at the enemy and looks to see the opening to the vault.

(Y/n) was angry at cinder... (Y/n) yells and runs into the entrance. She does a three point landing to see Raven and Cinder fighting... She sees Vernal and rushes towards her...

(Y/n) uses her ice to seal the wounds... She then remebers what healing skills Shizen taught her and used it on vernal. (Y/n) smiles at her work.

She then sees Cinder and Raven still fighting.

(Y/n) was looking at this with confusion and concern. She then sees cinder use her grimm arm to pin Raven.

(Y/n) growls at this and runs straight through the rocks. Raven's eyes widen. (Y/n) tackles Cinder to the ground.

Cinder's eyes widen and attack (y/n). They kept on attacking eachother and landed on the rocks that were falling. (Y/n) growls she looks at the edge and sigh.

(Y/n)'s ears and tail were out and she punches the rock. The rock shatters and they fall. They land and (y/n) looks at cinder...

"Pyrrha..." (Y/n) mumbles... She then remebers Pyrrha dying because of Cinder....

"YOU KILLED HER!" (Y/n) yells through grit teeth. "She and i could of been happy with Parker... But no you killed her! Y-you MONSTER!" (Y/n) yells while tackling Cinder near the ledge.

"YOU'LL KILL US BOTH!" Cinder yells. (Y/n) looks down. "Good." (Y/n) said while shoving her and Cinder off the edge she freezes cinder and lets go of her.

She was falling... (Y/n) was waiting for the hard cracking of her body but it never came... She looks up to see Raven pulling on her scarf.

(Y/n)'s eyes widen and Raven pulls (y/n) up. Embracing her in her boobs. (Y/n) blushes madly and starts having a nose bleed.

"You did a good job (y/n)..." Raven said while stuffing (y/n) in her boobs more. (Y/n) was in her own trance and Raven dragged (y/n) near the door.

Raven sighed and drops her. (Y/n) nose was gushing blood. But then she is realizing what has happened...

(Y/n) realized Raven is one of her mates. (Y/n)'s eyes widen and then realized Cinder was a mate. (Y/n) is fucked...

Raven looks down at (y/n) and sighs again. "You are here to witness the door open." Raven said. (Y/n) blinks and nods.

Raven leans down and kisses (y/n). (Y/n) was confused but kissed back (like an idiot). They pull away but (y/n) is just blinking her eyes are back to (e/c).

(Y/n) sits up not stopping Raven... (Y/n) nods and sees the door open. Raven was about to go in until.

Yang started her lecture. "I think yang should be trusted in my opinion." (Y/n) said. Raven looks at (y/n) and sighs.

After some time Raven left. (Y/n) sees Yang enter and (y/n) just sighs.

With leo:
"I-i can still be help!" Leo yelled."The Ultima was here too!" Leo yells. "Did you get the Ultima?" Salem asks fron the other side...

"N-no..." Leo said... Then Salem kills Leo after some time.

With the team fighting:
"Cinder will have the relic and she will stop you!" Emerald yells... Then... Yang comes up epicly with (y/n) by her side and she looks like she died.

(Y/n) sees Emerald crying and she felt bad... (Y/n) feels sooooo bad... Then an illusion of Salem came up.

"W-what was that?" Blake asks. "An illusion... An accurate one too..." Ozpin said. "I dunno it kinda hawt..." (Y/n) said while getting up.

Yang pounds (y/n) on the back of her head. "OOF!" (Y/n) yells while falling. After RWBY united (y/n) jumps down from the railing and joins them.

(Y/n) hides her ears and tail. "What about Parker?" Ruby suddenly asks. Everyone looks at eachother.

Then Acnologia in his human form walked in. "He is right here." Acnologia said. Igneel nods while Yukio and (y/n) strip.

Simba runs in with Kirby. Parker makes cute baby sounds. (Y/n) walks towards her dragon family with no clothes.

"Oi strippers your clothes." Igneel said. (Y/n) and Yukio looked down and scream before putting their clothes back on.

(Y/n) smiles while she looks to see the emerald in her pocket...

It will help you for the future...

Beware to what is to come...

It is not over...

Not yet...

Far from it...


They WILL turn on you...

Those words rang through her head but she shrugs...

RWBY Girls x Ultima! dragon slayer! female Reader (Yuri Harem) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now